Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1460: You have one last resort

At this moment, Jiang Hao was completely furious, and his urging of internal skills to dry the sky scriptures was the Zhenzong technique of the Qiantian Battle Hall. In an instant, the light burst from all over his body, his whole body surrounded like a red rainbow, like a sacred light, and his black hair was shining with gloomy light, as if the pores were filled with terrifying energy!

The long sword in his hand was cut down, and the strength of the sword domain swept across the entire Jiucang Mountain, making his sword a bit suffocating.

"Ling Tian be careful!"

At the foot of Jiucang Mountain, Qin Mingyue and others couldn't help but shout out subconsciously.

Although they are far under the Jiucang Mountain, they can still feel the terrifying aura in each other, and now Jiang Hao has already pushed the cultivation base to the extreme.

The momentum is already at its peak, making people shudder, and the heart is lifted in his throat in an instant.

Not only them, but others are also quite nervous.

With the palm of the two facing each other just now, Jiang Hao obviously didn't have all his strength.

Jiang Hao's eyes showed fierce light, and circles of red rainbow brilliance bloomed behind him. This was Jiang Hao's primordial martial spirit. The moment it came out, you could feel that Jiang Hao's vigorous and majestic aura became particularly dignified under the blessing of that primordial martial soul.

There is no waste of power, a single trace is under his control.

To such a level of detail, this is quite a terrifying method, making the powerhouses above the four golden platforms nodded unceasingly.

This Jiang Hao is worthy of being the number one arrogant of the Southern Territory.


The long sword splits the air, this quasi-celestial soldier was obtained by Jiang Hao from the remains of the five sects, and its rank has reached the level of the middle-rank quasi-celestial soldier. Under heavy blessing, it is extremely terrifying.

"Go to hell!"

With a violent drink, Jiang Hao's sword light killed him like lightning, and he moved slightly. The terrifying power accumulated on his body was completely exploded, and the rocks of Jiucang Mountain were all falling apart.

Under such terrible prestige, I am afraid that any Tianjiao can't even move.


Jiang Hao's lightning-like sword pierced through the void, causing boundless vibrations, directly covering Ling Tian's head.

There was a devil in his heart, he had fallen to the peak twice in a row, he wanted Ling Tian to kneel in front of him too much. The scene in Fenglei City that day was a shame he couldn't erase.

In any case, this breath must be vented.

Seeing Jianguang was about to swallow Ling Tian, ​​as if his long-cherished wish was about to be fulfilled!

But right here, that Ling Tian suddenly unloaded the stick in his hand, and the sword flew out with a sheath behind him. Ling Tian held the hilt of the sword, and the power of a terrifying sword domain burst out in an instant!

A hundred thousand sword shadows surrounded Ling Tian, ​​and the sharp aura was almost like a ruin and crushed Jiang Hao's sword domain to pieces.

"Compared with me, you are far behind!"

"The Supreme Imperial Sword, the tide of anger!"

The Long Yuan Sword has not been out of its sheath, but compared to the time before the Tianwai Secret Store was opened, the current Long Yuan Sword is no longer what it used to be. The blessing of the two five-element source crystals and Leiyin’s diamond makes the Long Yuan Sword even unsheathed , Is far from being comparable to the sword in Jiang Hao's hands!

The sound of the scabbard envelops your azure blue thunder, and the small thunder surrounds it, furious swords fighting for the edge!


The raging sea frenzy, almost the wind and thunder shook the waves, from Jiucang Mountain straight to the sky.

The primary pinnacle sword domain under the blessing of 100,000 sword shadows makes the fantasy of that sword already in essence.

At this moment, all the warriors under the Jiucang Mountain were depressed and could not breathe, and their whole bodies trembled with excitement.

They had never seen such a confrontation from Tianjiao.

Jiang Hao's sword is terrifying, and Ling Tian's sword is even more incredible!


The two sword lights, one red and one blue, shook each other, and the deafening explosion, as if the sky was bursting, the bright light instantly made the martial artist's vision blank for a short time.

But the hearing was still there, and everyone only heard a burst of metal cracking clank and a loud slap in the face, even if it was a muffled hum.

Someone lost!

Someone definitely lost!

Who will it be?

Is it Ling Tian?

"This little guy actually understood the elementary peak sword domain. With such a talent in kendo, he has been chasing after my true disciple in the pavilion!"

On the golden platform of the Nine Clouds Sea Pavilion, a gentle woman in palace clothes who had almost never spoken suddenly stood up from the throne, her eyes full of surprise!

On the left and right, are the core disciples in the Yunhai Pavilion, all of them are handsome men and beautiful women, and the handsome and beautiful generations of Fengshen.

At this moment, there was also incredible color in his eyes.

Because their cultivation base is the worst, they are all half-step martial arts, but the power of the domain has not yet reached the primary peak.

But right now, above the hundred sect comparisons, someone has comprehended the power of such a field?

The sword intent disappeared, the red rainbow disappeared, and the storm was gone.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the top of Jiu Cang Mountain, but the next moment, they couldn't help taking a breath!

Ling Tian, ​​still unshakable, still stood on the first ring, holding the unsheathed sword in his hand.

But Jiang Hao fell on the second ring again.

Not only that, on the second arena, the formation is no longer there, and a sword mark cut the entire arena in two!

At this time, Jiang Hao was covered in blood, and his face seemed to have this blood-red palm mark!

His horrible move was not only disintegrated by Ling Tian, ​​but also slapped and slapped by Ling Tian!

"The second trick, you still have the last chance."

Ling Tian was condescending, and there was no emotional fluctuation in his eyes.

It's like looking at pigs and dogs.


Jiang Hao got up from the ground and touched his fiery, stinging face. The anger in his heart was far more painful than the hurt on his face.

Ling Tian's real sword had already cut him out of internal injuries.

The slap on this face was just Ling Tian to humiliate him!

Just now, he only felt a breath coming quickly, but before he could react, Ling Tian's slap was already fanned on his face.

Then, Ling Tian flew back to the ring and stood where he was.

The speed was so fast that it was completed in an instant, and it seemed as if he had never moved.

But this is tantamount to murdering the heart, making Jiang Hao, who was already ashamed, going crazy at this moment.

However, he is indeed not Ling Tian's opponent!

The power of this guy's sword domain is even stronger than him!

Elementary pinnacle, is this a failure to practice swords from the womb?

Otherwise, how could there be such a terrifying kendo talent?

"You Qianshang, if you don't make a move, both of us will die in his hands in the end!"

"If you solve him, how about you and I will fight for the top spot?"

At this moment, Jiang Hao finally ignored his face and screamed at You Qianshang who was on the opposite side of the ring.

And the latter had already been shaken by Ling Tian's power.

She asked herself, she was definitely not Ling Tian's opponent.

There is no other way except to join forces with Jiang Hao.

With a slight nod, You Qiandan had acquiesced. The next moment, a pale beam of light burst from the third ring, and a wave that was not inferior to Jiang Hao's aura, shocked from You Qianshan's body.

With the mysterious light of the primordial martial soul enveloped, You Qianshan directly sacrificed a white bone-like sickle, held it in his hand, and killed it towards Ling Tian on the first ring.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​don't you want to fight one against two? Then today, let you try!"

"Dry sky burn blood!"

With a scream, Jiang Hao's blood-red light burned. Although he had been injured, his aura suddenly rose again.

Not only that, a blood-red treasure seal rose from behind him, it was a top spirit treasure!

This time, Jiang Hao really had a lasting fight and broke the boat!

"Hehe, it's so good, it saves me time!"

Facing the flanking attack of the two great arrogances, Ling Tian on the first ring was not surprised but delighted.

Hundreds of matches, so far, there are no surprises.

It's over!

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