Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1464: Sword Domain Kaitian Zhanzi was born! 【Four more】

The twelfth island owner didn't speak when Na Jiang showed his hand.

Now that Qi Ying is here, he hasn't even made a move!

Such partiality is really bullying him, a groundless warrior of the Great Desolate State.

Ling Tian kept looking up and sneered, and his heart was even more angry.

Just because he was born in the Great Desolate State, because there is no big family behind him, no overlord-level sect to support him, just like that, let people bully?

However, above the sky, the twelve island owners looked at Ling Tian, ​​their lips and teeth opened and closed, but they were still unable to speak.

"Ma De, you really bully!"

"Sanxian, how can this make Ling Tian an enemy?"

On Jiucang Mountain, Zhang Jing and others were already prostrate on the ground, unable to get up.

Looking at the top of the mountain, they still looked like a figure standing on the edge of a sword, and they were all moved.

For so long, since the day they met Ling Tian, ​​they had never seen this person and had been suppressed.

This figure has always been as tall as a sword, preferring to bend rather than bend, and has never succumbed to it.

Perhaps this is why Ling Tian can comprehend such a powerful primary pinnacle sword domain!

Perhaps this is Ling Tian's kendo...

"This son has a very strong heart shape. If he possesses a martial soul from the beginning, his future will be boundless."

"Hehe, but, having provoke the Boundless Battle Hall and Jiang Family, this Immortal Island Island Master has no intention of making a move."

Granny Yinkui shook her head, but she just sighed slightly.

She had already seen the relationship between Ling Tian and Ji Jiuyou, but now she had no intention of making a move.

"Mother-in-law, he will be fine."

"He is a person, but he is suppressed, the stronger he is."

Ji Jiuyou chuckled.


Mother-in-law Yinkui was noncommittal.


"Old stuff in the Reckless Battle Hall, waiting for me to become Emperor Wu from Ling Tian will be your death date!"

Ling Tian's body shattered, and blood poured out along the gaps in the Hexu armor.

"Hahaha, it's really a horror of the world, are you killing me? Do you still have your life to become Emperor Wu?"

"That's it!"

Qi Ying laughed, and immediately the expression in his eyes was indifferent, extremely cold and arrogant, and he didn't even look at Ling Tian.

Accompanied by his laughter, the entire sky above Jiucang Mountain shook together, and the vast wind and clouds roared and surging, and the coercion of the scattered immortals was almost everywhere.

Just relying on this kind of breath is enough to kill Ling Tian.

That's right, there are ants under the scattered immortals.

Now Ling Tian is in Qi Ying's eyes, too.

Hehe, suppress me?

There was blood in Ling Tian's eyes, the oppression of the flesh, the pain, Ling Tian hadn't tasted it for a long time.

The power of the sword domain at the primary peak, one hundred thousand sword shadows, tightly wrapped Ling Tian's Void Armor, preventing Ling Tian from bursting in his body.

If it hadn't been for the presence of the battle armor and the sword domain, Ling Tian would have really died under the pressure of this scattered immortal long ago in Ling Tian's appearance.

Immortal puppets cannot be born, and now, he has to rely on himself.

My body is like a sword, and I am so angry.

Not humble, not afraid, not afraid and not yielding

Sword, this is my Lingtian sword!

Dao, this is my Lingtian Dao!

What is Kendo?

Would rather bend than bend!

Long Yuan, sword up!

Following Ling Tian's hissing loudly, his trembling palm filled with blood plasma suddenly pulled out the Long Yuan sword from the scabbard!


The sword light shattered, and the front edge shattered the sky.


Long Yin paused, thunderous for nine days!

With the birth of the Long Yuan Sword, Ling Tian's body, with a hundred thousand sword shadows, began to tremble violently. Originally, it had a flaming crimson light, which became more and more solid. In the end, it looked like ten thousand real swords. Suspended from his body, filled with the sword edge of Long Yuanjian.


With a blast, Ling Tian's long sword dragon chanted the Xiao Han, shaking a thousand feet of sage!

A series of terrifying sword intent swept away with Ling Tian as the center, causing all the long swords in the hands of the warriors inside and outside Jiu Cang Mountain to vibrate, and they could not be controlled at all.

At this moment, all the swordsman martial artists were all stunned, looking at the top of the Jiu Cang Mountain, the blood-colored figure standing on the sword, glaring at the **** figure in the sky, and they were all moved.

Then, it really seems to be between the heaven and the earth, there is only this sword left.

What is a sword, this is a sword!

Heaven and earth can be town, I can't control the sky!

Ling Tian looked at the overwhelming pressure indifferently, Long Yuan in his hand held high to the sky, and the sharp force of the sky immediately smashed the overwhelming sky and cracked it directly!

"Open heaven!"

Ling Tian roared, and in his deep eyes, the majestic sword intent boiled and burned like flames.


On Jiucang Mountain, there seemed to be a crack, which exploded loudly, and Qi Ying's aura of dispersing immortals was broken by Lingtian Sword Region!

"Wait, this volatility...this volatility..."

Perceiving this powerful and almost weird sword intent, Zhang Jing, Liu Min and others' complexions changed wildly, and their eyes revealed extremely unbelievable expressions.

It could be... it could be...

"It's an intermediate sword domain!"

On the golden platform of the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion, the deputy pavilion master of the main sword pavilion suddenly got up.

The delicate face that has always been calm, faintly smiling, his complexion has changed drastically at this time, and his eyes flicker with uncertainty, full of unbelievable appearance.

"Intermediate Sword Region? How is this possible? Isn't it only the three senior brothers and sisters in my sword pavilion who understood the Intermediate Sword Region when they were the first-order Martial Sovereign?"

The female disciple of Jiange who had run against Nangong Jin before, also looked sluggish at this time.

She herself was a disciple of Sword Dao, but now she was shocked by Ling Tian's power of this sword domain.

Although she now has the Martial Emperor cultivation base, the Intermediate Sword Region has never expected it.

Cang! Cang! Cang!

The majestic sword intent was surging back and forth between the sky. In the hazy chaos, everyone seemed to see Ling Tian surrounded by ten thousand swords, lashing out against the sky. Within this sword domain, Ling Tian could not be suppressed.

On this Jiucang Mountain, Ling Tian relied on the power of this vast sword domain, as if he was holding the ground and turning the clouds and raining!

This is the horror of the sword domain.

Unless, one force shatters the sword domain!

"Hehe, I really underestimated you."

"Intermediate Sword Region, among the juniors, you are truly a goddess."

Above today, Qi Ying had already been astonished, because the power of these fields was a rare top genius even in the Hall of Recklessness.

Even if it was him, he was far behind.

But now, he must destroy Ling Tian.

Otherwise, the troubles are endless!

When the voice fell, Qi Ying suddenly stretched out his big hand. The immortal aura that had been torn apart by the Lingtian Sword Region instantly condensed and turned into a big mudra of the sky, pressing down towards Ling Tiangai!

This scattered immortal Qiying not only suppressed Ling Tian with his breath, but now he is even directly doing it...

Everyone exclaimed, this Ling Tian may be able to break free from the shackles by relying on the intermediate sword domain, but how to resist Sanxian, although this is just Qi Ying doing it casually, it is not a supernatural martial skill.

But Ling Tian is sure to die!

"Isn't the power of the sword domain enough?"

"If that's the case, then I Ling Tian will fight you as an immortal!"

At this time, Ling Tian, ​​Long Yuan Zhengming in his hand, on the foundation of the Qi Hai Dao in his body, the golden flames that had long been unstoppable, burst out loudly.

The flame gradually merged on the foundation of the Dao, and finally turned into a war character, broke out, wrapped in ten thousand golden glory, blooming on the top of Jiu Cang Mountain!

"This is Wuhun from the beginning!"

"The first in the beginning, the ancient battle will be the final word!"

On the other three golden platforms, all the scattered immortals were all startled.

World, big wow!

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