Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1478: Go to Dange

Ling Tian laughed. The little girl's appearance was so cute that she couldn't help but remind her of his sister Qiu'er, who was far away in Nantang. He didn't know when he would be able to return to Nantang.

"Junior Brother, you still don't want to bluff me. Although we are disciples of the Pavilion, their weapons are the best king soldiers or even the quasi immortal soldiers. Even if it is maintenance, it is extremely difficult."

"Well, they will do it, but the two of us will fix it..."

"We don't have many spirit stones for them, so forget it."

The little girl was crying and shook her head, and kept muttering, "I think it's a big deal, it's a big deal to sell to Dange, and slowly pay for their spirit stones."

"Senior Sister, what is your name?"

However, Ling Tian asked suddenly.


The little girl was startled, and found that Ling Tian hadn't even heard what he was saying, so careless?

However, she still screamed, "My name is Ari, Master returned when he was overseas, and I am also the youngest disciple of Qige. They all call me Xiao Ari."

"Oh, Senior Sister Ari, go, I'll take you to Dan Pavilion."

Ling Tian stepped forward to pull Ari up.

"Ah? Didn't you really listen to what I'm talking about? They are very difficult to deal with. Not only are their weapons of higher rank, their cultivation base is also higher than ours, but they also control the cultivation resources. It's no good to offend them."

Little Ari's head shook into a rattle, weak and weak.

"I said, I will settle this matter for you, and I am the sixth disciple of Qige. I not only want to let Dange, but also the entire Jiuxiao Yunhai Pavilion know that my Qige is also the case. One of the six ways of the door is not a soft persimmon that anyone can step on."


Ling Tian's figure is sonorous and powerful, and the domineering aura that has risen all over his body for a short time makes Xiao Ali unable to refuse at all, and is directly stunned.

It wasn't until the long sword behind Ling Tian turned into a dazzling sword light at his feet and held her up, and then the little Ali came to a sense of relief and exclaimed, "Wow, what is this?"

"Hehe, the sword is flying, you show the way, we will go to the Dan Pavilion."

Ling Tian smiled, his feet shook, sword light shot into the sky, and he flew out of the island.

Wow...what kind of Shenfa supernatural power is this? Is it a sword? "

"Could it be that the senior brother from Jiange returned to the sect?"

"I haven't heard. Could it be that Jiange's second senior brother Li Xun who has been in the limelight in the past two years has returned to the sect?"

"However, the direction of this sword light, why does it seem to come from the Pavilion?"

"Impossible, Qige is just a group of beggars, how can there be such a magical power?"

Ling Tian's imperial sword flight pulled the wind to the extreme, and along the way, naturally, it was inevitable that he attracted countless astonishing eyes.

Supernatural powers are not easy. Such supernatural powers are even more difficult to find than martial arts.

However, Ling Tian and Xiao Ari fell on the island where Dan Pavilion was sitting.

Really setting foot on the island of Dan Pavilion, Ling Tiancai truly realized the gap between Dan Pavilion and Zhi Pavilion. Compared with this, the island of Qi Pavilion can really be described as barren except for the scenery.

Taking a deep breath, the energy can only feel the fullness of the spiritual energy from the pores of the day.

Cultivating here is at least three or four times that of Qi Pavilion.

There are even more disciples on this island, and the air is filled with the aroma of pill, which is worthy of the land of Jiuxiao's alchemy.

The appearance of Ling Tian and Xiao Ari also naturally attracted the woven crowd on the island.

However, many of these disciples were surprised and unfamiliar.

Obviously most of them don't know them.

Ling Tian was not surprised by this.

After all, after he entered Jiuxiao, he never reappeared, and Xiao Ari's cultivation level was no more than the peak of the soul. He was not very high in Jiuxiao, and he was still a member of the pavilion.

However, when these disciples saw the symbol of the pavilion on their clothes, they showed a touch of mockery and indifference.

This made Ling Tian couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

It is really a long way to go to build the prestige of Qige.

"Junior Brother Lingtian, you still don't want to go with me, it's not your business at all."

Little Ari lowered his head and said in a low voice.

However, Ling Tian had already taken her arm, swaggered through the crowd, and hurried towards a mountain in the Dan Pavilion.

"I don't have the habit of giving up halfway through Lingtian. After I talk about this matter, I will definitely manage it to the end, Lingzhi Peak, right, leave everything to me.

Ling Tian and Xiao Ari fell down on the Lingzhi Peak. This is the place where the master Dan Pavilion practiced.

Nangong Jin, whom Ling Tian knew before, was the second-ranked disciple of the Dan Pavilion. Although he was better than this master and sister above the Dan Dao, because there was no Taichu Wuhun in the body, and the time to worship Jiuxiao was too late, she ranked After this person.

"Haha, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Master Lin Zhi is now having a meeting with the true disciples of other pavilions, and I don’t have time to pay attention to you. As for the matter of Ari’s destruction of the weapon, the senior sister has already said, let Xiao Xiao Ari pays five million middle-grade spirit stones, or one hundred Danhe resources, otherwise, he will wait for punishment by the sect and expel Jiuxiao!"

However, on Ganoderma lucidum peak, Ling Tian and the two also had a closed door.

In front of the yard, looking at the female disciple of the Dan Pavilion guarding the door, looking condescendingly at the two Ling Tian, ​​her nostrils were about to poke into the sky.

"Senior Sister, you tell Sister Lin Zhi that although I haven't taken care of the weapon, I won't lose five million Lingshi. I will pay less. I definitely find a way to satisfy Sister Lin Zhi."

When the little Ari heard this, a cold sweat suddenly fell.

This kind of compensation, I am afraid she will never be able to.

"Hehe, the sword of the master sister was given by the third brother of the sword pavilion. If you stain it, how can you spare you lightly? You are not dealing with the pitiful things, you should have been expelled from the sect. Up!"

"I think you can't afford it either."

Several Dange disciples sneered coldly, their eyes were full of indifference.

"Hehe, this girl, we are not here to discuss compensation!"

Ling Tian stopped the little Ari who was still begging for him.

"It's not here to compensate, what is it for? Looking at you like this, you still want to provoke my Dange?"

A dozen Pill Pavilion disciples immediately surrounded him, men and women, and they looked like they were about to make a move when they didn't agree with each other.

"Senior Sister Ari is just tainting her weapon. It doesn't matter at all. If she lets Senior Sister Linzhi come out, we will solve it."

Ling Tian held his hand.

"Resolve it with you two? It might be okay to let Master Lin Xiao come out."

A few disciples didn't buy it at all.

"I've already said what I should say. If a few people don't report it, they will only be offended.

Ling Tian's face was cold, and he didn't want to interact with these ink stains at all.

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