Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1540: Fighting

This was Ling Tian's second quasi-celestial art after he became the Hundred Sword Formation.

And the practice left to him by this old beggar did not live up to Ling Tian's expectations.

The six dragons walked into the sky, clumping their palms and falling, and the pressure of that terrifying aura made Ling Tian feel a little breathless.

"Enough! You destroy again, I'm afraid you will exhaust the Phantom Stinger Bees!"

However, a scolding came from below the mountain, and then within the entire space, an irreversible strangulation force suddenly rose, and directly tore the agglomerated Shenlong palm prints above the sky.

No matter how powerful the technique is, in Taoyuan, it will not match Tao Yaoyao's idea.


Ling Tian was distressed. Indeed, in the past six months, Ling Tian has destroyed too much in Taoyuan. Although Ling Tian transplanted many rare medicinal materials from the Crape Myrtle Sect site to Tao Yaoyao, now Tao Yaoyao has transplanted Tao Yaoyao. It also said that I didn't do anything.

As a result, Ling Tian was kicked out of Taoyuan by Tao Yaoyao.

When Ling Tian pushed open the dusty door and stood in front of the courtyard looking at the vast sea, Ling Tian's cultivation base had already made another breakthrough, reaching the terrifying cultivation base of Tier 3 Martial Sovereign.

This level of cultivation is absolutely top-notch existence among the descendants of the entire human race.

At the very least, in Jiuxiao, there is no such thing.

However, when the disciple who had disappeared for a few years stepped onto the island of the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion again, this kind of proud cultivation base no longer belonged to Ling Tian alone.

"Ling Tian, ​​you have left the customs. This is the jade slip delivered to you for half a year. Remember to take a look after you come out."

Dozens of jade slips were found in front of the General Ling Tian's courtyard, most of which were from various sects of the outside world, and a few of them were replies from Master Yifan. After reading them, Ling Tian's expression became more and more grim.

"Time is really running out... It seems that we have to hurry up."

All the jade slips sent by Master Yifan were smashed, but Ling Tian discovered that in addition to a pile of jade slips, there was also a blood-red token-like thing suspended in front of the courtyard, with a sharp edge. Rui's evil spirit.


Ling Tian could even feel the unkind meaning of this thing, holding it in his hand, Ling Tian couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"War-killing order?"

What is this?

Ling Tian reversed the token, but found that there was a divine thought on it.

"Legendary disciple of the sword pavilion, Li Xuan, on this day it was the order of the slaughter war to be placed on your pavilion Lingtian. Within one month after seeing this order, he will fight with life and death on Hongxiao Island in the open sea, with the prestige of the sword pavilion!"

The divine mind condensed into a strange sound, and shot out from the blood-red token, like a sharp sword out of its sheath turned into a fierce beast, roaring.


With a soft snort, the sword intent suddenly rose behind Ling Tian, ​​and he was already between the intermediate sword domains of the Dacheng realm, and instantly shattered that sword intent.

This divine mind hidden in the token is really murderous.

If it were an ordinary junior Wu Huang, the power of the divine mind and domain was not very strong, and under this divine mind, even if it was immortal, the sea of ​​mind would collapse and become stupid.

"A poisonous method, haha..."

However, this kind of trick was like a child playing house in Ling Tian's eyes, and it was too far apart from the God Splitting Sword.

"Li Xuan..."

However, Ling Tian gripped the token tightly, but murmured.

Jiange seems to have such a true disciple, ranking behind the big disciple Wen Luohan.

But, until now, this sword pavilion is still not giving up?

Taking a look at the time, this token was sent here half a month ago, and in terms of time, it was still too late.

The sword light rose, Ling Tian jumped down the mountain, and outside the main hall of the Qi Pavilion, Lin Xiao, Di Guang and others were already standing and waiting.

"Haha, yes, your cultivation is really advancing by leaps and bounds!"

Falling from the sword light, Ling Tian discovered that among Di Guang's six people, three of them had already achieved the first-order martial emperor, dressed in Xiaguang, as if they were a strong man.

"It's not thanks to you. The Jade Emperor Pill you gave us is too powerful. It is ten times as effective as the Pill Pavilion's Jade Emperor Pill, and you have enough control. If you don't want to become a Martial Emperor, you can't do it, haha!"

Di Guang laughed.

"Ling Tian, ​​did you see the slaughter order Li Xuan gave you?"

However, Lin Xiao had a grim expression on her face.

When the voice fell, Di Guang and the others' faces also changed, and there was no laughter.

"I see, what's the matter?"

Ling Tian nodded, saw the tight faces of everyone, and smiled: "What kind of expression are you guys, then who is Li Zong that scares you like this?"

Lin Xiao pursed her lips and pulled Ling Tian into the hall to sit down.

"Don't underestimate this kid, he is very strong!"

Lin Xiao sat on the main seat, drank a sip of the spirit tea offered by the little Ali, and said, "You don't know anything. In the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion, the most talented person is really not Wen Luohan. ."

"This son is named Li Xuan, he is a child of the same tribe of Li Danping, the lord of the Pill Pavilion, and he is armed with seventeen layers of fierce fire, and he is extremely talented in refining."

"Of course, the refining device is far inferior to you, throw him a dozen blocks away."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "Oh? The blazing fire on the seventeenth floor? This is a bit rare..."

As far as he knows, this kind of fire seems to be a kind of beast fire, which is extremely rare.

"That's right, because this talented martial soul of Li Xuan is also extremely high. It is the best martial soul of the ninth rank, the flame scorpion, and the scorpion is an ancient beast, and its combat power is almost the same as that of a divine beast."

"At least, in the martial arts, it is more tyrannical than your Sky Examiner Dragon Clan. Of course, nowadays like yours, as long as it is not a super martial soul, the influence on martial arts talents is not great! Mainly! Look, it is still the blessing of Wuhun from the beginning."

Ling Tian nodded, "I understand this, I remember that among the disciples of this sword pavilion, the original three of them were harbouring martial spirits from the beginning."

"Yes, in addition to Wen Luohan and Yu Sen, as the second disciple, Li Xuan carried the spirit of the primordial primordial martial arts, and was also an ancient-level soul with the character'Lie'. In terms of blessing of combat power, it far surpassed Wen Luohan's. Wuhun from the beginning..."

"Furthermore, at the beginning of the Zongmen Grand Competition, he used the cultivation base of the peak of the soul to fight against Wen Luohan in the realm of Wuhuang, and in the end he only lost with one move!"

"Enough to see that this child's talent is higher than Wen Luohan."

"And after this sect competition, Li Yan went out of the sect to practice, and this trip took three years!"

Lin Xiao and everyone looked at each other, "I heard that this kid has traveled across the deep sea and the four major states in three years, stepped into many dangerous places, and killed countless powerful monsters, and it is said that he also killed many sects. Immortal strong..."

"The most prosperous thing that has been spread out recently is that some people say that Li Xuan killed the second master of the Wen family, Wen Yan, on the battlefield of swallowing clouds in the Southern Region!"

"What? He killed the Wen family? Is he sick?"

Upon hearing this, Ling Tian frowned suddenly.

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