Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1587: Nothing can't be solved by a barbecue

"Ling Tian, ​​that thing has gone to the south side of the mountain wall. It's terrible. This thing is so violent and outrageous. I found out only when he moved. You must be careful!"

At this time, Tao Yaoyao also warned Ling Tian in Taoyuan.

Ling Tian nodded and stood up suddenly.

"You are here. Don't walk around randomly before I come back."

Ling Tian placed an array restriction around the three of them, which turned into a stream of light and chased it.

The speed of that thing was extremely fast, and it disappeared without a trace in just a moment, and Ling Tian didn't even see the shadow.

However, he stole the skewers, but the fragrance was always there.

Following the microscopic view, the Lingtian Road chased up to the canyon’s wall, where the fragrance completely disappeared.

"Ling Tian, ​​there is still a scent remaining on the mountain wall above."

Following Tao Yaoyao's guidance, Ling Tian jumped up and found a dark hole on the mountain wall.

However, above, Ling Tian also discovered the existence of the formation, and the formation was not generally strong.

"Hmph, pretending to be a fool, let me see, something dare to steal my Lingtian skewers."

But this formation can't stop Ling Tian.

Before flashing his body, Ling Tian pressed a palm on the formation, a hundred thousand sword shadows croaked out, and began to break the formation frantically.

Nowadays, Ling Tian, ​​whether it is the strength of the sword domain or the cultivation base, is not what it used to be, and the speed of breaking the formation is extremely fast.

However, in half a cup of tea, this method was torn open a gap and got in.

Inside was a cave that looked like it had been dug out, and it was extremely messy, as if it had been casually made.

Entering the cave, Ling Tian smelled the disappearing scent of barbecue and the smell of wine brewed by Feixue.

It seems that the hole is not deep.

But other than that, Ling Tian's divine thoughts were suppressed for more than ten feet around his body, as if struggling in a quagmire. This made Ling Tian also take a deep breath, feeling even more solemn in his heart.

His spiritual mind is really not weak now, but he has never encountered such a suppressed one.

Ling Tian cautiously moved into the cave step by step, and as it went deeper, the bunch of incense became thicker.

Ling Tian knew that she was about to see that guy.

Holding the Long Yuan Sword tightly in his hand, Ling Tian gritted his teeth and rushed forward with the long sword in his hand.

Flashing past the corner of a cave, Ling Tian was greeted by a huge cave hall. On top of his head was the bones of a giant dragon, which looked like a roof ridge. The bones shone with ice crystal-like transparent luster. The bones are much more gorgeous.

However, what made Ling Tian's pupils shrank was that in the center of the cave hall, under a huge dragon skull, there was a futon!

There is nothing on the futon.

But on that ground, there are skewers leftovers, and a hip flask!

Sure enough, here!

However, Ling Tian's cold hair suddenly stood up in an instant, warning in his heart, almost instinctively, that was to hold the Long Yuan sword horizontally in front of him.


Just at this moment, the sword body of Long Yuan exploded, and Ling Tian also seemed to have received a powerful attack that could not be resisted, and suddenly flew out and crashed on the extremely hard mountain wall.


It seemed that the flesh was about to split, and Ling Tian hadn't experienced such severe pain for a long time.

He was injured just for a moment.

At this time, Ling Tian could see clearly that a big hand, like a mountain, was pressed on his chest. If it weren't for the Long Yuan sword in the middle to block most of his energy, it would be enough to make him half of it. Life.

The palm pressed against Ling Tian's chest was a crude old man with gray hair and a mottled armor.

Long Yuanjian was in his palm, and even began to scream, and there was even a trace of tremor in the scream.

"Haha, trespass into my cave house, you are really courageous!"

"However, you did not get my permission, there is only a dead end!"

The mad old man looked grim, raised his palm, and was about to fall again.

Although there is no vitality scattered on his palm, it is enough to beat the fairy soldier. If it really falls, Ling Tian understands that the Longyuan Sword will definitely not be able to stop the second!

Not to mention his physical body.

At this time, his whole body's vitality seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't even mobilize his spiritual thoughts, and he couldn't even go back to Taoyuan!

"I'm dead, you won't be able to eat skewers!"

At the juncture of life and death, Ling Tian put aside his head and closed his eyes with a roar.

Before he could think too much, Ling Tian called out subconsciously.


However, the palm wind blew Ling Tian's white hair, but the thunderbolt palm really did not fall.

Ling Tian opened a gap in his eyes, but he saw that mad old man's face was red and white, as if he was very hesitant.

"The old man, the junior human race Ling Tian, ​​didn't mean to offend!"

"Moreover, I invented the skewers. In this world, only I can make it. If you like it so much, I can bake it for you!"

"But if I die, you really won't be able to eat it anymore."

However, what Ling Tian didn't expect was that as soon as he finished speaking, he suppressed his whole body and withdrew.

The big hand of the mad old man was also taken back.

"Huh, if it wasn't for that roast..."

"Grilled skewers!" Ling Tian quickly took it up.

"Yes! That's the grilled skewers. If it weren't for this, I would definitely kill you little bastard!"


With a flash of the old man's figure, he returned to the futon.

Picking up the lottery, he hesitated and ate all the meat residue on it.

Ling Tian hurried forward, took out the cauldron, set up the fire, and continued to cook.

Soon, after the fragrant meat skewers were grilled, the old man couldn't wait to grab it and feasted on it.

With this effort, Ling Tian looked up and looked around.

It seems that this place should be the space formed after the death of a dragon.

However, when Ling Tian swept across the huge dragon skull behind the old man, his eyes suddenly lit up!

On the skull, there is a single horn!

And this unicorn was azure blue, crystal clear, shimmering like a diamond, and there was a strong chill spreading on it, not the legendary ice crystal, what it is! ?

It turns out that this huge dragon bone is the Ice God Chi!

With a thump in his heart, Ling Tian really wanted to go out and tell Leng Xuanye that they finally found what they were looking for.

"Hehe, what do you look at, this kid?"

"Why, want to take what I have here?"

This is, the voice of the old man awakened Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian quickly handed the meat skewers, and said with a smile: "The junior dare not, but I have never seen such a beautiful dragon skeleton."

"Huh, it's just an Ice God Chiron that I killed. Pretty? Pretty ass!"

The old man sipped, making Ling Tian extremely embarrassed.

However, after another thought, Ling Tian's heart was shocked again.


The old man said, that Ice God Chin was killed by him?

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