Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1591: Difficult opponent

"Hehe, what? Ling Tian, ​​are you a little too big?"

"Even if you are the two pavilion masters of the sword pavilion, you think you are invincible among the younger generation?"

"You can do whatever you want in the Northern Territory?"

Xue You gathered all the scattered scarlet domains back around him, coerced, and climbed steadily. Xue You of Tier 4 Martial Sovereign was really terrifying.

"Ling Tian, ​​I have also heard your name for a long time, and I really want to compete with you!"

"You can force the sword pavilion master in the late stage of Sanxian, I Xue You, the same can be done!"

"Even stronger!"

When the voice fell, Xue You's shoulders shook, and the soul of the fierce character suddenly rose.

This fierce character soul is like a blood mist condensed from the ultimate fierce aura, enveloping Xue You and looking from a distance, making him look like a supreme demon **** floating in a sea of ​​blood, extremely terrifying.

Its combat power has skyrocketed again, and all the dragon bones in the canyon were shocked by the pressure at this moment.

"Blood spirit turns into heaven!"

"Ling Tian, ​​what Xue You cultivated is the top-level knack for Guigu's blood and spirit veins. It's extremely terrifying, especially the body style. Be careful!"

In the distance, Leng Xuanye roared in a low voice.

"Blood Spirit Transforms Heaven?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "I haven't heard of it, so be it. Now that you have sacrificed to the beginning, then come and let me see how much stronger you are compared to Jin Yao in the vast battle hall. , Don’t let me down too much, it will be solved in two or three clicks."

Ling Tian floated in the **** space, raised his hand, not caring.

"Jin Yao!?"

Xue You rolled his eyes, "You also killed Jin Yao in the Boundless Battle Hall?"

"Impossible, he has the Jinchen Seal in his hand! Even if he is invincible, he can definitely run!"

"If you want to mess up my mind, you'd better use this trick sparingly."

"Blood Fiend Thunderbolt, go!"

Seeing that Xue You's face became cold, the blood-colored quasi-immortal pestle in his hand was raised, and a blood-colored arrow was condensed in front of him in an instant, like a long spear, which shot at Ling Tian.

The speed is extremely fast, and the spirit on it is surging, and within this domain, it can lock the creatures!

As long as there is blood flowing in the living beings, they can never escape this arrow.

The martial arts and supernatural powers of the blood spirit veins are really weird.

"Huh, little bugs."

However, Ling Tian's quasi-immortal martial arts were not in the eyes of Ling Tian. The palm of his hand was raised, and a palm print was condensed. Ling Tian directly sacrificed the phantom of the King Kong, and his arms were pushed across the dragon-printed mountains. The arrows collided.

Zi Zi Zi!


There was a horizontal explosion, but Ling Tian’s Fulong Seal failed to directly smash his **** arrow, and it was even more stalemate for a while. After Ling Tian felt strenuous, he finally sacrificed the spirit of the Taichu Zhan Zi, the infinite vitality. Under the coercion, the **** arrow collapsed and shattered.

"Not bad, not as weak as I thought."

The war character soul behind Ling Tian turned into a golden flame to envelop Ling Tian's body. At this moment, Ling Tian's Void Battle Armor also enveloped him.

No matter what Xue You said, it was also the existence of Tier 4 Martial Emperor. Compared with Jin Yao, it was not a bit stronger than that. It would be unrealistic for Ling Tian to suppress it by relying on the beginning.

However, Ling Tian's words sounded a bit harsh in Xue You's ears.

Ling Tian has not yet reached the fourth-order martial emperor's cultivation base, do you want to use the energy of the beginning to defeat himself?

Who does this look down upon?

However, Xue You was not always the domineering person like Xue Qing, he could use all means to kill the enemy.

With a sneer in his heart, Xue You shook the blood pestle in his hand, but his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The breath disappeared strangely.

Ling Tian frowned. Within this gorge, he had already suppressed his divine consciousness. He hadn't really sensed how Xue You disappeared in the first place.

This guy's divine mind cultivation base, I am afraid it is not much worse than his own.

"Hundred Shadows Blood Body!"

"Ling Tian, ​​the inheritance of my blood and spirit is not as simple as you think."

Right here was the **** fog in the sky condensed into red robe figures, all of them Xue You impressively.

There are hundreds of ways to do this avatar!

Moreover, each of them has flesh and blood, with a tyrannical aura, and it is impossible to find out which one is Xue You’s true body.

In other words, each of these is Xue You himself, not a so-called illusion.

Hundreds of figures were neatly aligned, and even the blood pestle was lifted up like a spear, **** arrows like long spears appeared again, and the tip of the arrow pointed directly at Ling Tian.

It is conceivable that if these hundred arrows fall, the power will be more than doubled?


Ling Tian couldn't stop all of this. In the harsh clank, hundreds of **** arrows, tearing through the void, burst out.

The power of each Dao seemed to be almost the same as the one that was shattered by the Fulong Seal just now.

This is extremely scary.

Moreover, Ling Tian was still in it, and he felt the aura of a weapon, and it was the blood pestle!

In this way, this is somewhat like the sword formation of the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion.

"Haha, it's interesting!"

Ling Tian naturally wouldn't hold it big, and immediately raised the Long Yuan sword, the sword body shook, and the same hundred sword shadows collapsed and left, and slammed back towards the arrow.

Clang clang clang!

The sky was filled with the sound of explosions of gold and stone. Xue You’s seemingly powerful **** arrows were crushed by the sword formation in an instant. Not only that, the shadow of the sword formation continued to strangle against Xue You’s hundred sword shadows. Away.

"Hehe, Qianchen Sword Formation, really well-deserved reputation!"

After being strangled by Jian Ying for more than a dozen blood shadows, the blood shadows scattered all over the sky, and finally turned into Xue You's body, appearing in the distance.

Although his magical powers were broken by Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian's sword formation was also unable to help Xue You.

This is the first time since Ling Tian has run rampant in this world, he has not formed absolute suppression on the younger generation.

Xue You, as a disciple of the blood and spirit line of Guigu, has some ways.

"However, your Qianchen sword formation seems to be nothing more than that."

Xue Youwu moved the blood pestle in his hand, as if secretly deploying some magical powers.

"Hehe, pretending to be a fool, but it's just a blindfold."

Ling Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, the cold light flashed, and the Long Yuan sword was put away, the black light flashed in his hand, the Du'er Huangquan stick appeared in his hand, the body was cast in the body, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

Ling Tian, ​​who possesses the power of Sanxian combat, has long been no different from teleportation.

In the blink of an eye, the void in front of Xue You was torn apart, Ling Tian's figure had not yet appeared, but the Du'er stick had already smashed down.

Ling Tian found that Xue You's supernatural powers were weird, but his physical body was not strong. Once he got close, he could be suppressed instantly.

Therefore, Ling Tian preemptively took the initiative, got close in an instant, and shot out with a stick.

However, it seems that Xue You had a general plan to see through Ling Tian, ​​and the figure turned into a cloud of blood at the same time.

The shadow of a mountain-like stick blasted down, and it only stirred up a cloud of blood mist, and it was so frustrated!

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