Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1594: Four great harvests too early

Speaking of this, the relaxed expression on Ling Tian's face also became extremely cold, his hands clenched into fists, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Now, after another few months, there is still no news from Tang Sect.

I don't know what is going on in Eastern Region now.

"Huh... It seems that this is indeed the biggest crisis Human Race will suffer in five hundred years."

"To be more precise, it is the Eastern Region."

"I've been to Shichahai too. The great generals of the Demon Witch tribe there are strong in the Demon Witch tribe, and they are still members of the national division. Their strength may not be enough to invade the other three regions, but it is more than enough to destroy the entire Eastern Region."

Leng Xuanye took a deep breath, already knowing that what Ling Tian did was no small matter. This was a major event destined to be included in the human history, perhaps only once in his life.

"But Ling Tian, ​​don't worry, since you told me Leng Xuanye about this, Dark Night Villa and I will never stand by."

"Even though the Dark Night Villa is not the Four Great Climbing in Sendai, it still has some power to ask yourself. By then, you must do your best to help Brother Ling and protect the Eastern Territories!"

"Yin Zheng, now you use Dark Night Flying Owl to send news to my dad, so that he will immediately summon the mountain villa warriors of the entire Northern Territory, ready to go to the Eastern Territory at any time!"

Yin Zheng did not dare to delay, and immediately took out an eagle-like puppet from the ring. He injected a divine spirit into the jade slip, and the puppet turned into a black streamer and disappeared into the darkness.

"So, if Ling is here, I would like to thank the people of the Eastern Territory for the righteousness of the Dark Night Villa!"

Ling Tian stepped back, bowing and arching his hands.

"Brother Ling, you are out of touch, not to mention your relationship with me, even if the human race is in trouble, my Dark Night Villa will never stand by. If you don't say it, we will also participate in the war in the future."

Leng Xuanye quickly pressed Ling Tian's hands.

"Then son, what shall we do now and directly reject Beicheng?"

Yin Zheng asked.

Leng Xuanye looked at Ling Tian as if he was waiting for Ling Tian's arrangement.

"Don't worry, I have a way to return to Jubei City in the shortest possible time. The most urgent task now is to restore Brother Leng's cultivation base. This ice crystal is available. What is needed is just time. I can wait."

Ling Tian waved his hand.

Now that he killed Xue You, he didn't know if Xuanming Ghost Valley had any way of knowing it, and it was quite wrong to rashly return to Beicheng.

"Haha, that's okay, but don’t worry, Brother Ling. As you said, although my cultivation level is not the peak of the soul, I may not forget to practice in these years. As long as the fire prison is unlocked, I have the confidence to directly impact. Fourth-order Wuhuang."

Leng Xuan Ye Kanhe's Ice Marrow Crystal and Taichu Martial Spirit finally couldn't help feeling surging in his heart.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are so slow to deal with a little bastard, should you finish it now? On the mountain wall opposite you, there are the training formations that the dragon clan left behind. Below are the spiritual veins, which should still be usable. Go Set them up, and then come over and give me skewers, I am greedy again!

A voice suddenly entered Ling Tian's mind.

Ling Tian did not dare to delay, and immediately led Leng Xuanye and the three people to find the dragon formation hidden in the opposite mountain wall.

Fortunately, this formation can still be used. For this, Leng Xuanye and the three are overjoyed and can't wait to start practicing in retreat.

Ling Tian cleaned the battlefield carefully and went back to the cave to continue roasting skewers for the old man Yang Lin.

"Hey, boy, see what you value the so-called primordial martial arts spirit?"

Yang Lin watched Ling Tian bake skewers to himself with his head filled with worry, and suddenly smiled.

"Huh? In the beginning, the spirit of martial arts was very important to our younger generations. Why, don't the older generations know?"

Ling Tian handed over the grilled shrimp.

"It's not very clear, because at that time, the so-called primordial martial soul like you had never appeared before. I am also very curious about its energy. I really don't know why this thing didn't exist ten thousand years ago. Was it discovered by the human race?"

Yang Lin took a mouthful, but also became puzzled.

"Or is it destined by the way of heaven. There are indeed very few people who possess martial arts from the beginning, and they are all in the hands of younger generations."

"Senior didn't really collect it?"

Ling Tian looked at Yang Lin with some hope in his heart.

"I haven’t seen the kind in your body, but it’s worse. Don’t tell me, I do have it here, and it’s in the dragon clan’s treasure house. For me, it’s a bit of a taste and it’s useless. ."

Yang Lin shook his head disapprovingly, and then dumped from the garbage dump behind, "Hey, fortunately, I didn't lose it, then!"

The brocade boxes were thrown out by Yang Lin, and Ling Tian hurriedly followed, only to discover that there was more than one of these?

"No, there are only four, you can take a look."

The last brocade box was thrown out by the old man Yang Lin.

Ling Tian took it, looking at the dusty brocade box in his hand, he was also a little confused.

"Senior, are you saying that there are all primordial martial arts in this?"

This is really unbelievable, yeah, it takes no effort to wholesale the Wuhun of the Beginning?

"Hmm, it should be, I think it's almost the same, you see."

Upon hearing this, Ling Tian first opened the first brocade box, and in a short time, a radiant light flooded with the mighty martial spirit energy, illuminating the entire cave hall.

"This is... the Beginning of the Antiquity, the new character soul!"

What is in full bloom in this brocade box is the Wuhun of the Beginning!

Although it was not an ancient martial arts spirit, it was enough to shock Ling Tian.

Ancient-level primordial martial arts are scarce, and in the end there are only nine groups. The ancient-level primordial martial arts are already enough to improve the combat power of the martial artist, especially the difficulty of finding the ancient-level primordial is more difficult than the ancient level. Much simpler.

The light of the sacred Buddhism is rippling above this new character, which should be the same as the soul of the character crossing in Wukong's body!

If the pairing is successful, with two blessings of the ancient Taichu, the power is only a little worse than the ancient Taichu, and it is completely enough!

In this way, Ling Tian is equivalent to another powerful junior to help.

The first one gave Ling Tian a great surprise at the beginning, and Ling Tian opened all the three brocade boxes behind it.

In a moment, the rays of light from the primordial martial arts soared into the sky, and the energy was intertwined and oscillated in the huge cave hall.

Not surprisingly, all of the remaining three brocade boxes were full of Wuhun from the beginning!

Among them, the first one is the horrified character soul, the second is the Japanese character soul, and the last one is the fog character soul!

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