Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1604: Taihua

Above the sky, the ghost claws that have not completely shattered still have 30% of the combat power of the ghost master.


A sword shook on the ghost claw, and everyone in the ghost master couldn't believe that the ghost claw could not resist the sharpness of the sword, and it was directly torn apart from the middle.

Finally, it turned into a sky full of return dates, and dissipated in the heavens and the earth.

And the crack that was torn apart by ghost claws was also smashed by Ling Tian's cracking sky with a sword.

At this point, this trick of the ghost master was truly eliminated.

This scene fell in the eyes of the warriors in Guigu, two thousand miles away, making them all dumbfounded, unable to believe what they saw before them.

The ghost master is bound to kill the supernatural power, is this gone?

Seeing that the bright pillar of light behind him gradually dissipated, it seemed that the ghost master could no longer make a move.

In other words, the existence that is going to be killed by the ghost master can fly away! ?

Not only that, the bold words of Ling Tian just now, accompanied by sword light, resounded throughout the ghost valley.

This is tantamount to stepping on the face of the entire ghost valley and declaring war on the ghost master.

This junior Ling Tian is really rampant.

However, everyone was still astonished at the two mysterious powerhouses who had just appeared suddenly and resolved the ghost master's supernatural powers.

Now above the northern boundary, who else can compete with the ghost master?

Moreover, shooting for the sake of a younger generation Ling Tian, ​​is this too shameless for the ghost master?

And when they appear, there are two?

When did this exist in the mere northern region?

"Hey, just saw that above the white whip shadow, there is the aura of the **** beast Gochen, is it possible that it is...Dark Night Village Master!?"

Suddenly a warrior took a deep breath and whispered.

With this statement, everyone's expressions changed and they were thoughtful.

"What you said, I saw it really resembled the dark night village owner's dark night hook Chen whip!"

"That's right, the master of the dark night stepped into the realm of Sanxian five hundred years ago. The martial arts is so powerful that it is amazing."

"In the Northern Territory, there is really no such thing as a second strong person."

"But that other magical power is unfamiliar. I really don't know that it is the hidden power."

"But in short, their attack this time is obviously opposed to Guigu, trying to protect the sky."

Everyone talked a lot, and in the end they all looked at the two pulse masters in front of the Xuanming Hall.

In any case, today this ghost valley will become the laughing stock of the whole world.

On the day of Mai Master’s wedding, the bride-to-be was intercepted and Mai Master died. In the end, even the ghost master himself did not help a junior.

Still within the realm of Ghost Valley.

This is really shameful.

"Huh, **** it!"

"It's gone, it's gone, it's all gone! Come, blast out all the people from the outer sect!"

The two main veins are anxious and depraved, but even though they are ashamed and angry, they can only cast their anger on the warriors in the valley.


Two thousand miles away.

Ling Tian softened, and the Long Yuan sword in his hand landed, supporting his body.

Although a sword cut through the ultimate move of the ghost master.

But still most of Ling Tian's vitality was consumed.

The momentary emptiness of the Qi Sea inevitably made Ling Tian feel weak, and coupled with the oppressed blood flowing across the body, his calves were trembling, and he did not fall. Ling Tian's will was already strong.

However, Ling Tian still arched his hands in the four directions and said loudly: "The two seniors who helped each other, please also show up. The juniors want to thank you for your help."

"Haha, it's okay, it's just a small effort, not enough."

"That's right, and now you can still meet the noble person five hundred years ago, it's really a worthwhile trip!"

Two hearty voices sounded, and the next moment, two figures walked out of the void in the east and west directions.

One of them, a dark brocade robe, face like a jade, secluded and chic, with beard and gray hair, did not make it look old, but has a mature and stable depth. At first glance, it is a person who has been in power for a long time. Be generous.

The other figure is completely different from this person.

The man was ragged, unkempt, sloppy with a pair of torn shoes, and even one foot was crippled.

And the beard on one face makes people unable to look away.

This one turned out to be a beggar!

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and he had never seen these two people.

But at a glance, he knew that these two people had absolutely extraordinary origins!

"Father, you are finally here!"

Sure enough, in front of Ling Tian, ​​Leng Xuanye was holding back his injuries, looking at the figure in Jin Yi, a sad smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, good son! You really did not live up to your father and my expectations, your cultivation has really recovered."

"Come, get up, I; Leng Aotian's son, can't fall down!"

The figure flashed, and the man in Jinyi flashed in front of him, pulling Leng Xuanye up, took out a healing medicine, and gave it to Leng Xuanye.

The latter's complexion immediately improved a lot.

"Senior turned out to be the legendary owner of the dark night. The younger generation has been admiring his name for a long time. Today, he has to save his life from Senior. Thanks!"

Ling Tian stepped back and bowed in blood.

"Haha, I've said it all, it's just a matter of raising your hand, besides, you let my son Nirvana, I want to thank you too!"

The owner of the dark night patted Ling Tian's shoulder heartily, before looking to the other side, "Old lame man, I thought your army was annihilated five hundred years ago, and I didn't expect you to be dead yet?"

"Hmph, you can live well till now, how can I die?"

The lame beggar snorted, his figure flashed, and he was also close.

"Dare to ask senior is..."

Ling Tian bowed towards the beggar again.

This is the second time he has been saved by a beggar. Is it possible that this person has something to do with the Taoist Qitian?

"Haha, this old lame man was Xiao Feng, the second palace lord of the Eastern Region ascended to the Sendai Taihua Palace five hundred years ago. Back then, he led an elite army of the Eastern Region and was surrounded by the Demon Witch Clan, and then lost the news. "

"We thought they were all wiped out. Unexpectedly, you came to the Northern Territory, and what you said were those sect martial artists who were murdered by the monsters five hundred years ago. But they are really stealthily changing the sky and deceiving the people of the world. Five hundred years!"

The owner of the dark night laughed and said with a hand.

"What? The palace owner of the Sendai Taihua Palace!"

Ling Tian was shocked when he heard this, and quickly handed over, "Junior is also an Eastern martial artist. Today, thank you senior for helping me."

"Hehe, get up, you don't have to thank me."

The lame beggar picked up Ling Tian, ​​but gave the dark night owner a glance, "And he is only half right."

"I used to be the lord of the palace, Xiao Feng, but now, I am the deputy lord of the Beggar Gang."

"I saved you today because of the begging order on your body."

"My beggars waited for five hundred years, and finally waited until today."

"It's you, the new leader of the Beggar Gang!"

As the lame beggar's voice fell, Ling Tian was almost dizzy from the thunderbolt of the blue sky. He stepped back and couldn't accept the lame's rhetoric.


There is still a gang of beggars in this world?

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