Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1617: Domineering Jianzong Yu natural enemies [five bigger

"not good!"

Master Yifan immediately whispered, his heart throbbing wildly.

It seems that there is no time to rebuild Sendai!

In the sky, facing the ghost fog and the **** brilliance of the blood map, Ling Tian in white clothes is like a fallen leaf suspended in the blood sea hell.

However, facing the spirit of the ghost master must kill, Ling Tian still looked like he was holding a chance.

"Xuanming ghost master, I Ling Tian knows that you have the heart to kill me Ling Tian!"

"If you really want to fight with me, in fact, I Ling Tian is not afraid of you."

"It's just that the time is not here now, and I don't want to fight with the same race."

"Xuanming Ghost Lord, even if your cultivation base is superb, can you block this order!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyes, Qing Xu protected his body, and saw him drinking loudly, holding up a dead wood token in his hand!

The token faced the ghost master, and the word ‘begging’ was engraved!

However, at this moment, the halo on this beggar word seemed to be sealed with a terrifying killer move, as long as Ling Tian touched it, it could be stimulated.

"what is this!?"

Under the blood prison map, the ghost master who turned into the body of the evil ghost also suddenly trembled, and he could feel the terrible token in Ling Tian's hand.

This thing is absolutely extraordinary!

"This is the order of Qitian, that is the bodyguard left to me by the predecessor Qitian, and there is a full blow from him hidden on it!"

"Ghost Lord, if you are not afraid of death, you can try the power of this begging order!"

"I dare not say anything else, this thing can definitely kill you!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly, and he was already convinced of the appearance of the ghost master.

"Begging for Heaven!"


"How is this possible, I hate it!"

"Why do the Taoist beggars have fallen for nothing, and even ruin the good things of the ghost master!"

Sure enough, as soon as the order to beg for heaven came out, the shadow of the evil ghost under the blood prison picture once again condensed into the black robe ghost master, and the blood prison picture was also taken away by him.

He was scared.

The order for begging for heaven in Ling Tian's hands is absolutely true!

Sure enough, this Ling Tian had something to rely on, but he didn't expect such a terrifying hole card to make him helpless.

The humiliation of the unrequited hatred almost burned him.

On the high platform, Ye Gucheng and others breathed a long sigh of relief when they saw this. It turned out that Ling Tian was so precious that he was begging for heaven in his hands, so he was afraid of his ghost master! ?

However, just at this moment, above the boundless East China Sea behind him, there was suddenly a sound of muffled thunder.

Everyone was surprised, even the ghost master and Feng Xuan's expressions changed.

Everyone turned around and looked around, but suddenly discovered that, at some point, a dark storm gradually rose on the skyline of the East China Sea.

These storms engulfed dark clouds, filled with raging thunders, and burst into black lightning. Just before the blink of an eye, they spread across the entire sky above the East China Sea!

Although the distance is thousands of miles away, the momentum is still terrifying!

In everyone’s dumbfounded, pitch-black lightning tore the sea surface, splitting a series of deep blue holes, and the next moment, densely packed, countless sea monsters sprang out from it, the sea monster is huge, with a **** mouth, there is actually Countless warriors wearing black armor and holding sharp blades came out.

The armor of soldiers was like a sea, and the entire sky was flooded in an instant. The scale was more than hundreds of thousands! ?

"Ma...Magic Witch Clan!"

"It's the army of the Demon Witch Clan, they have killed it!"

"These are all demons! Let's run for our lives!"

In the venue, those human warriors who saw the demon witch tribe army were immediately scared. Although the demon witch tribe armies are still far away and have never been close, they can't even mention such a terrifying demon witch tribe. Start a little fighting heart!

"Hahahaha! It seems that heaven is going to kill you, Ling Tian, ​​you still want to establish your own sect and rebuild the Eastern Region and climb Sendai!?"

"Now, the army of the Demon Witch Clan is already facing the East China Sea. I see what other sect you have built!"

Seeing this, the ghost lord suddenly laughed, the secret path is really **** help!

"Xuanming Ghost Lord, you are also a human race, now that the demon witch race army is pressing the realm, will you not take action to defend against the enemy!?"

On the high platform, Leng Xuan Ye whip pointed at the ghost master and questioned awe-inspiringly.

"Huh, I shot!?"

"Why should I fight against the enemy!?"

"To tell you the truth, I have already received news from Tianyu Xiandao, this time the army of the Demon Witch Clan was attracted because of Ling Tian!"

"Their purpose is to catch Ling Tian. As long as Ling Tian decides you to be before the army of the Demon Witch Clan, this crisis in the Eastern Region is naturally solvable!"

The ghost master sounded, and the Eastern Martial Artists in the venue were all startled.

He looked at each other several times and looked at each other. If it is true as the ghost master said, then the Eastern Region is not afraid that disaster is imminent.

"You fellow Eastern Regions, don't be stupid. The Shichahai army of the Demon Witch Clan is here, how can they leave easily? They will inevitably skim over my Eastern Region resources before they are willing to give up. At that time, you will still be unable to escape."

"Now, we can only fight to the death!"

Qin Mingyue stood on the high platform, trying to stabilize the panicked East Territory warrior.

"Hehe, don't struggle, it's useless!"

"Ling Tian, ​​why, don't you decide to be before the demon witch clan army, really want to pull the warriors of the Eastern Region to bury you with you!?"

The ghost master said with a gloomy smile.

"Hehe, what am I going to say no?"

Ling Tian took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose.

Very good, everything is a perfect script.

"Yes, this time the Eastern Tribulation was caused by me flying above the sky!"

"But the sky is here, as I said before Ling Tian, ​​as long as I am here, I can protect the Eastern Territory's human race from harm!"

Seeing his unwillingness to give up, the ghost master hissed immediately, "Ling Tian, ​​why do you protect the human race, rely on you juniors!?"

"It's a joke to rebuild Dengxiantai, so stop talking about resisting the Demon Witch Clan!"

"Things that Tianyu Xiandao doesn't care about, what kind of thing are you Ling Tian!"

"Hahahaha!" However, Ling Tian replied with that shocking laugh.

The laughter stopped abruptly, but Ling Tian had already raised Du'er Huangquan, facing the endless army of demons and witches that had been pressed down by the East China Sea.

"Of course our juniors are not enough, but when it comes to people, I never lack Ling Tian!!"

"Seniors, my fellow humans, the witch army has arrived, you should wait to show up!"

"Qianmen Great Array, open!"

Ling Tian yelled, and a dark red pillar suddenly burst out of the Yellow Spring in his hand, towering into the sky, shaking in the eyes of the formation above the clouds that day.

In an instant, in the astonishing gaze under the ghost master's black robe, among the hundreds of miles of mountains around Haiyue City, a golden beam of light rushed into the sky, thousands of them!

And from the golden beam of light array, there are even more dense human race warriors!

"Jiuxiao Yunhai Pavilion, Hong Lao!"

"Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas, quiet meditation!"

"Dark Night Villa, Leng Aotian!"

"Beggar Gang, Xiao Feng!"

"Wen family, Wen Tingjun!"

"Wu Shuang City, Ye Tianche!"

Accompanied by the magnificent voice of shaking the sky, a group of figures came across the sky and fell behind Ling Tian!

These figures, the horror of the aura, intertwined together, causing the ghostly fog that was diffused by the ghost master to dissipate in an instant.

These figures, each of them, have the aura and coercion above the Dacheng stage of the Sanxian stage.

Among them, Hong Lao, the lord of the nine heavens, and the master of Jing Zen in the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, have the realm of Sanxian Consummation, and are the lord of ascending immortals!

At this moment, the four great ones ascended to Sendai, and they were gathered in Haiyue City like this!

However, this earth-shaking scene didn't seem to satisfy Ling Tian.

I saw Ling Tian gradually levitating, holding Du'er in his hand, and spreading his arms. The bright brilliance burst out from his body.

At this moment, Ling Tian's momentum is still soaring!

"Ghost Lord, you just asked me what kind of thing, what sect to build!?"

Ling Tian's voice resounded through the world, as if the sacred thunder of nine days shook, making the army of the demon witch tribe shocked.

"Hehe, then I Ling Tian will tell you now!"

"My name is Yutian!"

"The things Tianyu can't do, I will do it by Yutian!"

"Also, listen carefully."

"The magic witch that Tianyu dare not kill, I will kill!"

"I will take care of things that Tianyu dare not control!"

"In a word, I have to take care of what the Tianyu has taken care of!"

"Tianyu can't control it, I have to take care of it!"

"Open your dog's eyes and watch!"

With a loud shout, Ling Tian in the rays of light passed the shadow of the dragon, above his head, was blessed by Shuangkuanggu Taichu, covered with silver armor, and rolled up with big sleeves, which lifted the black robe on the ghost master!

After crossing Ehuangquan and pointed directly at the East China Sea, a sky suddenly shattered, and the mountain gate of Taiqing Sect of Ziwei fell from the sky and quashed on the East China Sea.

"Fight against the heavens and defeat the foreign race!"

"This is my Human Race Ling Tian, ​​this is the Imperial Heaven Sect!"

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