Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1616: The Secret of the Demon Soul

Fortunately, he was prepared beforehand and invited all these human giants, otherwise he would really have to deal with the begging order with the shot of the Qu Tu Lei Jin just now.

However, Leng Aotian and the others hurriedly stepped aside, shrugged their shoulders, and said, "You kid, don't yell one by one. How do you say, you are now the lord of a sect, and your fighting power is comparable to that of Sanxian. Now, you still consider yourself a junior!?"

"The Lord of Nine Heavens and Master Jing Chan can afford it, but I can't afford it."

Ling Tian smiled suddenly, "No, no, after all, Ling Tian is still young, this junior is still going to be."

"Okay, don't be humble one by one, they are all thousands of years old, what do you care about?!"

Jing Chan held a string of Buddhist beads, but turned around to look at the former Ziwei sect. "This sect is really good. The poor nuns have only seen and heard from the classics. Now, they really want to see it. Watch it."

After all, this Ziwei Taiqingzong was once the supreme human race with Tianyu Xiandao, and its mystery must be different from Dengxiantai.

Everyone heard the words, and there was a lot of splendor in their eyes.

Ling Tian immediately stepped forward and stretched out his hand to lead everyone along, "Haha, then please, seniors!"


The hundreds of thousands of troops in Shichahai took a whole day and night to be wiped out by the human warriors on the East China Sea.

This is destined to be the biggest battle the Human race has won in five hundred years.

In this battle, the demon witch clan famous general Qu Tutong swung down 21 immortal-level demon generals, and they were all beheaded, and the resources captured by the human race were countless.

It can be said that the Human Race warriors who participated in this war have gained a lot, enough to allow them to practice safely for several years.

War is always the fastest way to plunder resources.

Moreover, this battle was earth-shattering, and the power of a single shot of the Chutu Thunder Cinder made most of the human continent tremble, and then the descendant of the human race Ling Tian crushed the vastness in the Eastern Sea Moon City, shocking the ghost valley, The feat of rebuilding the Eastern Territory and Mount Sendai Imperial Heaven Sect was spread like a storm to the human continent.

No one thought that Tianjiao, who had been silent for a few months, would have caused such a big storm again.

At a young age, the descendants of the human race can stand on their own sect, and still go to Sendai, this is simply incredible, many people simply don't believe it.

But in the East China Sea battle, storms swept the world, and Ling Tian declared the rise of Imperial Heaven Sect with the record of annihilating hundreds of thousands of witches, which shocked everyone in their hearts.

Perhaps the storm has just begun!

Ling Tian decided to hold the Mountain Opening Ceremony seven days later. Although the time is a bit tight, the sect warriors of the Eastern Region are all there, and the Southern Region and the northeast of the Western Region have also been brought a lot by the two Great Climbing Sendai, so attend the ceremony. The sect is not less.

And Ye Gucheng, Qin Shaoyang and others after the end of their battle with the witch, they all rushed into the Imperial Heaven Sect to see this once the supreme sect of the human race.

Many buildings in the Zongmen were dilapidated, but fortunately there were people from the Wen family. Within three days, the Wen family’s head sent people to repair all the buildings in the Yutian Zongmen. The preparations required for the ceremony, It’s all neat.

This made Ling Tian also had to admire the efficiency of the Wen family.

Yutianzong, Yutian Temple.

This was once the main hall of the Ziwei Sect. The plaque on it was replaced with Ling Tian's calligraphy, and everyone was praised in unison.

At this moment in the hall, Ling Tian and a group of celestial giants were sitting separately, but the expressions on their faces were mixed.

"Haha, Sect Master Ling Tian, ​​is it possible that you look down on my Wen Jia's weakness and don't want to take us in!?"

Under the head of the main seat, Wen Tingjun, the head of the Wen family, looked like a middle-aged scholar, brushing his mustache under his jaw, and said with a smile.

But on his face, there was no annoyance.

He just said suddenly that he would merge the Wen Family into the Imperial Heaven Sect, which made Ling Tian also startled.

Although the Wen family is not a big sect, the reputation of the Wen family has always been excellent in the human race, and the Wen family's organ formation magic weapon pill art is well-known in the world, and there are many martial arts masters in the family.

With the exception of the Ten Thousand Buddha Temples, the four great climbers in Sendai have won the Wen family, but they all failed in the end.

Now in this imperial palace, the head of the Wen family has taken the initiative to propose it.

How can this not surprise everyone.

Wen Tingjun's complexion was leisurely, and he was naturally deliberate about this move.

After learning that Ling Tian had bestowed Wen Wan with an ancient martial arts spirit from the beginning, he was already grateful to Ling Tian in his heart.

After that, he saw that Ling Tian was so magical and martial, he was simply a dragon among people. Now Ling Tian defeated the witch and rebuilt Xiantai. He felt that whether the Wen family could continue to prosper depends on this move.

At the very least, the spiritual veins in this Imperial Heaven Sect were not comparable to his Wen family. Cultivating here is simply faster than in Dengxiantai.

If it were not that he was not sure about the relationship between Ling Tian and Wen Wan, and even wanted to marry Wen Wan to Ling Tian, ​​then the Wen family would have soared into the sky!

"Haha, what are you talking about, Patriarch Wen, if you want to join my Imperial Celestial Sect, the younger generation is naturally too happy to be too late!" Ling Tian was taken aback, and immediately responded.

"Haha, that's the case, that's it!" Wen Tingjun grabbed his moustache and felt confident.

"Ling Tian, ​​look at the Wen family and you have accepted it. Look at me, your Dark Night Villa, or..."

Leng Aotian couldn't sit still. Ling Tian had already merged Wushuang City and the Gang of Beggars into the Imperial Heaven Sect before, and he was a little jealous.

"No, Lord Leng, it's not that Ling Tian didn't accept you, but that the Dark Night Villa has been inherited for thousands of years and merged into my Imperial Heaven Sect. What a pity."

Ling Tian rubbed his hands, then raised his eyes to look at Leng Aotian, "Didn't the owner think that one day the Dark Night Villa will also become Dengxiantai!?"

The sound of Ling Tian fell, and everyone was shocked.

This Ling Tian clearly has something to say!

However, Ling Tian stopped and didn't say anything deeply.

That Xuanming Ghost Valley will be a scourge sooner or later, Ling Tian has the heart to destroy it, and when the time comes, Dark Night Villa will be the most capable of becoming the existence of Xiantai.

However, if you want to destroy the ghost valley, you must pass the Tianyu Xiandao level. If Ling Tian is not joking, it means that Ling Tian is really going to declare war with Tianyu Xiandao.

"Haha, that...then this, I'll talk about it later, let's talk about it." Leng Aotian's expression changed, and he stopped mentioning it.

"However, I am worried about Yutianzong. The ghost master Xuanming was right. Ling Tian severely inflicted a heavy injury on the demon witch. They would never give up. In the future, they will inevitably come to my human continent again, and next time, I am afraid. We really want to reproduce the battle five hundred years ago."

Xiao Feng sighed.

"I'm not worried about this. The internal disputes of the Demon Witch Clan are also constant. If you want to do it again, you have to prepare for at least a few years."

"But you know, what is the Heavenly Demon Battle Soul that Qu Tu Lei Jin said!?"

Wushuang City Lord Ye Tianche suddenly looked at everyone.

But Ling Tian and others shook their heads, and they didn't know.

But it can be concluded that that thing must be extraordinary.

"The poor Nepali knows something about this."

At this time, Master Jing Chan suddenly opened his eyes and said lightly: "The legendary witch is the seed of the upper realm of different demons. Among the people of his clan, the Tianjiao generation has the soul of the different demons, similar to the beginning of my human race."

"Like Qu Tu Lei Jin, he is not from the royal family, and he carries fierce souls, which is comparable to the primordial ancient level."

"And the royal bloodline has the soul of war, and the level is higher than that of the fierce soul."

"War souls vary in strength, and some are even not as powerful as the fierce souls, but the heavenly demon battle souls are fragments of the battle intent after the death of the heavenly demon quasi-emperor of the alien demon race of the upper realm, extremely tyrannical!"

"According to my guess, it is even more terrifying than our human race's ancient level, Taichu!"

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