Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1620: Mysterious gravel demon realm too early? [Thank you, Brother Silver Guardian]

"Hehe, no, if there are important things to do, I won't bother Lingtian Sect Master's sect ceremony."

"But, for the things in the jade box, please Sect Master Ling Tian be careful and say goodbye!"

With a cold snort in his heart, the twelfth Sect Master took a deep look at Ling Tian, ​​and his figure dissipated in front of the Imperial Palace.

The Zongmen Hall continued to be held, but Xiao Feng and others had their own concerns.

Until the evening, when the ceremony was over, Ling Tian gathered everyone together, and Xiao Feng and others couldn't help it.

"Ling Tian, ​​what the **** was it that the twelfth island lord gave you the other day!?"

"Yeah, seeing your face changed at the time, could it be that Yu Xiandao did some tricks that day to fail!?"

"Quickly tell us, just think of a solution together, you can't fight everything by yourself."

Leng Aotian, Wen Tingjun and others also rushed to say.

Jing Chan and Hong Lao also looked at Ling Tian, ​​with doubts on their faces.

"Hehe, it's not the method of Tianyu Xiandao, but it really surprised me."

Ling Tian stretched out his hand, and the jade box appeared in front of everyone again.

Open it directly, everyone came up, only to discover that the jade box was filled with a cracked pitch black stone and a jade slip.

"Huh? Although it's not a treasure, what does it mean to send a broken stone?!"

When Xiao Feng and others saw this, they all frowned.

No one thought that the thing sent by Tianyu Xiandao was a broken stone.

That's it, the twelfth island owner is still mysterious?

Leng Aotian even started directly, took the stone out, looked at it several times, and then spread his hands, "What's this? It's just an ordinary black stone, not even a rough ore. "

The stone spread to all the mighty powers, and finally fell on the hands of Hong Lao, Lord of the Nine Heavens. Her eyebrows were frowned, and a suspicion flashed across her beautiful face, "This stone is indeed ordinary, but it looks like a broken piece. Is it possible to crack a corner of the ore, and this is the secret?"

However, as soon as this stone appeared, Qin Mingyue's pupils shrank just like Ling Tian did before.

Not to mention, this broken stone is really extraordinary.

"Senior Hong Lao is right, this stone is really just a corner."

"The reason I was astonished was that this was once wrapped in a stone, and it was an ancient martial arts spirit from the beginning!"

Ling Tian took the stone back to his hand and played with it, and everyone was shocked when he said nothing.

In fact, no one was surprised at Ling Tian.

Because it was the first time he saw this stone in this world.

Previously, it was this black cube black stone that encased the ancient Wuhun spirit in the Taochang-level secret realm of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

At that time, only his sword shadow could penetrate it and discover the existence of Taichu Wuhun.

But after arriving in this world, Ling Tian had never seen it before!

The reappearance of this gravel now shows that Tianyu Xiandao knows where the ancient times was at the beginning.

In other words, they have found it at least.

At that time, Ling Tian also guessed at all times. He could look at the jade slip with his divine mind, but found that it was the message Tianyu Xiandao had left him inside.

Seeing that everyone was still shocked and puzzled, Ling Tian directly took out the jade slip and projected it with his spiritual thoughts.


Lights and shadows flickered, and a phantom of an old man wearing a pale gold robe and white hair on his temples appeared in the hall.

"Haha, Sovereign Ling Tian, ​​my old husband Tianyu Cheng Kun, the master of the second island of Xiandao."

As soon as the figure appeared, Jing Chan, Hong Lao and others rose from the big chair.

This Cheng Kun is the second strongest of Tianyuxian Island, and his combat power is only above that of the invincible first island owner of the human race. Up to now, he has not appeared for 500 years.

Unexpectedly, this person would project over to talk to Ling Tian?

"Sect Master Ling Tian shouldn't be surprised. When you see my jade slip, the seven island owners of our Tianyuxian Island have been seriously injured because of the secret method of the Tianyuxiandao and spied on the heavens, and they had to retreat."

"It's really a shame that I can't come to participate in the sect ceremony of the Imperial Heaven Sect this time."

"But Human Race is at stake, and I have no other choice but to do my best."

"The gravel in the jade box is not to be concealed, it is exactly the one that once wrapped the ancient-class primordial martial arts soul."

"This gravel is my Tianyu Xiandao once obtained in the demon domain. It is said that it comes from the blood inheritance of the major tribes of the demon tribe."

"I Tianyu Xiandao also searched for ancient books. I found out that tens of thousands of years ago, when the Dragon Clan had not perished, I collected a lot of my Human Clan’s early martial arts souls, and the Houlong Clan was destroyed. These were missing from the early days.

"I waited for the secret of the heavens, and concluded that these were acquired by the major tribes of the monster race in the early days, and they were stored in the land of blood as the treasure of the human race."

"Now, the heavenly path above the Witch Continent is changing because of his desire to visit the upper realm heavenly demon fighting spirit."

"I and the human race can only contend with a complete primordial martial arts soul."

"So, hope can only be pinned on you waiting for the younger generation."

"Sect Master Ling Tian, ​​I hope you take the safety of the human race as your own responsibility and explore the demon realm."

This light and shadow of Cheng Kun left a lot of information, and after all, it collapsed.

"Everyone has seen it too. This is a gift from Tianyu Xiandao."

Ling Tian put away the jade slip and kept rubbing his fingers.

Of course he will not follow Cheng Kun's rhetoric.

"Hey, where are all these? Why do I look like babbling?"

Leng Aotian's eyes widened, and Cheng Kun's remarks were simply too weird.

"That is, he asked the island owner of Xiandao to be seriously injured and retreat because of spying on the secret? Ghosts believe!" Ye Tianche and others also shook their heads.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you think it yourself? I really didn't see what tricks Cheng Kun wanted to play."

"However, this old thing has always been insidious, and I think this is by no means easy."

Jing Chan frowned, thought hard and couldn't help but looked at Ling Tian.

"Half true, half false."

Ling Tian got up from the main position, walked slowly in the hall, and said: "This stone is indeed used to wrap the Wuhun of the early days. It is absolutely true."

"Furthermore, I also believe that this thing was once hidden by the dragon clan who was keen to hide treasure, but now it lives in the demon domain.

"But what he said is the so-called spying on the sky, skillful fart."

"We are now anxious about the matter of Wuhun in the early days, so he sent this top-secret news. There must be fraud in it, but I still can't guess what the conspiracy is."

"However, this matter has exposed a bit, that is, Tianyu Xiandao also values ​​this ancient and beginning!"

Ling Tian's body was certain, looking at Jing Chan, "Master, in the Tianyu Immortal Island, are there also disciples of the most talented younger generation?"

"Of course there is, but Tianyu Xiandao has always had a small population. Under each island owner, there is only one true disciple, but each one is amazing and stunning, the pinnacle of the human race."

Jing Chan blurted out, and then frowned, "However, I have never heard that the disciples in Tianyu Xiandao possessed the primordial martial arts souls. Could it be that they fell in love with the primordial ones you waited for?"

Without waiting for Ling Tian's words, Hong Lao shook his head, "Unlike, if it was for the beginning of Ling Tian and others, they would have taken a shot and **** it long ago, and there is no need to wait until now."

"Finally, no matter what they are for, we must take a closer look at this demon realm."

Ling Tian stood in front of the hall with his hands under his shoulder, looking at the direction of the East China Sea, the clouds gradually became dense.

Storm is coming...

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