Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1624: The romantic debt of ancestor Ling Xiao [four more]

"Is it that exaggerated?"

Ling Tian looked at himself.

Everyone said in unison, "Yes!"

"No matter, you are going to be more careful. We haven't completely transformed, so we can't go with you."

Qin Mingyue sighed.

"Well, but you can practice with peace of mind. I will arrange the formation first so that you can enter the demon realm faster. However, in the demon realm, I don’t know if my strange formation can be used, so when the time comes, you will each Act by chance."

"Anyway, the primordial martial souls we are looking for cannot be together. The seven of you are best divided into three groups, so that you can take care of each other."

Ling Tian held Qin Mingyue's hand, exhorted the crowd a few words, then walked into the Qimen Formation and headed to the Northern Territory first.

Ling Tian was the first person to refine the magical magic, and Qin Mingyue and others had to wait at least three more months. Now they don’t know the movement of Tianyu Island and the Boundless Battle Hall, so after everyone discussed, they decided to let Ling Days go first.

Northern Territory, Jubei City.

Ling Tian didn't go straight to the Northern Ice Field, but entered the city.

The Feixueyong here kept Ling Tian remembered.

Not only did he want to drink it, but also because he hadn't visited the old man Yang Lin for more than half a year.

This wine must be brought enough.

However, unlike the last time he came to the Northern Territory, Ling Tian did not change his face.

He is dressed in white and has white hair. On his chest, there is an embroidered mark of Imperial Heavenly Sect.

As soon as he entered Jubei City, all the warriors along the road were stunned.

Six months ago, Ling Tian made himself up in the Eastern Regions and climbed Sendai, becoming the pinnacle of the human race and an unattainable existence.

But half a year later, Ling Tian actually came to Jubei City, which was too rare.

When Ling Tian stood under Wangxue Tower, the small servants in Wangxue Tower were also trembling.

After all, they all say that they have the background of Xuanming Ghost Valley. The Yutianzong and Xuanming Ghost Valley are still immortal, and it is inevitable that they will be afraid.

Ling Tian chuckled and walked upstairs slowly. At this time, there was no figure in Wangxue Building.

Here, he is the most expensive guest.

Ling Tian stopped until the thirty-second floor.

Looking at the wall, the calligraphy he and Leng Xuanye had created together had been framed and hung there, Ling Tian also smiled suddenly.

"Haha, Sect Master Ling Tian, ​​don't come here unharmed."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from behind.

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the black-clothed hostess Wangxue. He suddenly smiled and said, "Lord, are we afraid this is the first time we see you?"

"The lord is joking. Half a year ago, you and Young Master Dark Ye left calligraphy in my building. No matter how stupid I am, I won't be surprised that that person is you."

Lou Wangxue still looks cold and frosty, "However, I don't know what Sect Master Ling Tian is here?"

"I can't, because I miss the nine treasures in the snow building, right?"

"The landlord was joking, and Ling came here to buy Feixue Brewing."

Ling Tian didn't have enough time, so he didn't sell it to her.

"Oh? How much do you want?"

"As much as you want."

Lou Wangxue suddenly sneered, "Sect Master Ling Tian joked. Although my Feixue Brewing is rare, it has a lot of cellars over the past five hundred years. There are still more than 10,000 bottles. So, I am afraid that it is Sect Master Ling Tian. Sitting on Sendai, you can't get so many spirit stones, right?"

Ling Tian was startled. He didn't expect that Wangxue Tower had so many cellars, more than 10,000 bottles, and he really didn't have so many spirit stones in his hand.

"Then, a thousand bottles, it should be enough."

Ling Tian made a gesture and had to dig out the spirit stone.

"Sect Master, wait a minute, I can give you this ten thousand bottles of Feixue Brew, and I don't need a spiritual stone."

However, the host Wangxue surprised Ling Tian with a word.

Immediately he rolled his eyes and frowned: "If the host has something to do, he can say bluntly, if Ling can do it, he will not refuse."

"I know the purpose of your trip is the Demon Realm. I ask you to find someone for me."


"He was called Ling Xiao five hundred years ago!"

Lou Zhu Wangxue raised his beautiful eyebrows, and a look of resentment appeared on his face, "Back then, I admired him with all my heart, but in his eyes, except for the **** Hong Lao of the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion, there were no others in his eyes. "

"Even disregarding my dissuasion, insisting on joining that monster race."

"It has been five hundred years, and he hasn't been able to get out of the demon domain. I built this Wangxue Tower just to wait for him."

"Now, I know that you are going to the Demon Realm. I only need a piece of news that he is dead or alive. If he is alive, it will be fine. If he is dead, I will bring his bones back."

"I will give you these ten thousand bottles of Feixue Brewing."

As she said, she raised her hand and threw a storage ring.

Ling Tian raised his hand to take it, but the astonishment on his face was not because of this Feixuecun at all.

"Water? Five hundred years ago, Ling Xiao?!"

"Isn't it so coincidental?"

Ling Tian's eyes rolled, no matter what he thought, he felt that Ling Xiao was very likely to be his ancestor of the Ling family!

Okay, that's all you need to jump off the patio. This guy is really good. There is a Lord of the Nine Heavens in the south, and another Wangxue Lord is hanging from the north?

Five hundred years ago, you were so romantic!

"Okay, rest assured, I will not forget this matter."

Ling Tian received the ring, suddenly raised his eyes and asked, "Dare to ask, what is the relationship between the original poster and that Xuanming Ghost Valley?"

This is what he has always wanted to ask.

Although Xuanming Ghost Valley is bad enough, but the original Wangxue, apart from his temperament, looks pretty good.

"My name is Fei Yuluo. Five hundred years ago, I was one of the three ghost masters of Xuanming Ghost Valley."

After that, the original Wangxue collapsed into a black mist and disappeared.

Ling Tian touched his nose.

"Okay, ancestor, you didn't come here in vain."

"Fortunately, you didn't make me a little ancestor..."

However, Ling Tian changed his mind. This ancestor has been to the Demon Race for five hundred years, and is so romantic in the Human Race, then...


"Amitabha, sin and sin..."

Ling Tian said a Buddha's name, and his figure flashed out of Jubei City.


The keel ice stream.

"You brat, I really thought you were dead outside!"

"It's so fragrant! Grandma's, I'm so greedy!"

The old man Yang Lin gobbled up the skewers, not forgetting to count Lingtian.

"Hey, senior, you eat slowly, I said that, you think about it, I am going to the demon domain, I really don't know when I can come back."

Ling Tian rubbed his hands and sneered.

"I really can't get out."

"Senior, I have 10,000 bottles of Feixue Brew here, enough for you to drink!"

Yang Lin smashed it, smashed his mouth, very heartbeat.

"You kid, don't seduce me. I didn't lie to you. As long as I go out, I will be smashed to death by thunder. Is the wine important or my life? You sincerely want me to die, don't you?"

Ling Tian smiled mysteriously and looked at Yang Lin.

"Then senior, if I say, I have a way to let you avoid the catastrophe?"

When Yang Lin heard this, his whole body was shocked.

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