Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1626: Yaozu tribe

Finally, after three days, Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged on Xiao Qing's back, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, a wave of vitality hits, the law of heaven and earth is extremely violent, and there is a terrible suppression.

All of this is telling Ling Tian and the difference between heaven and earth, this demon realm is really extraordinary.

Moreover, he can clearly feel that there is a barrier between the two races. Although it is not an isolation or restriction, it seems to be a self-generated formation of heaven and earth, and he does not know what role it has.

The demon domain has finally arrived.

Xiaoqing slowly fell from the sky.

Sure enough, in front of Ling Tian's eyes, a mysterious yellow sky curtain lay in front of him. Even with Ling Tian's current eyesight, he couldn't penetrate the light curtain and clearly see the scene inside.


Ling Tian leaped off his mount, stood on the light curtain, and stretched out his hand to let it go, but he didn't feel any isolation power. He should be able to enter at will.

"This is the wall of the demon world. Although it will not isolate the human race from entering, as long as you step into this wall, not only will you be randomly teleported, but the human race's cultivation base and spirituality will also be suppressed, no matter who it is, it is the same."

Yang Lin's voice sounded in Taoyuan.

"Well, this demon domain is indeed strange."

Ling Tian nodded, but he had already understood something before, and he didn't have too many unexpected colors, so that the phantom sting bee set up a formation in front of the wall of the demon domain.

In this way, Qin Mingyue and the others could teleport all the way after the demonization.

After finishing the formation, Ling Tian put away Xiaoqing, and his vitality instantly turned into a golden demon, his entire figure soared into the shape of the golden demon.

However, after thinking about it, Ling Tian’s bloodline of the exuberant and noble Jinya became thinner and thinner, and his skin gradually turned from that golden color to pale gold, and finally turned into a black yellow, and the pair of golden horns on top of his head also disappeared. Only the gray hair hangs down.

At this time, Ling Tian looked like an ordinary white-headed black lion beast in the realm of the Demon Emperor.

After finishing these disguise, Ling Tian walked directly into the wall of the demon realm and disappeared in place.


This is a gloomy wasteland.

Occasionally there are mountain peaks standing on it, and some sparse trees appear sparsely. In that extremely remote place, it seems that there are some long beast roars spreading, giving this land a wild feeling. .

At this time, on a hill in the northern part of the plain, a strong figure was looking up at the sky that was also a little crimson because of the color of the earth, and immediately his line of sight followed the end of the plain. , But I can't see anything...

"Is this the Demon Territory?" Ling Tian muttered as he looked at the wild land.

Feeling the violent vitality fluctuations in the heavens and the earth, Ling Tian's heart trembled slightly. It was the first time he came to this demon realm, but the strange heaven and earth aura and the almost violent vitality aura in front of him, It was still enough to move him.

Although the power of the laws of this world suppressed the human spirit and vitality, it has to be said that it is definitely a paradise for the demon race.

Even below the mountains and rivers, there are mines that have not been mined for tens of thousands of years, and countless rare and exotic plants are hidden in the abyss secret. The countless opportunities are enough to make people's hearts hot.

Of course, not many people dared to hunt for treasure in the Yaozu's area.

"It's finally here!"

Ling Tian sighed secretly, flashed in his hand, and took out a palm of the map of the demon domain.

This is received from the proficiency merchant.

Of course, this is not a map of the entire Demon Territory. The Demon Territory is so huge that no human race has ever visited it. According to estimates by traders, the demon territory is ten times the size of the human race.

"From the map, this place should be at the junction of the Qingluan clan in the south and the Leiyi clan in the east."

Ling Tian murmured, this demon domain is similar to the human race. It is divided into five major demon races, namely Southern Qingluan, Eastern Leiyi, Northern Baiqi, and Western Qiao, as well as being in the middle. The first Tianpeng royal family.

But what is different from the human race is that apart from the unlimited Tianpeng race, the other four monster races have their own territories. Normally, violations are strictly forbidden, and if it becomes a big trouble, it is a war between ethnic groups.

Of course, every big monster clan in the territory is attracted to countless small monster clan, the whole is huge in the monster domain, there are countless types of monster clan, let alone the monster beast tribe.

And Ling Tian had just been teleported to the most fringe area of ​​the Demon Realm, and it was also the junction of the two big Demon Race Realms. The monster beasts in the two major areas here belonged to the Three Regarding Area, which was extremely chaotic and bloody.

Moreover, the Monster Race is not like the Human Race, and there is no human race law between them.

"There is no map of the Qingluan clan on the map, so you have to find a way to get in."

Ling Tian put away the map, a pair of mysterious yellow fleshy wings bloomed behind him, and he flew down the mountain.


The sky and the earth are dim, and in the basin of the Leiyuan Mountain Range, there is this group of monsters walking among the rocks.

They are the tribal demons of the Lingyu Village on the fringe of the Qingluan clan. As a small village, if you want to maintain the survival of the demons in the village, the young men in the village will form a small team to go out to find food for survival and for cultivation. H.

And it seems that this group of monster warriors in the Leiyuan Mountains have been out for more than three months. In these days, they have gained a lot. Not only have they hunted and killed thousands of wild golden bones and bulls with no spirituality. A lot of spirit grass, even the low-grade blood profound crystal used in cultivation, had dug more than a hundred boxes.

If these resources were returned to the stockade, it would be enough for the clan demon in the stockade to practice for a year.

Such a harvest is a fortune among hundreds of stockades within a radius of thousands of miles.

"Bai Ling, don't you know how important our goods are? Have to bring such a white-headed black lion with an unknown source? The cultivation base is only a Tier 1 Demon King. There are more than 30 demon in our team. Emperor!"

At the front of the long line, a man and a woman are leading the way.

At this time, the male demon clan looked like a fierce tiger, with blue eyes and two black gold machetes on his back, and his cultivation was even more like a Tier 2 peak demon emperor.

However, at this moment, he looked at the pretty-looking white-haired demon clan behind the team, muttering jealously.

"Big Brother Lan Jing, that white-headed black lion does not have any demon-like imprints of any clan. It is definitely not an unknown source. Our cottage is now using people. Such a young and white demon emperor, although it is only the first order Very good."

"I sent the news back to the Shanzhai before. The owner of the village has already brought people and horses to meet us. We will be completely safe once we have crossed the Leiyuan Mountains."

A crisp sound like a silver bell rang, and beside the tall monster warrior, there was a monster beauty riding on a war horse.

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