Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1651: Demon Blood Nine Stage

Under the pavilion in the center of the martial arts field, Ran Ruoxuan was dressed in a bright red battle armor, standing in front of a group of Miss Ran's masters with her shoulders. She looked like a warrior.

"Hehe, it seems that Ran Hongfu is about to give up. The selection will begin immediately. If she doesn't come, this place will belong to Sister Ruoxuan."

"What can she do if she is here, it's nothing more than a newcomer to Sanxuan, how can she be the opponent of Sister Ruoxuan?"

Behind Ran Ruoxuan, among them, the Ran Family Monster Clan talked about each other, but almost all of them greeted Ran Ruoxuan's words.

While the former looked at the sky, the corners of his mouth could not help but raised.

Ran Hong, the head of the Ran family, who was sitting in the master seat of the martial arts field, looked at the time, and couldn't help but feel determined.

If Ran Hongfu was absent from this selection, there would not be so much trouble.

He got up and was about to announce the start of selection.

"Hahaha, Uncle Ran, why don't you invite my Cao family to attend the ceremony!?"

However, suddenly, outside the gate of Ran's house, a loud laugh suddenly sounded.

The frantic sound even penetrated the Ran Mansion formation, resounding through the mountains.

"Patriarch Ran, our elder son of the city lord's mansion is here to visit, don't hesitate to open the mansion door!?"

A stern shout followed closely.

Ran Hong's expression on the martial arts arena changed.

The Cao's family actually visited today, I guess it must be a bad person.

Moreover, shouting in front of the mansion in this way, this clearly did not give him any face.


But even if he was angry, Ran Hong waved his hand and asked the guard to open the palace gate.


Ran mansion gate, the demons of the Ran family only discovered that outside the mansion gate, the demons of the Cao family city lord mansion were full of soldiers.

Among them, in addition to the city lord and Cao Xiu, the other three major city gates are all in the middle stage of the fairy tales.

Headed by the eldest son Cao Fei and the second son Cao Ang.

The Cao family is so exciting!

"Hehe, Uncle Ran, excuse me!"

Cao Fei let out a big laugh, then raised his head and led a group of monsters to walk on the martial arts field.

"Cao Fei, what do you mean by bringing so many demon generals and demon soldiers?!"

Ran Hong suddenly stood up from the position of Patriarch, his face already very bad.

"Hehe, my son is here, of course, for the place of blood."

Cao Fei held his hands in front of him, and was not photographed by Ran Hong's aura at all.

"The quota thing!?"

Ran Hong rolled his eyes and said, "As for the quota, I have agreed with the city lord to discuss it after my Ran's selection. It's not your turn to come to my Ran's house to speak?"

"Hehe, my father is now in retreat, and I'm afraid he won't be able to discuss with Uncle Ran, but it's enough to have Cao Fei with me."

"Besides, my Cao family needs two places, so you only need to select one for this selection of Ran family."

"I'm here, first to observe the ceremony, and second, to save the trouble of selecting Ran's family."

Cao Fei sneered.


"The quota issue was given to my Ran family by the Qingluan clan. I am willing to share it with your Cao family. It has already given you enough benefits. You are a junior, what qualifications do you have to come to my Ran mansion!"

Ran Hong was furious. Although he was ready to give up two places, Cao Fei knew it in front of so many Ran Family Monster Races. This made his face uncontrollable.

"Hmph, I'm here to represent my father's meaning. Does Uncle Ran still want to really fight with my Cao family!?'

"Leaving you a place in the Ran family is already enough to give you face!"

Cao Fei smiled and said coldly.


Ran Hong's eyes widened, his heart was full of anger, but he dared not make a move due to the pressure of Cao Jia.

"Hehe, the Cao family has a big tone!"

"You want two places? I Ran Hongfu, but I won't agree!"

However, just as the Ran family was ashamed and afraid to speak, there was another scolding outside the palace gate.

The demons were shocked, and Qi Qi turned around to look, but saw that Ran Hongfu and Ling Tian stepped into the martial arts field one after another.

"Oh? Afu? You have been promoted to Sanxian!?"

Cao Fei turned around and was a little surprised to see that Ran Hongfu's temperament was not what it used to be.

But when Cao Ang saw Ling Tian, ​​his expression was resentful, and he wanted to make a direct shot.

"Hmph, you can't control this anymore."

"Today is the day when my Ran's family selects places of bloodlines. If you want to watch the ceremony, just stay alive and shut your mouth by the way."

"If you want a spot, my Ran family has the final say."

Cao Fei's expression changed, but before he waited to speak, Ran Hongfu had already flown under the **** stele and looked at Ran Hong from a distance.

"Patriarch, you don't have to talk nonsense with the Cao family, now that the hour has come, let's announce the start of the selection."

Ran Hong's face was tense, and he was treated like this by two juniors one after another. He trembled with anger, but he could only raise his hand to announce the start of the selection.

"Hehe, Ran Hongfu, I didn't expect that you would really dare to come, really think you can beat me?"

Ran Ruoxuan withdrew her gaze from Cao Fei and looked at Ran Hongfu.

"Now that the Ran family is trampled on, you, as the daughter of the Ran family, don't speak up for the Ran family. You are still obsessed with the Cao family."

"As my Ran Hongfu opponent, you...not worthy!"

Ran Hongfu snorted, and never looked at Ran Ruoxuan from beginning to end.

"Ran Hongfu! Are you talking to me!?"

Ran Hongfu scolded in public, even Cao Fei was still there, Ran Ruoxuan was immediately embarrassed.

"Today, I will let you understand that you, Ran's adopted daughter, are not qualified to stand here at all!"

Ran Ruoxuan flushed, and flew down directly from the pavilion, and landed in front of the **** stele, before Ran Hongfu, she pressed her palm on the stele.

And the next moment, the blood aura on Ran Ruoxuan's body suddenly exploded, and layers of fiery red demon aura enveloped her whole body and poured it into the stele along her arm.


But the original plain stone stele suddenly bloomed with **** brilliance from the bottom.

The blood light gradually rose in the buzzing sound, and it rushed to a height of ten feet in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, Ruoxuan's bloodline is really good. Our Red Kite's bloodline is only one of the three lower-ranking Sanxian, a tenzhang, she has reached the second-rank Sanxian bloodline!"

"Yes, and the light of blood is still soaring! The color is getting darker!"

Seeing this, all the demons of the Ran family whispered.

Ran Hong's face finally improved a bit at this time.

Ran Ruoxuan's bloodline is indeed the best in the history of the Ran family.


Finally, on the **** stele, the **** glow gradually stopped the momentum, but finally stopped at the position of 27 feet.

This bloodline has already reached the advanced level of Sanxian Third Stage!

If it's worse, you can become the third grade in Sanxian.

You know, in the demon realm today, there are nine levels of known bloodlines.

The top ninth-rank bloodline is naturally a god-level bloodline, including dragons, phoenixes, and unicorn beasts.

The eighth rank, also known as the immortal rank bloodline, is second only to the **** rank.

In the demon realm now, only the Tianpeng clan has such noble blood.

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