Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1653: Ling Tian shot

If she didn't receive the halberd in the last moment just now, she was afraid that she would continue to smash the past.

However, even so, Ran Hongfu defeated Ran Ruoxuan again by one stone.

From the perspective of Ran Jiaxia, it was as if Ran Hongfu deliberately humiliated Ran Ruoxuan, because regardless of bloodline rank or strength, the former only had a little advantage.

"Ran Ruoxuan, I have accepted it. I accepted the Ran family's first quota."

Ran Hongfu put away the Scarlet War Halberd.

"No, how could this happen."

"You obviously only promoted to the Sanxian realm three days ago, why are you so powerful?"

Next to the stone stele, Ran Ruoxuan carried the Yan Kite Halberd, desperate.

For this quota of Bloodland, she prepared for several years.

As long as she can come out of the bloodline, her bloodline level will definitely enter the third grade, and she will definitely be able to achieve the late stage of Sanxian in the future, and she will be able to match Cao Fei.

But now, Ran Hongfu has shattered all her dreams.


The young ladies and masters who had also mocked Ran Hongfu just now did not dare to speak anymore. After all, Ran Hongfu's combat power is too terrifying now, this is definitely a chance encounter.

Otherwise, without Ran's resource supply, how could Ran Hongfu grow so terribly.

Ran Hong closed his eyes and took a fierce breath, suppressing the disappointment in his heart.

Ran Ruoxuan is his lifelong hope.

How could he see his daughter be taken away?

The Cao Family Demon Race also started talking after a moment of stunned.

When Ran Hongfu was young, he was like a bully in Qingfeng City.

Today, it is still far better than other Tianjiao.

"Afu, I really didn't think you were as good as you are now, don't worry, this time the power of blood, you and I cooperate, we can definitely return with a full load!"

With a proud look on Cao Fei's face, looking at Ran Hongfu's gaze, it gradually became a little hot.

"Hehe, no need..."

However, Ran Hongfu looked at him sideways, with a joking expression on his face.

"Huh? Afu, are you still angry with me?"

"You know the dangers of the Land of Blood, if you want to come."

"You can't do it alone. My brother Cao Ang and I, together with the three of us, will definitely win against teams from other major cities."

Cao Fei frowned, wondering why Ran Hongfu rejected him.

"I said no need is not necessary."


Ran Hongfu sneered, "Because of your Cao family, you don't have a quota!"

"Afu, what do you mean?!"

Cao Fei's face turned gloomy, he could see that Ran Hongfu didn't seem to be joking.

"Your Ran's family and my Cao's family have an appointment..."

"There is no agreement!" Before Cao Fei finished speaking, Ran Hongfu said categorically: "This place was given to the Ran family in Qingfeng City by the main city of Qingluan, so why do you want a place from the Cao family?"

"Haha, Afu, are you serious? Without my Cao family, the place where your Ran family disciple enters the blood is looking for death!"

"Could it be that in your Ran family, besides you, who else is better than me, Cao Fei!?"

Cao Fei laughed.

At this time, Ran Hong turned his eyes, and finally raised some courage, and shouted in a low voice: "Hongfu is right! Our Ran family now has two geniuses, better than your Cao family!"

"We, need two places!"

In this way, Ran Ruoxuan still has a chance.

The desperate Ran Ruoxuan's eyes suddenly regained their brilliance.

Does she still have a chance! ?

On the Cao family's side, Cao Ang's expression changed.

Originally, his combat power was fair, but it was still not as good as Ran Ruoxuan's.

"Brother, the quota is mine!"

He looked at Cao Fei in front of him, suddenly feeling anxious.

Cao Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and his big hand under the armor suddenly clenched, "It is impossible to want two places!"

Now, the Ran family has been suppressed by the Cao family in Qingfeng City and can't afford to raise their heads. How can they let out two of the three places? !

"No, don't get me wrong."

"I mean, these three places, I want them in Ran's family!"

However, before Ran Hong could speak, Ran Hongfu suddenly sneered.

The two monster races on the entire martial arts field were stunned.


The Ran family wants it all, don't you give it to the Cao family? ?

This Ran Hongfu is too domineering, right?

"Afu, aren't you kidding? You want everything from Ran's family? Are you sure someone in your Ran's family can beat me!?"

"In addition to you and Ran Ruoxuan, there are other Tianjiao who can fight in the Ran family!?"

Cao Fei suddenly turned back and laughed with anger, his body was tumbling with cyan demon energy, his feet shook, light and shadow flashed, and he was under the blood-colored stone stele.

"...0 (\'

Then a palm fell on it.


In an instant, the power of blood was tumbling, and the blood-colored stone stele bloomed with a strong atmosphere of monster race, the light all the way up, and the breath forced people.

In the astonished eyes of the demons, the beam of light finally stopped at the position of thirty-eight zhang.

For example, the bloodline of Ran Hong Fu Yan Harrier was seven feet taller.

The cyan demon spirit on Cao Fei's body also bloomed with shining light, condensing into a phantom like a pegasus.

"Cyan Guang Yun Tianma!"

"Cao Fei's bloodline has indeed mutated, thirty-eight zhang, this is already at the top of the bloodline of the Fourth Stage Sanxian!"

"It's no wonder Cao Fei has such confidence and blood is really strong."

All the demons looked at the light on the **** stele, all surprised.

Cao Fei has always been known as the first arrogant of Qingfeng City, but now it seems that it is indeed more powerful than Ran Hongfu.

"Hehe, Afu, I know you have some adventures, but there is still a gap with me."

"Not to mention, the other Tianjiao of Ran's family."

"In this Blue Wind City, no one is better than me."

Withdrawing his palm, Cao Fei looked arrogant and arrogant.

The bloodline at the top of the fourth rank of thirty-eight zhang was enough to disregard the demons.

"Hehe, I'm not happy with this."

But when all the demons in the Ran family were shocked by Cao Fei's blood, a figure suddenly walked up from behind Ran Hong.

He looked at Cao Fei with his arms folded, with a touch of disdain on his face.

"who are you!?"

"Oh, I remember now, you are the Jin San'er who Afu begs me to rescue you from the dungeon too!"

Cao Fei was startled, but he quickly recognized Ling Tian.

After all, Ling Tian's face is too rare in Yaozu.

"Big Brother, this kid hurt me, so I can't let him go!"

Cao Ang was also murderous.

"Hehe, ignorant trash thing. At first, Afu rushed to the camp to save you. Why, now you are so anxious to die?"

"Now, it's my Cao family and Ran family's business, what are you? Get out of here!"

Cao Fei narrowed his eyes and said angrily.

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