Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1658: Boundless Disciple Scarlet Vortex

Maybe this person can hide from other monster races, but he definitely can't hide from Ling Tian.

Although he was shocked in his heart, Ling Tian only stopped for a moment, and then looked away.

He naturally wouldn't let the other party feel any strangeness.

However, Ling Tian's peripheral vision was always observing.

This person is dressed in a black armor, and his figure is equally burly. What's more, unlike other monsters, this person has long, fiery red and messy hair, exposed on the dark skin, and full of fire-colored ridges. His face looked fierce, uglier than the head of the Yao Patriarch!

If it weren't for Ling Tian's own cultivation base and profound cultivation of magical mystery techniques, he would definitely recognize this person.

Although he was hiding well, he still couldn't hide Ling Tian's eyes.

More importantly, Ling Tian felt the aura of a martial soul from the beginning!

Perhaps it is that the spirit level of the God of War Killing Heaven is far better than the ancient Taichu, or it may be the reason that Ling Tian has made up a set, but in short, there must be an ancient Taichu in this red-haired human race, and the whole body is crimson. .

Big disciple of the Boundless Battle Hall!

Ling Tian couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

It's also very Yuanjia Luzhai, and in this place of blood of the Qingluan clan, he encountered the Tianjiao of the Boundless Battle Hall.

Then he won't be polite.

There is no longer an ancient and early beginning in Xuanming Ghost Valley, so Ling Tian will not let go of this vast battle hall.

"Ran Hongfu, Ran Ruoxuan, tsk tsk, they all say that the Ran family of Qingfeng City is a beautiful woman. When I saw it today, she really deserved her reputation."

"Why, or else, how about the two Miss Ran's family, this place of blood, just along the way with my Wu family? We protect the safety of the two young ladies."

Na Wujia Wutai rubbed his hands and turned a pair of muddy bull's eyes, which made people annoying.

"Forget it, Qingfeng City Ran's family, it won't be disgusting to go all the way with you black cow living in the stinking ditch."

Ran Ruoxuan did not hide the disgust in her heart.

"You! Who do you say is disgusting!"

Na Utai's face suddenly changed.

His most taboo is that he is sick.

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"Whoever talks about it..."

Ran Ruoxuan looked at Wutai's ferocious appearance, and her aura seemed even stronger than Ling Tian, ​​and she immediately felt a little embarrassed.

"Hmph, okay, you have a seed, wait for me, it's best not to let me touch you in the bloodline, otherwise...hehe, you will suffer!"

Na Wutai sneered, and led the five monster races into the formation, teleporting into the land of blood.

"I...I didn't mean to provoke him, it's none of my business."

Ran Ruoxuan looked sad.

"Let's go, let's talk about the advanced bloodline."

Ling Tian pulled Ran Hongfu, turned around and stepped into the formation.

In this place of blood, no one can't offend and stand in front of him, just kill.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Ran Ruoxuan looked anxious when she saw this, and hurriedly followed.

After a few breaths, the three figures disappeared in the formation.

"Hehe, these sub-prime city's tianjiao are nothing more than the nourishment of the bloodline land. This time the Lord has determined that the bloodline of the bloodline land is abnormal, swallowing and condensing each other, and it is very likely to produce extremely powerful blood spirits."

Under the formation, the three demon clan veterans looked at the demon clan juniors who entered the bloodline with indifference on their faces.

"Yes, these younger generations are still trying to find opportunities in the bloodline, but they don't know that they can't get out at all."

The veteran of the Luan clan also sneered: "This time the blood spirit movement in the bloodline land is extraordinary. It looks like the bloodline of other monster clan, so it is the same. This will definitely affect the atmosphere of my monster clan. ."

"We, just wait for Saint Luan Yunxiao to achieve the seventh-level bloodline, let's come back from King's Landing!"


As soon as he stepped into the formation, Ling Tian immediately felt the violent spatial fluctuations, and he seemed to be in a vast sea of ​​blood. In the vast sea of ​​blood, there are countless forms forming a majestic and indescribable light and shadow of monsters, which is very mysterious.

It was densely packed, and countless **** lights and shadows seemed to flicker, making people breathless.

However, suddenly, the light and shadow of the blood-colored monster beasts suddenly condensed toward the center, and in the middle of the blood sea, a huge vortex gradually condensed, and in the eyes of the vortex, a hideous and terrifying blood-colored head slowly emerged. . !

However, before Ling Tian could see clearly, the sea of ​​blood burst into pieces, and his vision continued to blur. He vaguely felt that his body was wrapped in an extremely powerful spatial force and plunged downward.

As time passed, the world revolved.

When Ling Tian's vision regained his vision, the soles of his feet had already stepped on the ground, and when he raised his eyes and looked away, he found that there was endless blood and desolation in his eyes.

Even the sky is not angry, a dark red color, and the starlight is gone. The whole world is extremely gray. Only the sky that doesn’t know how far away, from time to time, there is a bright red light flashing, just like this world. Like the thunder, it was strangely ruthless.

However, this space is extremely vast, and there is a depressing atmosphere everywhere.

"Huh, Hong Fu, what did you see when teleporting in just now!?"

Ling Tian suddenly turned around, and when he saw that Ran Hongfu had been sent to him, he was sure in his heart, and asked.

"Did you see that too? That whirlpool, and that terrible scarlet head, what is that!?"

Ran Hongfu also had a solemn expression on his face.

"What else are you talking about, what whirlpool, what **** head?"

Ran Ruoxuan on the other side frowned.

"It's nothing."

"It seems that this teleportation is random, and it should all be on the edge of the bloodline. The top priority is to find blood spirits to kill, improve bloodline and cultivation, otherwise, you can't compete with those arrogances."

Ling Tian took a deep breath, his spiritual thoughts spread, but he couldn't get too far deep.

Quietly, he released the phantom sting bee and the green ghost ghost vine first, silently surrounding the situation, after all, let them lead the way to find the blood spirit, and they would take less detours.

After all, Ling Tian couldn't even look down on ordinary blood spirits.

Entering the Land of Bloodline this time, in addition to getting the Wuhun of the Primordial Beginning, Ling Tian was to let Ran Hongfu grow up at the fastest speed.

This bloodline place is a special space. Although there are no natural treasures such as herbs or minerals, it has the relics and monster crystal nuclei left by the strong monsters of the ancient times. These are scarce resources, especially It is the crystal nucleus, which can make Ran Hongfu's cultivation level as quickly as possible.

There are too many strong people in the land of blood, Ling Tian is naturally not afraid, but Ran Hongfu has not been promoted to the middle stage of Sanxian, so he is not at ease.

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