Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1668: All annihilation【large

"and who are you!?"

The saint Qingluan frowned immediately.

I was also muttering in my heart, why are so many strange Tianjiao appearing in this bloodline one after another?

"Me? How forgetful the saint is!"

"Do you still remember that Qingfeng City Ran's family entered the main city of Qingluan to worship the ancestors five years ago, and you drew me five whips in front of the Demon Race of Qingluan City!?"

The fierce light on Ran Hong's face has become more and more terrifying.

The halberd in his hand also slowly lifted.

"Ran family!?"

"You are the adopted daughter of Ran's family who didn't have eyes to confront me five years ago!?"

Saint Qingluan suddenly remembered.

But it was unacceptable in my heart.

Five years ago, this young lady from Ran's family was not qualified to give her a look.

But now he actually possesses the cultivation base of the demon clan in the middle stage of Sanxian Dacheng realm! ?

Moreover, looking at the exuberance of its evil spirit, it is clear that it is an extremely noble image of blood.

how can that be! ?

"Yes! It's me Ran Hongfu!"

"The humiliation of the five lashes back then, today, I want to get it back together."

"This canyon, none of you can walk!"

Ran Hong flicked the halberd in his hand and pointed directly at the saint of the Luan clan.

It seemed that he didn't pay attention to the hundreds of monsters behind him.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous!"

"Why, do you still want revenge?"

"You really can handle me Luan Yunlin!?"

Luan Yunlin has always been arrogant as a saint of the Luan clan.

Now, how can he be humiliated by Ran Hongfu, his green robe agitated, and directly faded away.

Luan Yunlin walked out slowly, wearing a blue-gold battle armor, bright and dazzling, and between raising his hand, a spear appeared in his hand.

"Today, I want you to understand that even if you have an adventure, I don't want Luan Yunlin to look at you more!"

As the sound fell, Luan Yunlin's blue light wings burst forth behind him, rolling up the violent wind, Ramming Void carried a long spear and killed him towards Ran Hongfu.

"Oh, I just want you to be arrogant, the more arrogant, the more I want to kill you!"

Naturally, Ran Hongfu would not be weak, so he raised the halberd and the flame-gathering shield to greet him.

Clang clang clang!


For a time, the two great Luan Clan Tianjiao fought each other in the canyon, flying sand and rocks, which was extremely terrifying.

"Sister Yanyan, are you okay!?’

The banshee of Xuanmu City dragged Lin Yanyan back to Kong Ling'er.

"I'm fine...but, this Ran Hongfu..."

Lin Yanyan frowned, feeling that Ran Hongfu's appearance was a bit too abrupt.

Moreover, she had no reason to save herself.

On the other side, Naquesen turned his eyes and shouted: "Don't look at it, kill all the banshees in Xuanmu City, and then join the saint to kill Ran Hong!"

Immediately, more than a hundred masters of the monster race followed Naquesen and rushed towards Lin Yanyan.

"Hehe, don't even think about going anywhere."

However, before they flew by, the light and shadow of the void in front flashed, and a pale golden figure appeared from it.

He wore a pale golden uniform, but the crystal-silver hair and the handsome face that made the demon jealous made people scream in surprise.

What a handsome monster!

This kind of temperament can hardly lose the holy son Luan Yunxiao!

"You, who are you!"

Queson exclaimed.

This guy appeared suddenly, as if coming out of thin air.

But they didn't even notice it.

It's a hell, where did these monster races come from! ?

However, Lin Yanyan, who was surrounded by the Banshee of Xuanmu City, was shocked when he saw the figure.

On the sluggish pretty face, a line of tears suddenly welled up along his cheeks.

"Sister Yanyan, what's wrong with you? Does it hurt!?"

"Don't be afraid, we will find a way to help you detoxify."

The banshees of Xuanmu City panicked immediately.

They have known Lin Yanyan for so long, they have never seen her cry.

"No, I don't hurt."

"When he comes, I'm not afraid, and it doesn't hurt anymore."

Lin Yanyan said, but she choked up.

At this moment, she is like a delicate girl who has been wronged but has nowhere to tell...

In the middle of the gorge, Ling Tian held his hand, blocking Naquesen and more than a hundred demon races alone.

"Where did you come from again!"

Quinson rolled his eyes and didn't move forward.

He could feel that the handsome monster clan in front of him that made him jealous was a little different.

"You don't need to know..."

"Because you are going to die."

Ling Tian smiled lightly.

"What a joke, just rely on you? I really thought it could block all our monster races!?"

Quinson held the sledgehammer, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Haha, how about, try!?"

As Ling Tian spoke, the double stretched out behind him, slowly raising it.

In an instant, the tyrannical demonic spirit swept the wind and sand all over the sky, like a wall of sand condensed by changing sharp edges, across the entire canyon section, passing away.

The wall of storm was extremely fast, rumbling away like a mountain collapsed.

In an instant, they swallowed all the demons in Naquesen.

Suddenly, in the storm, the wailing of the monster race was endless, and there were more stumps and broken arms, flying out of it.

All the female demons in Xuanmu City looked stupid.

This is too strong, right?

Is it just a wall of storm that has been set off, so that hundreds of monster races can't get past the thunder pond?

I'm afraid that even the saints of the Luan clan can't do it, right?



In the storm, there was a burst of black light, and the next moment, Quesen rushed out of it with a sledgehammer.

Ling Tian's wall of storm may be able to shred the ordinary monsters in the middle of the fairy tale stage, but for Quesen, it is still impossible.

However, as soon as Quesen rushed out, before he could stand firmly in the void, he suddenly saw a huge pitch-black front shooting from the void.


Queson was shocked, and the sledgehammer in his hand was raised against his chest.


However, the quasi-immortal sledgehammer was directly pierced in front of Qianfeng like tofu, while the strength of that Fengfeng was still the same. It directly pierced Quesen and crossed thousands of feet and was nailed to death there. Above the canyon wall.

One stroke, just one stroke, directly killed the right arm of the saint woman.

The storm wall also disappeared at this time, but within the canyon, the monster races that Luan Yunlin had brought were all dead.


Above the high sky, a cyan light suddenly fell, and on it, the red light formed by Ran Hongfu directly overtook it, and the light of the halberd exploded repeatedly, blasting Luan Yunlin into the dust.

Too ferocious.

Although Ran Hongfu couldn't achieve the point where Ling Tian could kill a powerful enemy with his hands up, but the tyrannical maneuver that shattered the void was even more invincible than the demon clan.


In the dust, Luan Yunlin, the saint of Qingluan, spurted out a mouthful of blood, her breath has been greatly reduced.

At this time, the radiant light of her armor was no longer, and it was even full of scars and tears.

Under Ran Hongfu's Scarlet War Halberd, her armor could not be resisted at all.

Not to mention, that Ran Hongfu, no matter in terms of bloodline or cultivation base, will force her to crush her Qingluan sage.

"Hehe, now, do you have anything else to say?"

Ran Hongfu fell from the sky, his shield and halberd still dazzling.

In contrast, the two females made a judgment.

"It's impossible! How could you become so strong, what is your bloodline!?"

Luan Yunlin was covered in blood, but when she saw the corpses of the monster race in the canyon and the crucified Quesen on the mountain wall, her pupils shrank even more.

The demon clan standing far away seemed even stronger.

"My blood? Hehe, I can tell you now, I am the queen of Hongluan!"

"In the beginning, you Qingluan clan destroyed me all at once. Today, I want to take revenge!"

Ran Hongfu walked up step by step, killing intent in his eyes.

"Red Luan!?"

"Okay! You Ran Hongfu turned out to be behind the Hongluan!"

"No, you can't kill me, I'm the sage Qingluan, kill me, you are the enemy of the entire Qingluan clan, even if you have the means to reach the sky, you can still die!

Seeing that Ran Hong approached step by step, Luan Yunlin was finally scared.

"Hehe, do you think we are afraid?"

"Besides, you are not that important to the Qingluan clan."

Ran Hongfu walked up to the sage Qingluan, the halberd in his hand was already raised.

"No, then you can't kill me either!"

"This bloodline land has undergone an abnormal change, and the blood master within it controls the blood spirit in this space, and now has the combat power of the Sanxian Consummation realm!"

"We may be able to fight together, otherwise, you will die as well!"

Luan Yunlin couldn't help backing.


From a distance, Ling Tian looked over, "Where is the Blood Lord?"

"Thirty thousand miles to the southwest, Luan Yunxiao has already rushed there with all the demons in the main city."

"I was going to join him."

Luan Yunlin said anxiously.

"Hehe, stupid banshee, in that case, you are of little value."

Ling Tian sneered, then turned and walked towards Lin Yanyan.

"Luan Yunlin, it's over."

The halberd in Ran Hongfu's hand suddenly turned, and it stabbed down!

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