Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1672: Blood Spirit Xuanwu [Thank you for not staying]

It is necessary to know that when the physical body reaches his realm, every single bit of progress requires long-term cultivation or opportunity, or even the dragon blood overlord body.

The keel ice flower before, only strengthened Ling Tian's surface, and did not rise above the bloodline, but now the blood crystal of this strange fish is actually under the speed visible to the naked eye, as well as the blood and flesh.

Without dragon blood to strengthen the body, how could such a change not make Ling Tian excited! ?

The blood crystals in this strange fish are comparable to the treasures of heaven and earth!

Unexpectedly, under this sea of ​​blood, Ling Tian could actually get such an unexpected gain.

Seeing the glittering blood crystals floating around in the sea, a fire rose in Ling Tian's eyes.

Even if it is a big scroll, all the blood crystals are incorporated into the body.

And as these blood crystals entered the body, Ling Tian felt faint energy radiating from it, and then merged into the body, cooling and a little sore and tingling, like thousands of small insects crawling around.

Moreover, the sword shadow in the body is not abnormal, indicating that these energies are extremely pure and not threatening.

Ling Tian opened his eyes, with joy in his eyes. Before, his physical ascension seemed to have reached a certain bottleneck, and the appearance of this strange fish blood crystal was undoubtedly just right.

"Hehe, it's really an accident. Without dragon blood, let's have more strange fish!"

At this time, Ling Tian hoped to have more strange fishes, the more the better, so that he could kill them happily.

Feeling the energy surging of the blood in his body, Ling Tian picked up the big scorpion, and shot towards the direction of the previous blood tower.


"So big!?"

Half an hour later, Ling Tian came under the blood tower.

However, what they saw before was just a section of the spire of the blood tower.

But now, Ling Tian stood on the tower body and looked up, but he couldn't see the end.

This blood tower stood on the ground of the blood sea, it was a thousand feet high, and it occupies a huge area, which is even more shocking.

At this moment, under the blood tower, there was a stream of essence and blood that precipitated from the ground, and then poured into it.

Essence and blood spread upward along the tower, as if being drawn away from energy, and then a beam of light burst out toward the depths of the blood sea, and passed away in the blink of an eye.

It always looks like it is transmitting energy towards a certain place.


After that, a stream of **** waste water gushed out around the tower.

Sure enough, just as Ling Tian had guessed before, this sea of ​​blood was the useless waste water under the city after the blood had been drawn away from the energy.

It seems that the formation here has indeed been used by the blood master.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then you really won't be able to stay."

Ling Tian let out a cold snort, lifted his hand and stepped forward.

"Hehe, there are monsters who dare to come to me. Those ugly blood fish didn't kill you. It's really beyond my expectation!"

But at this moment, the Blood Tower suddenly shook.

The whole land was trembling, countless dark red blood mists gushing out, and after a while, it condensed into a huge blood-colored tortoise.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a tortoise, because it has a snake-like body, and its tail is somewhat similar to that of a dragon. Its head is fierce and mighty, and it is as big as a thousand feet.

Could it be that Xuanwu! ?

Seeing this, Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Although he hadn't seen Xuanwu among the four great sacred beasts, he had heard of it. The blood spirit in front of him was really a bit like.

Of course, this blood spirit was definitely not transformed by the real basalt.


The vortex condensed, and then a small, but unusually strong human-shaped blood spirit came out from it.

The blood is transformed!

This was also the first transformed blood spirit that Ling Tian saw after entering the bloodline land.

Moreover, the aura on his body was even more powerful than the blood spirit scorpions seen in the canyon before that.

"Tsk tusk, it's weird, you actually have the breath of the dragon clan on your body, is it Jinyao?"

"However, whatever it is, today, you are mine."

"If you donate your blood to the blood master, the blood master will definitely be pleased!"

There is no Five Views on the blood spirit's head, so it sounds very strange when it makes a sound.

But if Ling Tian could not speak, the big blood spirit suddenly stretched out and grabbed Ling Tian.

"Haha, the **** lackey, dare to try to move me!?"

But Ling Tian was angry. In the sea of ​​blood, his body was full of golden light, and the Dragon Phoenix Supreme was turned on. The blood vein strengthened by the blood crystal of the strange fish suddenly gushed out surging energy, poured on the spurge, accompanied by a sound Long Yin roared and stabbed over.

The Seven Lights of the Holy Dragon are invincible.

Ling Tian, ​​who had never kept it, blasted out with a powerful force that shook a sea of ​​blood.

"Do not!"

"Who are you!"

The blood spirit was terrified, but he wanted to stop, but it was too late.


Daqi ignored its big **** hands and directly shattered it with a blast.

Before Sanxian reached Consummation, this blood spirit was not Ling Tian's opponent at all.


The blood spirit exploded, but there was no remaining blood.

Nor did the blood crystal appear.

This made Ling Tian a little disappointed.

However, he swept directly into the blood tower.

"Huh? Such a big blood crystal!?"

However, standing on the first floor of the blood tower, Ling Tian looked at the blood-colored crystals the size of a watermelon floating in the center of the blood tower, but a touch of excitement appeared on his face.

The blood-colored spar revolved in it, with dazzling red lights gleaming, and the energy diffused freely, swaying a mysterious light, which was exactly the same as the blood crystal in the strange fish!

It's just that it needs to be more powerful!

Along the way, Ling Tian's body was nourished by countless melon seed-sized blood crystals, and it was already a lot stronger. Although it had not undergone a qualitative change, Ling Tian believed that the number of blood crystals in this sea of ​​blood was considerable.

But the huge blood crystal in front of him was more powerful than that small blood crystal.

Thinking of this, how could Ling Tian still bear it?

Immediately flew forward and picked off the blood crystal in one hand.


And just in that moment, the blood tower was shaking, Ling Tian's face changed, and he flew out.

Watching the thousand-zhang blood tower collapse little by little from a distance, there was no wave in Ling Tian's heart.

It turned out that this huge blood crystal in his hand was the energy source for the operation of the blood tower.

It should have been condensed in this land of blood for tens of thousands of years.

But Ling Tian didn't care about this. He was about to squeeze the blood crystals in his hand, and within a short time, the burning and crazy blood energy poured into his body. The feeling of the bloodline power surged, Ling Tian couldn't help but let out a groan.

It was almost visible in Rouran, the physical body in Ling Tian's body was undergoing qualitative changes, and the power of that blood was rising wildly!

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