Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1680: Hidden Dragon Valley Qinglong City

"You, how do you know!?"

Long Xuan was shocked, this secret, but only the Dragon Clan knew.

"Haha, how did I know? Just leave it alone, am I right?" Yang Lin spread his hands.

"Yes, it is the Sky Dragon Palace!"

When Long Xuan was broken by someone, he no longer concealed it, and continued: "It's just that, with my own ability, the Qingtian Dragon Palace can't get in at all, and it didn't take long for my breath to be found by the evil dragon clan. , Was chased by them all the way."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I die, but the dragon's sense of smell is extremely sharp. If they catch my breath, they will definitely be able to find my tribe!"

"They will inevitably launch a large number of evil dragons to attack my tribe. That's why I ask you all for help. Besides, I have nothing to do with Longxuan!"

"I can't save my father, but I can't harm my tribe!"

With that, the dignified prince of the dragon clan, the dragon's eyes were in tears, and his fists clenched tightly.

"Ling Tian, ​​it seems that this matter is not trivial. What we want should be in the Qingtian Dragon Palace. Moreover, the Tianpeng clan and the people from Tianyuxian Island may also know about the Qingtian Dragon Palace. We must hurry up. Up."

Qin Mingyue looked at Ling Tian and spoke.

Today, Qin Mingyue's three daughters still have only one primordial martial soul. Whether they can make up this set depends on this trip to the Dragon Region.

Ling Tian is determined to win.

"Brother Longxuan, don't worry, now that we know, we must do our best. Now there should be enough time."

Ling Tian raised his hand and looked at the four women, "Everyone, get ready, this time, we are really going to kill the dragon!"

"Hehe, I really can't wait!"

The four daughters of Ji Jiuyou also removed the weapons behind them and held them firmly in their hands.

And Xiao Qing also let out a roar, rushed into the sky, went straight to the Qinglong tribe, and ran away frantically.


Hidden Dragon Canyon.

Located on the edge of the dragon domain.

The thick clouds do not open all year round, and within the canyon, is the tribe of the Qinglong clan.

In today's Qinglong tribe, there are only more than 10,000 Qinglong tribes that have multiplied to this day.

The Qinglong clan belongs to the five-color dragon clan. Although it is not a dragon clan, it is also an orthodox dragon clan in this realm. It has a strong talent. Among them, the bloodline is pure enough to beat Tianpeng and rank eighth.

However, when everyone in Ling Tian entered this area, their hearts sank.

Because the mountains and rivers here are full of traces of dragons raging everywhere, and the air is full of disgusting smells of stench.

At this time, Long Xuan had clenched his fists, and his killing intent was diffused.

"It's coming, and sure enough, they have found my tribe!"

"Damn evil dragons, I'm fighting with you!"

Before Ling Tian could speak, that Long Xuan could no longer hold back, soaring into the sky, transformed into a hundred-foot-long blue dragon, and rushed into the thick fog.

"Xiaoqing, catch up!"

With Ling Tian under his feet, Xiaoqing yelled to the sky, and bursts of golden light rose up all over his body, and electricity shot into the thick fog.

But after more than a dozen breaths, the dense fog dispersed, and the sound of killing and dragon chants resounded through the valley.

Ling Tian and the others leaned over and let go, their pupils suddenly shrank!

I saw that under the thick clouds, there was indeed a gorge, and above the Dragon City in the gorge, black dragons with a pair of wings were everywhere. These dragons were extremely ferocious and numerous, just like crows. Group!

Outside of Dragon City, the warriors of the Azure Dragon clan were fighting with the black dragon.

But these black dragons are too many, and the formation above the dragon city is already full of cracks, and it is about to be broken.

That Longxuan has already entered it, and among the **** dragons, there are also powerful generations, and the killed Longxuan retreats back and forth, and it is impossible to resist.

"Hehe, girls, it's time for us to teach these ugly things a lesson!"

"Kill it!"

Ling Tian sneered, covered his body with golden light, lifted up the Huangquan River, and rushed down from the top of Xiaoqing's back.

Ran Hong flicked a phoenix sound, and his whole body was in flames, following Ling Tian.

"Hehe, two, we can't let people compare, let's kill!"

Qin Mingyue drew out and carried the Moon Sword, scattered a beam of Yuehua light, and rushed down with Liu Yiyiji Jiuyou, unwilling to show weakness.

All of a sudden, the five bright streamers were like meteors falling into the dark pool water, suddenly rippled.

"Eight Kills in the Brahma Sutra!"

Ling Tian did his part, and after falling down the canyon, he lifted up the scorpion to directly sacrifice the magical power of the group.


In an instant, the raging fire rushed through the thunder, with the sound of Sanskrit, resounding through the entire canyon.

The storm that threw up like a tsunami, wherever it passed, the evil dragon in the sky was instantly blasted to kill the city powder.

These evil dragons were born of evil spirits, and under the Sanskrit sound, they couldn't resist.

Not only that, but then four figures swept into the valley, the halberd, the long sword, the black sickle, and almost every warrior's blade sharply slashed down, and the dragon was beheaded on the spot.

But in a moment, the five Ling Tian rushed into the battle group.

"Damn it! What the **** is this!"

"Dragon General! Kill them!"

Among the evil dragon army, a black-haired humanoid dragon race sitting in the middle of the town raised his hand to look towards the sky, suddenly startled, even with a big wave of his hand, a dozen evil dragon generals sprang out from behind and greeted him.

"Huh, the mere Qinglong clan, dare to resist my evil dragon army!?"

Immediately, the figure of the dragon warrior flashed, and before the army rushed to the Dragon City, a black spear in his hand manifested, and he had to slash towards the Dragon City formation that was already on the verge of shattering.

"Stop moving my Dragon City!"

Suddenly Long Xuan leaped straight up from below, bathed in the sacred glory of the Dragon Clan, and lay in front of the Dragon City.

"Stupid reptiles, those who stand in the way of my dragon army, a dead end!"

The evil dragon commander gave a cold cry, and the spear cut straight down, completely ignoring the sacred glory offered by the dragon xuan.

Seeing that Long Xuan was about to be swallowed by the spear, a black giant sickle suddenly flew from the side.


With a blast, the giant sickle collapsed and flew, but now Ji Jiuyou is not the opponent of this commander.

The spear still fell.

"Huh! I'm coming!"

Then another red light flew in, blocking Long Xuan's body in an instant.

Dressed in red armor, Ran Hongfu, who was covered by flames, slayed. She immediately gathered the flame-gathering shield in her hand, condensing the boundless sea of ​​fire, and took the commander's ultimate move.


The light of the spear slashed on the flame-gathering shield, and the flames burst in a moment.

Ran Hongfu backed back hundreds of feet, and then the huge force was resolved.

This evil dragon commander is extremely powerful, extremely frightening, and even more powerful than the blood master.

"Huh? The breath of Hongluan and Yanfeng, what a delicious spirit of the monster race!"

"I like!"

However, even though the ultimate move was resolved by Ran Hongfu, the evil dragon commander looked happy, grinned slyly, turned into a black lightning, and blasted past.

Clang clang clang!

In an instant, the dragon and the phoenix continued to hum, and Ran Hong, who was holding the Gathering Flame Shield Crimson Halberd in his hand, flew more and more bravely, and did not lose the wind!

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