Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1685: Behead


The moment the sword light fell on the ground, a hundred meters of golden flames immediately rose up, spreading across the entire hall in the blink of an eye.

boom! Long! Long!

The owner of the third island was not forgiving. In the sneer, the fairy sword in his hand was like a poisonous snake, biting Ling Tian firmly. Accompanied by sword lights, the arrogance on his body skyrocketed wildly.

Between the swings of the fairy sword, the murderous aura was fierce, and the mighty roar was fierce.

There are indeed some doorways that can be ranked third in Tianyuxian Island, and the owner of this island is not in vain.

However, if only this is the case, I want Ling Tian to be caught without a fight, and I think too much!

Ling Tian, ​​who had never backed away, wiped the stick with a big hand and gave a soft drink.

"Lao Hou, it's time to move your muscles and bones!"

At the next moment, above the big stalk in his hand, Lao Hou's horrible dark red flame body suddenly rose up.

Today's Lao Hou, although he has not completely consumed the tens of thousands of souls he swallowed before, he is still far more ferocious than before.

Coupled with the fact that it now has the body of a weapon, the body of an immortal weapon, and the burst of combat power is not inferior to the immortal weapon.

At the very least, the fairy sword in the hands of the third island owner, don't want to insult people.

"The Seven Lights of the Holy Dragon, the fourth stage!"

Waiting for the moment when Ling Tian was sacrificed, Ling Tian's killing intent was superimposed, vast as an abyss, towering as a mountain, like a **** of war coming out of hell.

Under the blessing of Ling Tian's urging Dragon Emperor Supreme Jue, Ling Tian, ​​who was carrying a large scorpion, rushed away like crazy.


Along with the blast of the front lines, the terrifying power of the Sacred Dragon Qi Yao broke out in an instant. Suddenly, the prestige shook the sky, flying sand and rocks, and the ancient hall trembled crazily.

The boundless Qianfeng released all this overbearing supernatural powers.

His gaze was like a thousand horses galloping, and the roar of a fierce beast condensed in anger, which shook the sky. It seems that there is endless blood and fighting spirit, erupting.

At this time, Ling Tian's eyes were like electricity, and there was a burst of sound, and the golden and burly body stood upright.

How about a fairy sword, how about Tianyu Xiandao! ?

Beneath the sacred, devastated and decayed!

When Ling Tian swept down, the enemy's overwhelming sword light exploded.

The golden fairy sword was blown out even more, and it was not stopped, directly in front of the third island owner.


The owner of the third island spit out blood, was shocked, and hit the wall. With a pained complexion, the third island owner shook his back. He was in mid-air and said angrily: "Fight against you, the sky hurts the air punch!"


Suddenly, the vitality of the third island owner was violent, and at this moment, he forcibly increased his combat power. The golden flames on his body continued to rise between the glowing discs, and an extremely vast coercion raged on the third island owner.

That arrogance soared to the limit in the blink of an eye, poured onto his arm, and blasted toward Ling Tian.

This punch was extremely terrifying, and it seemed to be madly devouring the coercion of the third island owner, but for a moment, the hall was filled with flames, making people fearless for no reason.

"Haha, you can't help yourself!"

Ling Tian's eyes flashed sharply, filled with the power of surging blood like an explosion, and he didn't vomit unpleasantly.

He has never been afraid than the flesh!

There was golden blood surging slowly in his body, and there was a burst of loud noise, like a golden dragon roaring, and blood boiling like a sea.

In the howling of the squally wind, Ling Tian's white hair danced wildly, and along with the blood brilliance that exploded all over, there was the sound of muffled thunder. That Leiyin was close at hand, but it seemed to fall down from nine heavens, containing great pressure.

Eighteen palms of Shenlong!

Six Dragons Hengtian!

He flew into the air, and the light of Jin thunder flickered, and he slammed out with a palm.

Bang! !

Suddenly, the wind and thunder rose together, and the sound of the dragon thundered. The palm of the fist banged loudly and exploded in the void.


There was a crisp sound bursting, like countless pieces of glass shattered, and the vision suddenly restored. The third island owner in the midair, with seven orifices bleeding, was severely shaken to the ground, his face was extremely pale, indescribably embarrassed, and extremely weak.

As for the invincible punch, even though he had filled all his demon aura, under Ling Tian's eighteen palms, which was so tyrannical, it was still in the instant of a shock, it was dissipated by the shock of smoke.

Even the eighteen palms of the Shenlong that Ling Tian sacrificed this time used the power of the flesh, and it was far from destroying the heavens and the earth as the vitality came, covering thousands of feet.

But the power is enough.

Now, Ling Tian has only experienced a moment since he entered the seventh floor and met this third island owner.

Ling Tian lied and cracked the ground of the main hall, and walked to the third island master.

"Hehe, what, do you take it!?"

Ling Tian sneered.

"I'm not convinced!"

"If it weren't in the demon domain, and I couldn't use the primordial martial arts, how could I lose to you!"

The owner of the third island was lying on the ground, his eyes cracking.

His life spanned all the time. Five hundred years ago, he was shocked by the human race. Even if the four masters of Sendai saw him, they were all respectful.

Not to mention being defeated by a junior!

To blame, I can only blame Ling Tian's physical strength now far beyond his imagination.

It was impossible to contend with the magical mystery technique alone.

He has the cultivation base of Sanxian Dzogchen, but within this dragon palace, he can't display Dzogchen's combat power at all.

This made him almost vomit blood.

"Hahaha, Wuhun from the beginning!?"

"Do you think that relying on the two primaries in your body, you can do nothing about me!?"

Ling Tian leaned over and slapped his face twice, "Old thing, I am so powerful that Ling Tian is far from what you can imagine. Don't think that it was only you who spoke to the first island owner of Xiandao that day and was invincible. !"

"When I get out of this demon domain, I will level down on the island that you called to immortality!"

"Fart, just you, also worth mentioning the first island owner of my Tianyu Xiandao!? Don't be too proud, even if you kill me today, the first island owner will definitely avenge me!" Third The island owner shouted angrily.

"His power is an existence you can't understand!"

"Then wait and see, now, you die first!"

Ling Tian gave a cold snort and shook with a big shock, directly strangling the third island owner, destroying his body and spirit.

And the two primordial martial arts light spheres immediately rose up.

Ling Tian took the primordial primacy in his hand and discovered that it was the word chasing the wind!

It is exactly what Qin Mingyue did.

Immediately, Ling Tian took the fairy sword back. On the sword's body, there was the word "Golden". The method of forging was very ancient, and it was a fairy sword handed down from ancient times.

After that, Ling Tian looked at the core of the hall, the cyan big seal covering the five golden puppets, and the open treasure house door around him, couldn't help laughing.

The harvest is not so rich!

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