Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1693: Yang Lin shot the ancestor Ling Xiao [Happy Birthday to Black Street]

"Hmph, you stinky boy, you will die, if that shot just killed you, even if it's all over!"

"Fine, this old evil dragon, I wanted to clean him up a long time ago, today, he didn't run away!"

In Taoyuan, Yang Lin couldn't wait a long time ago. Seeing Ling Tian finally let go, he stepped out.

"Hehe, Black Dragon Aotian!"

"Do you still recognize your grandfather Yang Lin!?"

The immortal soldier in the hand of the evil dragon lord was about to stab it down, but at this moment, with a loud laugh, the dragon spear seemed to fall on the barrier that day, with a buzzing sound, and no further advance.


The lord of the evil dragon was startled, but no matter how he poured his strength into it, the Heavenly Dragon Spear in his hand seemed to be firmly clamped by someone, and it just couldn't be pierced.

And the voice just now called him by his name!

This name, but no one has mentioned it in thousands of years.

"Who is it, come out to me!"

The lord of the evil dragon roared, his face grim.

"Hahaha, tusk, Aotian, you can't do it either. Ten thousand years ago, you were just arguing. Unexpectedly, ten thousand years later, you would be labeled as such by my descendants of human race!"

"You, after all, it's still a trash that can't support the wall!"

At this moment, the light and shadow in front of Ling Tian flashed, and the old man Yang Lin took the wine bottle and manifested.

"You...you are the dragon hunter, Yang Lin!?"

"You, you are not dead yet!?"

The moment the Lord of the Dragon saw that figure, his pupils shrank, and his eyes were filled with unbelief.

"No, it's impossible, ten thousand years, how can you live to now!?"

He clearly sensed that this Yang Lin is undoubtedly the human flesh body, and definitely not a secret body such as a soul puppet.

"Hahaha, there's no way, who made me Yang Lin so good, unlike you, who looks like a dragon but not a dragon, a ghost but not a ghost, is still so embarrassed, it's really a laugh!"

Yang Lin laughed, as if he was going to use his mouth to spray the Lord of the Dragon to death.

"To shut up!"

The lord of evil dragons had never been so insulted, so he yelled, and he would withdraw his spear.

However, the dragon spear was still clamped tightly by Yang Lin, and he still couldn't break free.

"Hehe, don't want to listen? That's not okay, I have seen you such an old friend for so long, so I have to talk with you."

Yang Lin took a sip of strong wine, flicked his sleeves, and loosened the dragon spear, but rolled up in a boundless manner, but directly fanned the lord of the dragon.

The current Lord of the Dragon is too weak in front of Yang Lin.


A breath of stinky black blood spurted out, and the Lord of the Dragon was shocked, and his pupils were full of horror, "How can your cultivation base be so powerful? Could it be that this is the Flying Heaven Realm!?"

"Hey, I don't know, it's enough to kill you anyway!"

"Come on, let me think about it, ten thousand years ago, do you still remember the little female dragon in your clan? I kindly let her go, but later, she brought the dragon clan to chase me down!"

"Are you angry!?"

"The other time, I chased you for a million miles, and you didn't even look back!"

"Today, it's time to settle the bill!"

Yang Lin chased after him, but the lord of the evil dragon seemed crazy.

"Go away, go away, I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen!"

"The Dragon Domain is mine, no one can stop it!"

The two powerhouses caught up with Gao Tian, ​​and the suppression of the ground was lifted. At this time, Ji Jiuyou, Na Long Xuan and others rushed over.

Qin Mingyue also emerged from Taoyuan and lifted Ling Tian from the ground.

"I'm fine, but the physical body is ruined this time."

Ling Tian was exhausted and could only rely on Qin Mingyue to prevent falling.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​I can rest assured that you are okay. If you have a long history and two shortcomings, I am Long Xuan, but you can only be with you to death!"

Long Xuan frowned.

"Hehe, it's not too bad, how about Mingyue, Hongfu and Xiaoying!?"

Ling Tian reluctantly asked, this is what he worries most.

Neither of them can die.

"Don't worry, Hong Fu is already refining the essence of Phoenix, and Xiao Ying has also melted the essence of Saint Peng that day, and is still in a coma."

Qin Mingyue said with relief.

"That's good, go, go and see the Fengtian Clock!"

Ling Tian led Long Xuan and the others to fly to the ninth floor of Qingtian Dragon Palace again. At this time, the Fengtian Bell was still standing there intact.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​just now when you were fighting with the Lord of the Evil Dragon, in this Fengtian Bell, someone was talking!"

Long Xuan suddenly said behind Ling Tian.

Qin Mingyue's daughters suddenly looked over, "Human? Didn't you get it wrong, did you?"

"Uh, there is indeed a voice, and the guy said, Brother Ling Tian is a member of his Ling family!"

Long Xuan scratched his head.

"What? Ling family?"

Qin Mingyue and Ling Tian looked at each other, and then they were suddenly stunned.

"It's the ancestor!"

Soon, everyone hurriedly flew to Fengtian Bell.

"Ancestor, is that you? I am Ling Tian!"

Ling Tian stood in front of Fengtian Bell and called.

"Haha, I just said, how can my descendants of Lingtian not kill that old dragon!?"

"Is Ling Tian? I am Ling Xiao, the ancestor of the Ling family, let me out quickly!"

Sure enough, there was a burst of hearty laughter in the Fengtian Bell.

"It really is!"

Ling Tianyi was overjoyed. After passing him to this world, after so long, he finally met the legendary ancestor of the Ling family.

"Ancestor, how did you get trapped in this heavenly bell?"

Before Ling Tian stepped forward, he could not use his strength.

Qin Mingyue's daughters also tried, but they couldn't shake this dragon clan's treasure at all.

"Hey, don't mention it, I'm here to find something!"

"Originally, this broken clock was hanging on the top of the temple, and the thing I wanted was under the clock, but who knew that when I touched that treasure, the heavenly clock fell and trapped me, and I couldn't move it anyway! "

"This sleepiness has kept me sleepy for five hundred years!"

Ling Xiao cursed.

"The ancestor, how can we rescue you!?"

Qin Mingyue frowned.

"This is simple, Human Race is useless, let the stupid dragon come over, I will tell him the Baojue recorded on the inner wall of the Tianzhong, and then he can refine the Tianzhong with his essence and blood!"

"I just asked him to move away for me so I can go out and slap the dragon to death. Who knows that stupid dragon boy doesn't believe it!?"

Listening to Ling Xiao's complaint, Long Xuan scratched his head, "Ahem, I... I didn't expect that you are really the ancestor of Ling Tian."

"Hehe, Long Xuan is also cautious, don't say it, you hurry over with your ears, and receive your Fengtian Bell, you can unify the dragon domain!"

Ling Tian was in a good mood, patted Long Xuan on the shoulder and said.

"Hey, good!"

Long Xuan nodded and hurriedly clung to it.

After a while, Long Xuan's face was joyful, and he forced a stream of dragon blood from his fingers, and then it fell on the Fengtian Bell. Following his obscure singing, the Fengtian Bell still vibrated.

It seems that the next moment, it will soar into the sky.

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