Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1696: The horror of candle dragon blood

After Ling Tian said, he directly broke the bottle in his hand, and the drop of candle dragon essence blood fell into the water with a ding-dong.

"Okay, I'm outside, waiting for you."

Lao Hou pursed his mouth, patted Ling Tian on the shoulder, sighed, and pushed out the door.

At this time, the candle dragon essence blood that fell into the water collapsed into the water in the blink of an eye. Almost instantly, the water of the Wannian Xuanbing Huacheng boiled.

And that candle dragon's essence blood, along Ling Tian's wound, infiltrated Ling Tian's flesh and blood a little bit, circling crazily along the meridians, gradually hot, and the flesh seemed to be burning in an instant.


Pain like burning fire!

Just at the beginning, Ling Tian felt the pain caused by this candle dragon essence blood.

As if deep in the bone marrow, it was starting to burn, and even the divine thoughts could not be suppressed.

"I can do it!"

Ling Tian gritted his teeth and directly urged the final repetition of the Dragon Blood Overlord Body Jue.

Today, no matter what, he will swallow this drop of candle dragon blood, no matter how painful it is! Must swallow this blood.

At the moment when the Dragon Blood Overlord Body Jue was instigated, Ling Tian's eyes were covered with flames.

Ling Tian's heart was filled with fire, and his body trembled.

The next moment, as Ling Tian urged the technique, the candle dragon's essence and blood rushed wildly in the blood, and within a short while, it wandered away from the limbs and hundreds of skeletons to the heart.

The blood fell in, and the whole heart instantly turned into a fiery red color. It looked like a cast iron that had been roasted red. At the same time, the blood in Ling Tian's body circulated crazily at an alarming speed, and there was even a surging sound of rivers, seas and lakes between the rushes, which was truly shocking.


The dense and continuous line emanated from every inch of flesh and blood in the body, fierce and tyrannical. Ling Tian's state of mind collapsed almost instantaneously at this level of pain, which was ten times or a hundred times stronger than all the pain he had suffered before.

The pain of burning the heart, the pain of burning every cell in the body, it is even more terrifying to be killed.


In the muffled snort, Ling Tian collapsed directly in the stone jar.

Pain, drowning him little by little, even the sea of ​​qi in his body was being incinerated little by little by the fiery fire in the essence and blood of the candle dragon.

The integration of this drop of candle dragon essence blood directly transformed Ling Tian's blood in an extremely overbearing way. The pain caused by this forced ascension was naturally fierce, and it was difficult for ordinary warriors to resist in case.

Now every blood that enters the heart and then re-integrates into the meridians will be mixed with a light red color, and then crazily merged into the flesh and blood in the shuttle, drilled into the bones, and plunged into the depths of the blood marrow.

This is no different from Ling Tian's Nirvana.

Although this essence and blood can't directly improve Ling Tian's cultivation base, it can transform Ling Tian's physical body into the most powerful existence in this world, giving him unparalleled power.

This kind of luck is rare in the upper realm, but in this lower realm, it is even more unique.

Ling Tian was facing a major crisis at this moment. Once he couldn't bear the bloodline to melt into and change his physique, the sea of ​​physical qi would be instantly annihilated under the power of this domineering bloodline, and the brand of life would be forcibly erased from the heavens and the earth.

But this great crisis is accompanied by great opportunities. If you can survive today's catastrophe, your future cultivation will surely get twice the result with half the effort, and become the pinnacle of human race above the tens of thousands.

Success or failure is now!

At the time of this bloodline transformation, Ling Tian's mind was almost on the verge of collapse. This kind of pain could not be resisted at all, and even if the six senses were sealed, it could be clearly sensed.

adhere to!

The only conviction left in Ling Tian's heart was to live.

The mystery of his life experience has not been solved. How could he die willingly if he died like this?

He has not yet returned to Nantang to see his mother, sister, and Cui Zhuer, and his children. How can he be resigned! ?

Outside beauties look forward to it, Qin Mingyue, Ji Jiuyou and Liu Yiyi are all outstanding in the world, and it is already a blessing for Ling Tiantian to be favored by beautiful women.

How could he be willing to die at this moment?

The demons are powerful, and the desire to slaughter the human race is endless. How can you be reconciled if you don't return all of the blood and blood for thousands of years?

Set foot on the road, although facing several deaths after hardships, the danger is finally turned into a step forward. Get the Four Elephant Pagodas, change your fate against the sky, and start good fortune. What you want is to set foot on the pinnacle of martial arts, and you will die here before you succeed. How can you be willing!

There are too many unwillingnesses in his heart, even if Ling Tian's mind is blurred, he keeps roaring frantically in his heart.

Can't die!

Absolutely not!

I want to become a dragon blood overlord body, I want to cross the catastrophe and become a Sanxian!

I want to ascend to the upper realm!

Candle Dragon!

Even if you turn into a big day, what can I do if the fire burns my body! ?

I am Ling Tian, ​​but I am not afraid of fire!


Ling Tian roared in his heart, above the sea of ​​qi, one hundred thousand sword shadows trembled endlessly, and fierce flames appeared, wanting to attack the fire with fire!

Outside the Four Elephant Pagoda.

At this time, Yang Lin, the ancestor Ling Xiao and the others, listened to Ling Tian in the Four Elephant Pagoda's low voice hissing to the extreme, and they lost their mind to continue playing cards.

Ling Tian's pain sounded a bit scary.

"Lao Hou, what's the situation!?"

Yang Lin and others hurriedly surrounded them.

"It's not bad as I expected, the candle dragon blood is too fierce and hot, and Ling Tian is also a stubborn character who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back. Now he is going to fight fire with fire!"

"And this is simply nonsense, the result of doing this can only be burned to death!"

Lao Hou stomped anxiously.

"Then what are you waiting for here, hurry in and save people!"

The ancestor Ling Xiao was anxious, and pushed everyone away to move forward.

"No! Now go in and interrupt forcibly, you can't force the candle dragon blood out, Ling Tian is still going to die!"

But Lao Hou stopped him,

"Then what do you say?"

Ling Xiao looked at Yang Lin, "You old man, didn't you brag with me that you are omnipotent? Hurry up and find a way to save my descendants of the Ling family!"

Yang Lin frowned tightly, but finally shook his head, "I haven't seen the blood of the candle dragon, let alone practiced any dragon blood hegemony, how can I know what to do?"

He looked at the old man, "Laohou, you came from the upper realm. In terms of knowledge, we are not as good as you. You must have a way, right!?"

"If I had a way, I wouldn't make Ling Tian suffer so much. I can't remember many of my memories." Lao Hou also shook his head.

"Ahem, that, I also came from the upper realm, why don't you ask me!?"

However, while everyone was groaning in Ling Tian's pain, when they were almost desperate, Qing weakly murmured behind them.

"Yeah, how did I forget you, a crippled babe!"

Yang Lin stomped his foot and stretched out his hand to carry the Qing Xu to everyone.

"Qing Xu, you have a way!?"

Everyone looked at him hopefully.

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