Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1711: Where is the exit to Nantang?

"But after he entered the Demon Realm, not long after, I completely lost his news. Even, I could not find him, I thought he died in the Demon Realm, and all this was because of me. ."

"I can't face Hong Lao and Fei Yuluo, so I can only take refuge and see no one again."

"I chased the peak of the martial arts, but in the end I found that there is no end to the peak, and countless lives will be lost along the way."

"Even if I have a whole set together in the beginning? I haven't lost enough? Or can I defeat this heavenly way?"

Tong Xuan shattered all the symbols on the wall, and slowly sat down against the wall.

"However, for five hundred years, I have been sitting here, with no desires and desires, and only hope that Ling Xiao will not die, and no one should sacrifice for me."

"Fortunately, you finally appeared in front of me today."

"I also finally understand why the beggars didn't let me wait in the demon realm back then. In fact, it was for you."

"This game is prepared for you."

"Even if my cultivation is close to the pinnacle of the human race, what's the point of being able to spy on the heavens and be ahead of others everywhere? From the day you appear, the secrets of heaven will be in chaos."

Ling Tian looked at the mumbling Master Tongxuan, and couldn't help frowning: "Indeed, it's messy..."

The Emperor Wu of the Southern Tang Dynasty actually worshipped the old beggar as a teacher and learned the way of contemplation.

No wonder, the old beggar knew his every move, and he was really an old god-stick.

"There's nothing to mess up. In the face of the general trend of heaven, our lives are like ants, and we may fall at any time. I saw it open, so I am ashamed of Ling Xiao. Just now, I didn't show up."

"As for this primordial martial soul, I can't afford it, and I don't need it."

"For martial arts, even at the pinnacle of the human race, it can't ascend. I have nothing to ask for."

Tong Xuan raised his head and looked at Ling Xiao, "Ling Xiao, you and me, you and your ministers, you don’t owe me anything. From now on, you and I have no righteousness to be a monarch and minister. Go, take your descendants of the Ling family. ."

"But, this..."

Ling Xiao was stunned. He never expected that the current Southern Tang Emperor Wu Huang had no fighting spirit at all.

However, looking at the appearance of the Southern Tang Emperor Wuhuang with his hands clasped together and closing his eyes to chant the sutra, he really didn't want to say any more. Ling Xiao was helpless and didn't mean to continue to persuade him, Dang Yi pulled Ling Tian out.

But how can Ling Tian give up?

Not to mention that this primordial martial soul was obtained by Ling Xiao's nine deaths and mixed into the demon realm. Even among them, he also had his own power. Moreover, he jumped into this world back then, but there was also the reason for this Martial Emperor.

"Emperor Wu, I don't care if you have an epiphany or escape, I just want to ask you, do you still want to go back to Nantang, do you want to face your subjects, do you want to take a look at the concubine Yi?"

Standing outside the Shimen, Ling Tian suddenly turned and said.


Sure enough, Master Tongxuan suddenly opened his eyes. Hearing the word Nantang, it was indeed shocked.

Especially when Ling Tian talked about Concubine Yi, his folded hands trembled suddenly.

"I, we can't go back."

However, after a long while, Na Tongxuan still shook his head.

"Ling Tian, ​​don't force Master Tongxuan, none of us can go back, let's go." Ling Xiao sighed.

"No, whoever says he can't go back, we can all go back!"

Ling Tian said suddenly.


At this time, not only Tong Xuan, but also Ling Xiao was shocked, looking at Ling Tian, ​​his face was filled with suppressed doubt and excitement.

After so many years, they haven't thought of going back to Nantang, after all, there is the root.

But they tried their best, but it was useless.

This world and Nan Tang didn't know how far apart they were, and they still haven't found anything like Juetianjing.

After all, that perfect patio is only a one-way transmission.

But now, Ling Tian said he could go back?

This caused Tong Xuan's dying heart to gradually heat up again.

"Ling Tian, ​​you can't talk nonsense, how can Nan Tang go back?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"Of course it can. Since there is a passage like the Juebo Patio to this realm in the Southern Tang, then this realm must have the same path to return to the Southern Tang!" Ling Tian said flatly.

"That said, do you know where that well in this world is?"

Tong Xuan got up and couldn't help but speak.

"I don't know where that well is yet!"

Ling Tian shook his head.

"Hey! You little bastard, isn't this kidding us? You don't know, what are you talking about here!" Ling Xiao said angrily: "In fact, since the day we were in this world, we set out to find a way back. But there is no formation entrance like Juetianjing."

"Have you all looked for it?" Ling Tian hugged his shoulders, appearing confident.

"Of course, not only the four human states, but even the four seas, and the demon and dragon regions, I have found them, no! The passage across the two realms like the absolute patio, the energy surge is inevitable. It cannot be concealed, and it must be a forbidden place. It is absolutely impossible to exist in the secret realm or the cave sky. Even when I went to the Demon Realm and the Dragon Realm five hundred years ago, I searched it all and found nothing."

Ling Xiao stretched out his hands, "Finally, I can't believe you, brat."

That Tongxuan's warm heart also cooled down again.

"Human Continent, Four Seas, Demon Territory Dragon Territory, you have all found..."

But Ling Tian touched his nose and suddenly smiled: "Then... Demon Witch Clan Continent, have you ever searched for it?"

Ling Tian's voice fell, and Ling Xiao and Tong Xuan were shocked. They looked at Ling Tian together and said in unison: "How could it be in the Demon Witch Clan?"

"Why not? Doesn't the Demon Witch Clan Continent belong to this world?" Ling Tian asked back.

Tongxuan turned his eyes, then suddenly turned around, and stretched out his fingers to scribble the obscure runes crazy on the stone wall behind him. After a full cup of tea, he stopped.


Tongxuan rolled up his sleeves and swept the lime off the stone wall, only to find that it turned out to be a map.

Moreover, it is very strange, there is only a circle of outline, nothing else.

"This...something has manifested?" Ling Xiao looked at the stone wall, but was shocked, "500 years ago, I remember that you once deduced a secret for that Jue Tianjing, but there was nothing."

"Yes!" Tong Xuan nodded, "At that time, I thought that what the secret of heaven told me was that there was no exit in this world."

"But now it seems that I was wrong, not that I didn't, but it was hidden by the secrets of the past, and it has not been fully manifested!"

"Is this outline of the Demon Witch Clan continent?"

Master Tongxuan turned around and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Are you really sure, can we go back?"

"Of course, although I can't disregard public opinion, in the Southern Tang Realm, I have seen the exit from this realm to the Southern Tang!"

The corners of Ling Tian's mouth raised slightly, decisively!

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