Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1713: Causes and consequences Wu Huang's puzzles

"Senior Tong Xuan, where is the first island owner now, don't even you know?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"I don't know, he hasn't appeared in a hundred years, because of the reincarnation decision that day, he needs to stay dormant."

"But I have always had the secret to follow him, but ten years ago, he completely disappeared."

"However, this time I pushed the outline of the Demon Witch Continent, but it suddenly made me think that he might have gone to the Demon Witch Clan Continent and not here with us."

Tongxuan sneered and said, "However, this is not a matter of concern. A battle between us is inevitable."

"Fine, let's leave now, before we leave, copy this day to Xiandao."

Ling Tian would not let go of the resources in Tianyuxian Island.

After all, this is also the Supreme Sect of Human Race.

"Haha, there are not many things that can be taken. We have already transferred our resources long before you came."

Tong Xuan smiled and flew out first.

On the way back to Emperor Tianzong, Ling Tian and Li Taixuan, who had already returned to the vulgar, stood side by side on Xiaoqing's back.

"By the way, I heard from the ancestors that you came to this world because of the guidance of heaven. I also want to ask, how much do you know about those people in the sky? My destiny seems to be destined, those people, you Have you seen it?"

Ling Tian still didn't care about it.

The Emperor Wu of the Southern Tang Dynasty must know more than Ling Xiao.

"Of course, I know that you will ask me after all. In fact, I have already researched some clues before I know some clues, and I do know more than others."

Li Taixuan thought for a while, and said slowly: "I think we should start from the circle of Nantang."

"Actually, you have almost all contacted those people."

"The first one should be... the Qin family."

Ling Tian frowned upon hearing this, "Qin family? People from Lingnan City Lord's Mansion?"

"Well, you are proficient in the art of geomancy, you should be able to think of it."

"What are you talking about, Qin Wuya of the Qin family?" Ling Tian was stunned.

Indeed, when he first saw Qin Wuya, he felt weird.

Moreover, that Qin Wuya had once served as the Qintian Supervisor of the Wuhuang Palace, and he was indeed proficient in the art of contemplation.

The most important thing is that Qin Wuya also knew that he was a descendant of Ling Guogong.

This can show that Ling Xiao had already told them something.

"Yes, of course he doesn't know much. Their responsibilities are just the guardians of a section of your road, so that you, the descendants of Ling Guogong, can grow up smoothly."

"The second one, it should be a magic stick called Yuan Tiangang, that old fellow, have you seen it too?"

Li Taixuan suddenly smiled.

"Thousand Star Sect, Yuan Tiangang!?"

"He too!?"

Ling Tian's eyes turned, but his heart became more and more affirmed, "I said, that Yuan Tiangang's mysterious god, in his Thousand Star Sect, there are three idols that I have never seen before."

"Oh, did you see those three idols?"

Li Taixuan raised his brows, but he was a little surprised.

"Well, naturally, what?"

Ling Tian rolled his eyes and said suddenly: "He once said that the **** he enshrines is like a god, a god, two great emperors..."

"Is it possible, you said that the people above are them? The people who made all these plans?"

"It's not."

Li Taixuan shook his head, "To be precise, it's not exactly, Tianzun, haha, it seems that there is no such name in the upper realm, and there is no god, the emperor has it."

"I have seen those three gods before, but I think he is not the person who guides us, but another force."

"Of course, maybe they just cast a gleam of gaze and glanced at us. There is no malicious intent."

He smiled suddenly, "But despite this, Yuan Tiangang's appearance is still part of this heavenly path. After all, it is a cause and effect."

"As for the third, if I guessed correctly, you should have never seen the superintendent of Qin Tianjian, Tian Yanzi."

"Tian Yanzi?" Ling Tian was puzzled. He had never heard of this name.

"He is Qin Wuya's master. He is the master of Qin Wuya's life. He was there. He was demonized into my appearance that day, and he laid out all the tricks, but in the end, they all fell short. It was also when he was in Nantang that he saw and told me. After I jumped the Jupiter Patio, descendants of the Ling family will definitely come to look for it."

"He is also a guide."

"By this day, I don't know much about the world, but the Taoist beggar is one of them. I inherited his skill of contempt, and he is also the closest person to the upper world."

Li Taixuan smiled, "I see that you have Master's order to beg for heaven, so you must have seen him too."

"Of course, he is in this realm, and it is you who are waiting. Now that you are here, how can he not show up?"

Ling Tian glanced at the Qi Tian Ling on his waist, "Although it is just a fate with Senior Qi Tian, ​​the kindness to me has benefited me to this day."

"Senior, where is Senior Qitian now?"

Ling Tian was most concerned about, of course, the whereabouts of the Taoist Qitian. After all, if he were there, then he would have a lot more chances of winning against the Demon Witch Clan.

"I don't know, but, I guess, he should not be in this world anymore." Li Taixuan curled his lips, "When I saw the master for the last time, it was five hundred years ago."

"Not in this world? What do you mean, fall or ascend?" Ling Tian frowned.

This is not good news for the human race.

"It doesn’t count. Master doesn’t belong to this realm, and he once told me that he in this realm is just a clone. When he meets someone who is waiting, he has done what he has to do. He should disappear."

Li Taixuan took a deep breath and looked at the mountains and rivers that were constantly flying beneath Xiaoqing, looking towards the east.

"So, everything is still on our own."

Ling Tian also turned around and looked towards the sky with Li Taixuan.

"Yeah, we are the only one left."


Imperial Palace.

After Ling Tian returned to the sect, he immediately summoned all the strong.

Today, inside and outside the Imperial Heaven Sect, a group of powerful people have gathered the human army here, and the camp stretches thousands of miles away.

Half a month ago, Ling Tian tried his best to turn the tide, carrying the two treasures of the Dragon Clan and the Demon Clan to defend against the Demon and the Witch Clan, and even repelled the demon and witch Clan army in one fell swoop.

This makes people's confidence multiply immediately.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​you can count as coming back. In the past half month, the entire Human Race Continent has been boiling."

"The army gathered on Yuxian Island that day was also recruited by us. Now they are joined with us. The number of Terran warriors has exceeded ten million. The Wen family is building warships day and night."

In the hall, Wen Tingjun smiled.

"Well, very good."

Ling Tian nodded and looked left and right.

Inside the hall, now it can be said that the strong are like clouds.

Each one, the whole body is enveloped with extremely tyrannical aura.

Now, excluding him, there are as many as seven people who possess a complete set of Wuhun from the beginning like Qin Mingyue.

Moreover, all of them had successfully survived the Tribulation of Sanxian a few days ago, and their combat power skyrocketed to the state of Sanxian Consummation, and they could completely contend with the Lord of Mount Xiantai.

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