Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1716: Little Dragon Girl Tongtianzhu [Four thanks to the boss Chen for essential oil]

deep sea.

At this time, Ling Tianduan sat on Xiaoqing's back, slowly marching in the deep sea abyss.

He was holding the Xuantian Cai Lingshi in his hand, constantly refining the energy in it to supply the vitality cultivation base, slowly growing.

Now, the bottleneck of his distance to Emperor Wu is getting closer, and he is about to overcome the catastrophe.

The East China Sea is far from comparable to land states.

It also exceeded Ling Tian's imagination.

Even with the induction of Longxuan, he pointed a direction, but Ling Tian was still in the deep sea, searching for a month.

But still did not find the so-called East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Of course, Ling Tian had never thought that he could find the legendary Dragon Palace immediately. After all, the Dinghai God Needle was a dragon clan holy artifact, used to hide aura, and it was really hard for ordinary people to find it.

Otherwise, the East China Sea Dragon Palace would have been found out by the Demon Witch Clan a long time ago.

If this East China Sea Dragon Palace is only the size of a stone like the Ziwei Zong Mountain Gate, trying to find it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, Ling Tian had Tao Yaoyao to help him. As long as there was an abnormal formation and space nearby, he would never hide Tao Yaoyao's induction.

"Ling Tian! I found out, haha, the breath of Dinghai Shenzhen is really interesting. It can disrupt the spatial form in the abyss and almost deceived me too!"

Suddenly, Tao Yaoyao, standing on Ling Tian's shoulder, let out an exclamation.

"Oh? Where?"

Ling Tian also opened his eyes suddenly, a trace of expression flashed in his eyes.

After a month of constant searching, I finally found something today.

"A hundred miles below!"

Ling Tian hurriedly urged Xiaoqing to sneak over, a distance of hundreds of miles, but in a blink of an eye.

However, Ling Tian discovered that this place was really the deepest part of the trench, all sides were pitch black up and down, and the pressure was extremely high.

Even Xiaoqing couldn't stand it.

After all, Xiaoqing has not yet crossed the catastrophe to become a Sanxian mount, and his cultivation is a bit unable to keep up.

"Right there, Ling Tian, ​​have you seen it, a deep light and shadow on the wall of the Haigou! Hurry up and don't let it run away!"

Tao Yaoyao said anxiously.

In the darkness, Ling Tian’s star pupils gleamed with dazzling brilliance. When Tao Yaoyao exclaimed, he stared at him and found that in the darkness, there was a gloomy light flying in front of him, like a small mountain. The size, the speed is extremely fast, and it disappears in a flash.

"Haha, want to go!?"

Xiao Qing's speed was no longer enough, Ling Tian put it away directly, then tore the sea water and space, and then moved away in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the black shadow, but Ling Tian suddenly discovered that the black shadow was a huge boulder drifting in the deep sea.

"This is the East China Sea Dragon Palace!?"

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ling Tian couldn't believe it.

This so-called East China Sea Dragon Palace has been wandering in the deep sea, no wonder no one can find it.

The Dinghai Shenzhen concealed its breath, which was simply too concealed.

"Hey, that's right!"

"Now, it's up to you."

Tao Yaoyao smiled.

"It's easy to say."

Now that he had caught up with him, Ling Tian flew up to the huge boulder, dropped his palm, and tens of thousands of sword shadows condensed into a drill-like force to break the formation, rushing away.


After a stick of incense, Ling Tian broke the space restriction on the surface of the huge boulder.


Along the space hole, Ling Tian took Tao Yaoyao and stepped into it.

"This is the East China Sea Dragon Palace!?"

However, when Ling Tian entered the space inside the huge boulder, looking at everything in front of him, he couldn't help taking a breath.

He has seen Ziweizong, Qingtianlong Palace, and Tianyu Xiandao. That kind of fairy family atmosphere is rare in the world.

But the East China Sea Dragon Palace in front of him, although not immortal, was never seen before Ling Tian.

Because within this space, there is also a world of water.

As far as the eyes can be seen, the entire space is blooming with light blue light, and in the extreme distance of the line of sight, there is a huge pillar that can reach the sky, and there is no end in sight, as if it penetrates the entire space.

And under that pillar, is a magnificent palace.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace really deserves its reputation.

However, what made Ling Tian a little surprised was that within this huge space, his spiritual thoughts did not sense any breath of life.

Although the space was magnificent and the palace was gorgeous, it gave Ling Tian a sense of dead silence.

"Could it be that the East China Sea Dragon Race is extinct?"

Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips.


Ling Tian flew towards the dragon palace, and found that there were dead dragons everywhere.

But the dragons here are different from the dragons in the dragon domain. For thousands of years, it seems that they have evolved independently.

However, in spite of this, they will not escape the fate of falling. Even here are the remains and crystal nuclei of dragons. Although thousands of years have passed, some of them still have energy remaining.

These are all good things, Ling Tian released Xiao Qing and let him pick up food freely.

Ling Tian stopped in front of the Dragon Palace main hall in front of the huge pillar like the sky.

Just about to step forward, Ling Tian's face changed suddenly, and he turned around and stretched out two fingers.


With a blast, a trident stopped in front of Ling Tian's chest, but it was firmly clamped by him with his two fingers.

But following the trident's look, Ling Tian discovered that this sneak attack on him turned out to be a little girl covered in emerald scales.

There are still creatures in the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

This little girl looked like she was eighteen or nineteen, but her cultivation level had reached the late stage of Sanxian, and her combat power should be comparable to that of Leng Xuanye and his ilk.

And the dragon aura is permeated all over his body, it is undoubtedly the real dragon.

At this age, the cultivation base was so high, it made Ling Tian couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Hehe, girl, what are you doing, attacking me for no reason?"

Ling Tian didn't move his hands, but smiled.

"Who are you! What are you doing in my East China Sea Dragon Palace?"

However, the little girl's fair and pretty face showed no kindness, said coldly.

"Hehe, Ling Tian of the Lower Human Race, now I come to this Dragon Palace for the purpose of Dinghai Shenzhen!"

Ling Tian didn't shy away either.

"Human Race? So, you are not the Demon Witch Race?"

The little girl's face changed.

"Haha, girl, the Demon Witch Clan is so ugly, do you look like me? Besides, I also have Dragon Clan blood in my body!" Ling Tian laughed.

"That's true."

"Then you loosen my sword." The little girl's face was slightly stunned.

When Ling Tian heard the words, he loosened his fingers, "How do you call a girl?"

"Me? I don't have a name. After I was born, all the dragons here died. You... call me the little dragon girl!"

The little girl circled Ling Tian and said, "I grew up this way, and it was the first time I saw Human Race, Ling Tian... You just said, why are you here to fix the sea **** needle?"


Ling Tian nodded, but looking at the appearance of Xiaolongnv, he did not even know the appearance of Dinghai Shenzhen.

"Why, doesn't the girl know this thing?"

The little dragon girl shook her head, "No one has told me that I was born in Xianbeili, and this is how it is when I come out."

"I live by the crystal nucleus until now. Apart from knowing from some classics that the Demon Witch Clan is my Dragon Palace's life and death enemy, I have never heard of Dinghai Shenzhen, but do you think your thing looks like a needle?"

Suddenly, her fingers Ling Tian behind.

Ling Tian also turned around, but found that the fingers of the little dragon girl were the huge pillars with no end to the sky.

"This... looks like a needle?"

Ling Tian curled his lips, also dumbfounded.

This girl is too thick, too big, too long, right?

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