Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1744: marry

"Well, I can already feel his breath."

Ling Tian nodded.

For a hundred years, the once-in-white boy has become more and more in love with the cyan gown.

Between the eyebrows, there is no vitality, more mature and restrained.

Now Ling Tian, ​​as early as fifty years ago, his cultivation level had reached a bottleneck, and he could cross the catastrophe at any time to achieve the flying sky state, and then ascend.

But Ling Tian still kept his promise and never abandoned the Southern Tang people.

For fifty years, he has traveled the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers with his beauties and his mother, no longer caring about the complexity of the world, but he really enjoyed a sense of freedom. Moreover, this is also beneficial to Ling Tian's mental training, at least now Ling Tian Heaven, there is no demon.

This is harmless to Baili for future soaring.

At this time, Ling Tian raised his head and looked at the clear sky above the West Lake, but there was nothing unusual.

For the so-called realm master, only Ling Tian's power can be sensed now.

"Hehe, it's good if you know it in your heart. Anyway, we will stay here for a while, and we can still fight side by side with you!"

Long Xuan patted his chest and said proudly.

"I said you two. Ever since you met, you have been talking about these fights and kills. It's really boring. As brothers, you can't say anything useful!?"

The little dragon girl, who was already a mother, pinched Long Xuan's waist fiercely.

"Oh, yes, yes!"

"Big brother, as a brother, I might say something to you. It's been a hundred years, so why don't you give my sister-in-law a wedding?"

"Don't worry, my dear girl is still anxious, if you are not married, what will you do with your two children?"

Long Xuan stretched his hands, but was rarely dissatisfied with Ling Tian.

"You, you...hahahaha, okay, it's mine."

Ling Tian pointed at that Long Xuan, but he paused a few times before he could only laugh.

"Yeah, it's not that we are in a hurry."

Qin Mingyue also whispered beside Ling Tian, ​​"Look at Uncle Lin and Grandpa Liu. In the past few years, their health has been getting worse. They have secretly urged Yan Yan several times. "

"There are also teachers and teachers, and the romantic debts you left in Nantang. It has been a hundred years, and people are still infatuated. You said you are not harmful?"

Others dared not scold Ling Tian, ​​but Qin Mingyue was an exception.

"Well, I know this naturally."

Ling Tian turned around and glanced at the rickety Lin Shan and Liu Qianlian, sighing in his heart.

Back then, Lin Yanyan jumped off the Jupiter Patio, and it was a big blow to Lin Shan. Even if there was the Longevity Spirit Valley, there was no way to hold back his blood, and he could survive a hundred years. For the two of them, it was already good fortune.

Ling Tian could see that two people who had helped a lot when he first entered martial arts, and now there is not much time left.

"As for the teacher, I can't help it."

However, for Qin Mingyue's second reprimand, Ling Tian shook his head.

Xi Ruoxue, Bian Yujing and even the daughters of Ye Zimei naturally knew Ling Tian's feelings.

As soon as the women had some free time, they would come to take a seat.

But Ling Tian can only give so much.

Except for Qin Mingyue, the other women Ling Tian accepted it because they had given too much, even their lives, Ling Tian had no other way.

"Oh, I'm just a poor teacher..."

Qin Mingyue clasped her bare hands tightly and made up her mind.

"Then eldest brother, when will you make a decision? I'm anxious!"

Long Xuan rubbed his hands, this time, he was really ready to force the palace.

"Just now."

Ling Tian turned around and raised his hand to call out Ling Nian.

"Nian'er, come here!"

"Hey! Dad, what's your order?"

Ling Nian put down the tea cup and ran out of the yard.

"Go to the city to buy some red candles with happy characters. In addition, for all the uncles and aunts who have already been to Ziyun Sect, and by the way, the neighbors and blind dates around, please come."

Ling Tian smiled.

"Ah? Red candle happy character? Dad, what are you doing? Hiss, do you want to..."

Ling Nian was stunned, even if he suddenly got up, his face was overjoyed.

"Of course it's your father and me, we are getting married!"

Without any cover, Ling Tian's voice spread throughout the small courtyard in an instant.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

A mahjong in Cui Tuer's hand also fell to the ground with a bang.

As the holy lord of this world, Ling Tian is like a god, he could have announced to the world and held a grand wedding.

This is what Ling Nian has been nagging in Ling Tian's ear.

But Ling Tian, ​​who has traveled the world for fifty years, has been accustomed to ordinary life, and has seen through those falsehoods.

In this world, he can have a panoramic view when he raises his eyes, so why should he tell the world?

It's better to return to the basics and come true.

Marriage, just want to give the women an explanation, give the mother a comfort.

That's it.

However, Ling Tian's wedding still caused quite a stir in West Lake.

It is said that at that time, West Lake used a lot of strange faces in one day. Although those people can't see what is powerful, but in terms of tolerance, it is a majesty match, which is definitely a big man.

Although the wedding was not big, it was extremely warm. Ling Tian and the group of friends and friends were drunk and dimly drunk.

However, what surprised Ling Tian at the wedding was that the bride had an extra person out of thin air.

That is Li Shishi.

Regarding this, Ling Tian was also quite helpless, this kind of thing was not for Qin Mingyue to speak, others would definitely not dare.

After the wedding, Ling Tian announced her retreat, leaving her love with the beautiful ladies and Qin Yue'e, living in Taoyuan in seclusion.

And this stay was three years.

Now Ling Tian is about to cross the catastrophe, perhaps because of the realm, the Four Elephant Pagoda cannot provide him with fifty times the time flow rate, but despite this, Ling Tian still has ten times the time to bless.

During the thirty years in Taoyuan, Ling Tian polished all martial arts.

Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship, the peak is complete.

The ten thousand sword formation is at its peak.

Pure Yang means, Brahma without seal, Shenlong 18 palms, Dragon Emperor Supreme Art, all of which have reached the peak bottleneck, and there is no improvement.

And all this is for the coming master of the alien demon world.

And, the Ascension Tribulation!

Purple Cloud Sect, under Qianlian Peak.

Ling Tian carried his hands on his back, and the corners of his mouth showed a faint smile. At this moment, he did not use any magical powers, but his body stood firmly in the void. It gave people a feeling of blending into the void. Nian Scan couldn't detect his presence.

After leaving the customs, he and Qin Mingyue Liu Yiyi and others came to Ziyun Sect.

This is the starting point for him to step into the martial arts, and now, he wants to take the last look.

Back then, he was just a humble sword slave who washed his sword, but now...

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