Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1750: Heavenly Gate

Looking at the shattered alien demon world, Ling Tian only felt that there was endless resentment and anger in his chest, and there was nowhere to vent.

Even, he suddenly felt that he was so useless now.

He himself is not strong enough!


Ling Tian raised his hand, put away the shattered soul gleaming in the shattered alien world dust, and put it into Taoyuan.

Yang Lin blew himself up and couldn't enter the cycle of reincarnation.

However, Ling Tian did not allow Yang Lin to disappear at this time.

"Senior, I want to take you to ascend together!"

Immediately, Ling Tian's face was savage, and his body was ten thousand feet tall. Suddenly he raised his eyes to look at the golden thunder that had condensed under the road that day!

The ascension tribulation has been condensed, and it is about to land.

The robbery cloud filled more than 100,000 miles, and God knew what a terrifying soaring robbery it was.

It looks more like a supernatural power to kill people.

"Damn, this is the Ascension Tribulation, how does it look like the thunder of the criminal law that the upper realm used to punish the immortals!?'

Because the old friend died in battle and the red-eyed Qing Xufei returned to Ling Tian's side, but at this moment, seeing the golden tribulation cloud vortex above his head, he couldn't help cursing.


And at this moment, from the vortex of the robbery cloud, a figure of tens of thousands of feet tall in a golden armor suddenly appeared.

In his hand he carried a scepter shining with golden thunder, full of majesty.

"I am the thunder and punishment envoy of this world, and I am ordered to kill you human race on the spot!"

"Hand over your weapon and die immediately!"

However, this time the interface Thunder Penalty Envoy was able to directly manifest his true body, and he even spoke.

But in those words, they were full of contempt for Ling Tian and killing intent.

"Kill me? What kind of **** are you!"

Now, Ling Tian was in anger, even shouting a curse.

"Presumptuous, the little lower realm humble people, dare to run into this seat!?"

"court death!"

Following the frantic roar of the interface Thunder Punishment Envoy, the golden thunder rod in his hand suddenly lifted, and at this moment, the one hundred thousand miles of golden robbery cloud above his head began to condense and flooded into his thunder rod frantically.

As the robbery cloud poured in, the coercion of the thunder rod in his hand also began to surging, bursting out tens of thousands of brilliant thunder light, extremely terrifying.

Under Ling Tian's attention, in Boundless Jieyun, he was directly condensed by the thunder rod into a thunder spear, pointing directly at Ling Tian.

"The humble lower realm human race, the upper realm lets you die, you will never rise!"

"Jin Lei Tian punished the spear, and killed this person for me!"

Accompanied by the sharp anger of the interface Thunder Punishment Envoy, the thunder spear condensed by the robbery cloud began to vibrate, and immediately there was an aura of endless tyranny, with the power of heaven's punishment, burst out.

The aura of this thunder spear is unparalleled, and once the explosion causes a wave of destruction, it is enough to turn a radius of 100,000 li into a dead zone.

Immediately, the thunder spear shot directly towards Ling Tian. If it were hit, even Ling Tian's current body would definitely be destroyed!

"Damn, do you want my fate!?"

Qing Xu yelled angrily, and was still ready to shoot.

He doesn't know if he can move on, but he won't shrink back either.

"Qing Xu, leave it to me!"

However, Ling Tian would never let others sacrifice for him again.

This is his catastrophe, and he wants to resolve it himself.

Ling Tian raised the sword stick in his hand and murmured.

"For this Thunder Tribulation, I have one last resort."

"Although I'm exhausted, I still have a lifespan!"

Immediately, Ling Tian raised his head with the sword stick, grabbed a handful of the Long Holy Spirit Valley, and dissipated it.

In an instant, Ling Tian's lifespan began to skyrocket.

Now with Ling Tian's cultivation base, his life is still three thousand years old.

The Shouyuan three years ago will provide Ling Tian with unprecedentedly powerful energy!

"Sacrifice all my longevity to transform energy into pure Yang!"

Ling Tian raised his hand, and the pure yang finger manifested again, but this time, the pure yang finger directly swallowed Ling Tian's longevity and that Wanzhang primordial figure, turned it into endless energy, and blended it into the five fingers.

This last resort, Ling Tian wants to do everything!

"Once, Emperor Juntian handed down ten thousand swords."

"Today, I will use the power of ten thousand swords to open the gate of heaven!"

"I want to see, who can stop me Ling Tian!"

Ling Tian roared in his heart, absorbing the five fingers of endless energy, and held directly on the sword stick.

Suddenly, the unprecedented strong energy was poured in, causing the bodies of Xiao Lei and Lao Hou to tremble uncontrollably, and the shadow of the sword and stick instantly soared.

At this moment, Jian Feng pointed to the Heavenly Dao, and before it blasted out, there seemed to be an endless sword domain, covering the sky and covering the earth, shattering the space of thousands of miles.

Ling Tian made an all-out effort, and the power of this blow would be unimaginable!

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

Tian wanted to destroy Ling Tian, ​​Yang Lin died, the endless oppression and heavy obstacles made Ling Tian breathless.

He hates this feeling, he wants to smash all the shackles in front of him!

A tragic breath was tumbling in Ling Tian's chest and heart, and at this moment, it seemed that he wanted to blend in with this burst.

In an instant, the shadow of the ten thousand zhang sword and stick suddenly split into ten thousand sword lights, and each sword light seemed to carry the endless anger of Ling Tian, ​​shaking the sky and the earth, and the boundless!

The invincible will, born from Ling Tian's body, instantly injected into the ten thousand sword lights, making the pure sharp sword light more violent and raging, in the starry sky, roaring at the thunder spear, wishing to blast it directly Piantiandao!

"Holy shit, who can stop me!"

"Tianmen opened for me!"

"Wan Jian, cut!"

Ling Tian roared frantically, the blue veins on his neck violently, bulging!

In the next moment, Wan Jian turned towards the sky, condensing into a huge golden sword light, and swept away directly from the sky.

The Kaitian sword condensed all of Ling Tian.

How terrifying and overbearing?

Even if it was the interface Thunder Punisher, he couldn't help exclaiming at this moment.

"How could you be so tyrannical!?"

"Ten Thousand Sword Formation, see Wan Jian Formation again!"

However, in his astonishment, the slashed thunder spear was already under the sword light, as if it had been smashed to pieces.

After that, Jian Guang directly swallowed the interface Thunder Penalty Envoy.

The Envoy of Thunder Punishment was just beheaded by Ling Tian directly under Heaven's Dao!

Not only that, Ling Tian’s Wanjian returned to the sect, but also smashed all the robbery clouds, soaring to the sky, and directly blasted on the Dao Shao that day!


In an instant, Tiandao was directly cut through a huge opening, like a heavenly gate that had been blasted to pieces!

On the other side, there is the fairy hui of the upper realm, scattered directly, and the endless light is reflected down, wrapping Ling Tian.

Putting away the sword and sticks, all Ling Tian who had been working hard, gave a long roar, shaking the entire starry sky.

"I love my relatives and friends, my creatures of the two worlds!"

"Ling Tian has opened the gate of heaven!"

"I'm on top, waiting for you!"

Ling Tian looked down at the weak and bright Southern Tang world under him, and even rushed directly into the heavenly gate.

Soar away!

The upper bound, the hall of the vast mainland, the eighth platform.


A sword light of Zhang Xu broke the formation directly and shot out.

The receptionist standing in front of the reception platform was shocked, and dodged quickly.


The sword light ignited, but it was broken to pieces by a heavenly immortal wearing a black fairy armor directly raising his hand.

"Deputy Hall Master, he, he has soared, and the interface thunder punishment envoy was also beheaded by him. How is this possible!?"

The emissary exclaimed.

"Trash, anyone who dares to kill me, you can reorganize the heavens now and destroy all of that world!"

The immortal said angrily that day.

"No, this definitely won't work, Vice-Hall Master, I can help you land the Heavenly Punishment. I have violated the rules and acted unreasonably in the lower realm. It is now forbidden by the seven great martial emperors, and you also know the special nature of this realm. This will never work!"

The envoy shook his head again and again.


The so-called Vice-Hallmaster of Heavenly Immortal had a grim expression, and immediately said: "Then you now control the ascension channel for me, and send this person to the chaotic battlefield!"

"If you can't do this, I will kill you now!"

"Okay, I will do it!" The envoy was just an ordinary first-grade earth fairy, Dang even started to control the receiving platform.


All the warriors inside and outside the Dragon Palace looked at the dazzling celestial glory that fell from the sky, and couldn't help being stunned.

Through the gap in the sky, they could see the opening of the sky gate.

This is a sight they have never seen in their entire lives.

Moreover, with the arrival of the fairy radiance, the quality of the Qi of the Southern Tang Realm began to soar.

In the future, it will definitely be able to rival the Heavenly Realm!

On the high platform, Qin Mingyue, Cui Quer, Ran Hongfu, Liu Yiyi, Lin Yanyan, Li Shishi and other women, the bare hands in their sleeves were tightly clasped together, and their beautiful faces had been drowned in tears.

Ling Nian, who knelt to the ground, let out another roar, which shook Nan Tang.

"Respectfully, Holy Lord Lingtian soars!"

"Respectfully, Holy Lord Lingtian soars!"

At the same time, all the creatures and warriors roared in all directions in Kyushu.

This sound is like a tremor...

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