Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1752: Beauty rescue

After a long time, Ling Tian crawled off the back of the monster beast.

At this time, Ling Tian also discovered that this monster head was somewhat similar to the dinosaur he had seen before. With his eyes closed, his face was covered with tough blue and black scales. Between his breath, the hot breath drew the surrounding rocks. Toasted.

If this kind of immortal demon dragon is a demon clan in the lower realm, its status is not low, but at least it can be transformed.

Ling Tian didn't understand why this big guy was resting in this form.

The entire head of the monster dragon looked like a hill, extremely frightening. His figure was even bigger than Ling Tian had imagined.

Ling Tian turned around, only to realize that at this moment the monster dragon was climbing on the cliff platform, behind which was a canyon, bottomless.

On the left and right, except for the towering dense forest, there are strange rocks standing up, and there is a dark cloud covering the head, and there is not much light to see.

The whole area was filled with a wild, bloody, violent aura, although the fairy aura in it was extremely exuberant.

"Ma De, I don't know if I can go out."

Ling Tian looked at the deserted dense forest with people like a savage world, inexplicably depressed in his heart, he wanted to understand this world very much.

However, at this moment, Ling Tian suddenly realized that there was a burning wind blowing behind him, and then, it seemed as if there were two condensed gazes falling on him, a kind of weird that the whole body was locked. Feeling spontaneously.

The little white cat in his arms was suddenly excited, and its newly swollen body immediately shrank into a small and exquisite original appearance, and its blue eyes were full of panic.

"Ma De, go!"

Knowing that the demon dragon had awakened, Ling Tian had no chance of luck anymore, his feet shook, and with only a little energy left, he directly crossed the void.

At this time, Ling Tian did not dare to retain the slightest, his strength was already at its extreme, allowing him to possess power almost comparable to that of Emperor Wu. His body was like a stream of light, jumping down the canyon and leaping across the dense forest, every step When you step on the ground, there will almost always be countless dust and sand splashing out, shattering countless rocks.

Ling Tian thought that his speed was already very fast.

"Humm! Humm..."

But behind him, heavy and loud footsteps thunderously rushed away. Wherever he passed, the flying sand and rocks, and the violent wind rolled up all the branches and leaves of the surrounding trees and fell forward.

The strong wind was even more enveloping with the smell of stench, constantly whizzing past Ling Tian, ​​and it became stronger and stronger. Ling Tian couldn't help but give birth to a bad premonition. Judging from the movement behind, this The speed of Demon Dragon is definitely faster than him!

Fortunately, there were many strange rocks in the canyon, and the monster dragon was big enough, so Ling Tian didn't directly catch up with Ling Tian when he kept walking and fleeing.

However, this is not a long-term solution after all!


Perhaps it was completely annoyed by Ling Tian's cunning position, the demon dragon roared, shaking the entire canyon, Ling Tian turned around and looked at it, but yelled!


I saw the demon dragon rolling all over, ignoring the mountains, rocks, and ancient trees, as if it was teleporting, it flew in.

In this upper realm, not only the rocks and vegetation are far tougher than the lower realm, and even the space is extremely solid.

If it were in the Lower Realm, this Immortal Demon Dragon would be long enough to cross directly in the void.

"you go first!"

Helpless, Ling Tian quickly threw the little white cat out.

He is not afraid of himself, but this little white cat is absolutely unable to resist this demon dragon.


But at this time, the demon dragon also arrived, and the violent wind that set off directly shook Ling Tian flying.

"Cough cough cough!"’

Falling on the mountain wall, Ling Tian's whole body was still unhealed, and there was a huge pain.

What made Ling Tian even more furious was that the strength in his body was rapidly losing.

He can't even deal with a scattered fairy dragon now, it's really a tiger falling into Pingyang and being deceived by a dog!

However, the demon dragon didn't let Ling Tian's plan go, and rushed up again with a roar.

"Bite me, come and bite me! See if I don't break a few of your teeth!"

Ling Tian knew he couldn't escape.

Half a time on the mountain wall yelled.


The demon dragon obviously could understand Ling Tian's cursing, and immediately let out a ferocious roar, rushing into the air, and bloodthirsty killing intent flashed in his terrifying eyes.


A panic cry suddenly sounded, and a petite figure galloped from the side and slammed into the huge monster dragon frantically. It was the little white cat that was thrown out by Ling Tian before. It did not leave, but He stood in front of Ling Tian and wanted to fight the demon dragon.

The fierce beast was so furious, a pair of wings bloomed behind it, and it slapped the little bit like a fly.


Ling Tian was shocked.

The laughing white cat unexpectedly ran back. Isn't this seeking a dead end?

Ling Tian was moved and anxious, but he didn't care much to say anything, and quickly reluctantly stood up and shot at the fierce beast.

Even if he struggled, he couldn't just watch the little white cat die.

The Candle Dragon Overlord's body made Ling Tian's physical body extremely tough. Although it is impossible to heal the injuries between his body immediately, it will not cause you to die. Suffering such heavy injuries continuously was enough to make people lose the ability to move, but Ling Tian was still able to launch attacks.

"Wow!" Ling Tian's body was like a streamer, and in an instant, he appeared under the demon dragon's neck and pushed upward with a fist.


The Sanxian Demon Dragon seemed to be completely angered, and a large, strong and fierce aura rose from within the body like a wave, ignoring Ling Tian's fist front at all.

In the flash of lightning, the little white cat pressed against the monster dragon's head, and at the same time, Ling Tian's fist slammed against the monster dragon's neck.


The little white cat exhaled in pain, and his body shot out obliquely like a meteorite falling from the sky.

After Ling Tian's punch, he also fought back on the mountain wall.


With Ling Tian's punch, even the scales of the demon dragon could not be broken.

However, in Ling Tian's mind, a divine light flashed, and suddenly he whispered, "Why did I forget this?"

Looking at the monster dragon who was slaughtering him with a big mouth in his blood basin, Ling Tian's palm suddenly burned thirty-six layers of true candle dragon flames. After exhausting the last trace of strength, he ejected!



In an instant, Ling Tian's punch wrapped in the fire directly blasted down the monster dragon's eyes.

Even if this demon dragon possesses the realm of dispersing immortals, it is really not enough to see Ling Tian in front of the true flame of the candle dragon.

Although Ling Tian today can only spur such a small flower, it is also enough to cause a heavy blow!


In an instant, one of the eyes of the demon dragon was directly blinded by Ling Tian's fire, and under the pain, the demon dragon became extremely crazy, turning around and waving his tail, directly drawing on Ling Tian's body.


Ling Tian couldn't help groaning in his mouth, and his body flew out involuntarily, hitting Xiao Budian's body. The demon dragon's blow made Ling Tian, ​​who had lost any strength, felt that his entire body's bones seemed to fall apart, and his body could no longer move. There was red blood gurgling out of his mouth, his face pale as paper.

"Meow!" The little white cat crawled in front of Ling Tian, ​​barely propped up his body, but shuddered and shrank sharply. In an instant, it turned into a small ball, curled up in Ling Tian's arm.

"Hehe, you can't speak, I don't know what your name is, just call you Xiaobai, although it is possible, we are going to die together!"

Ling Tian reluctantly raised his arm and held Xiao Budian around his arms. The corners of his mouth were full of bitter meaning. Although he was holding on hard and didn't faint, he had no power to fight back, and even more power to dodge. Humble, and can't compete with that demon dragon. Today, he and the little white cat are still alive or dead.


The demon dragon who was blinded by Ling Tian screamed loudly.

The next moment, it converged its wings and fell heavily to the ground. It actually paced towards Ling Tian step by step. Almost every time the sole of the foot fell, the ground would tremble severely, giving people a huge sense of oppression. , In his eyes, there was even more icy killing intent.

Within the pupils, the figure of the demon dragon kept approaching, and Ling Tian closed his eyes helplessly.

"Naughty animal! Dare to hurt my Terran warrior?!"

At this moment, a violent drink suddenly exploded between heaven and earth like a thunderbolt. Ling Tian was stunned for a moment, and his eyes opened subconsciously. For an instant, he saw a huge purple light whizzing through the sky like a horse, rushing towards the demon dragon with a violent breath.


The demon dragon roared, his body retreated violently, and the purple light fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the sky was full of sand and dust, the wind swept across, and a huge pothole was in rapid shape, and within a radius of thousands of meters, it had become hazy.


The faint sound of breaking through the air immediately sounded, and within Ling Tian's sight, there was an extraordinarily tall figure.

It should be a young woman, wearing a purple pan-gloss battle armor, two slender legs are not covered, but above the legs, a short position, it seems to be covered with scales, buttocks. Upward, it was not completely covered by the battle armor, revealing a white waist.

And that soft face looked delicate, but he was holding a spear in his hand, and a long purple hair was flying in the back of his head, like a **** of war.

Ling Tian was a little surprised. He didn't expect someone to rescue him at a moment when he was desperate. This woman should also have the realm of Sanxian, and now that the demon dragon has been injured, she is absolutely no match for this woman!

As for the facts, Ling Tian's guess was good. The woman snorted coldly, without even looking at Ling Tian, ​​she carried her spear and directly killed him. The spear danced, swinging his spear, and the monster who killed the dragon screamed Again and again.

Killing it is just a matter of time.

However, Ling Tian really couldn't hold on anymore, as he didn't have any strength in his body, he finally closed his eyes slowly.

"Girl, thanks... thanks!"

Before I finished speaking, my consciousness quickly sank, and faintly, a little white cat's anxious cry came from my ears, and the tall figure was also quickly walking towards me...

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