Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1765: The second lady of the god-level physique arrives

"Enough playing, boring!"

"Shenlong Eighteen Palms, get out of here!"

Ling Tian's big hand blasted out, and on his arm, there were nine shadows of dragons. Now the 18 palms of the dragon, he took it with his own hand. When the palms were pushed across, all the guards who were killed spit out blood, the soldiers in his hand. The blades fell on the ground one after another, and the people watching were dumbfounded.

"The guard of the East Pavilion, it's really just that!"

Ling Tian tapped his toes, he stepped back, stood with his hands behind him, and said lazily.

In fact, after he ascended to the spirit world, he also suddenly discovered that no matter how high or low his cultivation level is, it seems that the martial soul in the body has hidden footwork, and Ling Tian can only sense the energy of that martial soul from his body.

The energy of Emperor Wu is more attached to the body surface.

Even Ling Tian is the same.

Even Ling Tian no longer felt the existence of the martial spirit form now, as if it had merged with his physical body.

Although it can bless combat power, the effect is limited.

It seems that there are more martial arts, which represents the speed of cultivation.

So angry!

A group of people watched Ling Tianyao's majesty, gritted their teeth, and couldn't say a word to refute. If you say before, you can still scold the other party.

But at this moment, they slapped all of them firmly.

This Ling Tian was rampant, not only that, but he also attacked the crowd with a group of guards, none of them were his opponents.

Rolling, rolling to the bottom!

Ling Tian's words are crazy, but he can't be crazy, this scene is nothing. It's nothing more than a group of scattered immortals, if it were before, he would never put it in his eyes.

"Haha, Dongge? You can mock me Dongge?"

At this moment, a cold snort sounded, and a slender figure flickered from the distance of the square.

The man was dressed in indigo battle armor, shimmering with gloomy light, thin cheeks, holding a long spear in his hand, and his tyrannical cultivation base scattered, he had the peak combat power of the late stage of Sanxian, and his momentum was impressive.

However, it was not this person who made Ling Tian's pupils shrink, but a woman who was surrounded by everyone behind him.

The woman was dressed in a dazzling t-shirt with a layer of fluorescence covering her whole body, and she looked pretty, but her brows were raised and her eyebrows were raised, and she looked sour and mean, which made people unhappy.

However, what surprised Ling Tian was that this woman's cultivation was actually a little higher than Lu Zhiyao, and she had reached Sanxian Great Perfection!

At this age, the cultivation base is so high, it is the strongest combat power Ling Tian has ever seen after arriving in this Shuofang City.

Not only that, Ling Tian also discovered that there was an unusual aura surging in the woman's body, something similar to a martial soul, but it seemed to be fused with the physical body.

Is this the so-called spirit body?

Ling Tian also found a few records about physique in the fairy book that Zhang Xiaosi'er gave him.

Simply put, physique is the cultivation talent of the fairy world warrior.

It is similar to the spirit of the lower realm, but after the martial artist of the lower realm ascends, the spirit will merge with the physical body, forming a so-called physique.

Under normal circumstances, the physique is the lowest spiritual-level physique when flying from the flying realm to become an earth immortal.

Under normal circumstances, the spirit-level physique is divided into four levels: low, medium, high, and top grade. To a large extent, the physique determines the martial art realm that a warrior in the fairy world can reach.

Generally speaking, only a lower-grade spirit-level physique can become an earth immortal, because in the celestial spirit world, the calamity of earth immortal is extremely powerful, and the physique is not strong, so it is difficult to resist.

And those who want to become a mighty immortal, at least need a high-grade spirit body.

As for the higher martial art realm, the requirements for physique are even higher, and there are even Dao body, God body, Eucharist, and the legendary supreme body, the land of origin, and the body of creation.

It is recorded in the book of the fairy spirit that if you want to achieve the realm of the fairy king, **** and holy physique are indispensable conditions. This also allows the fairy king of the fairy world to always be controlled within a very small range. The reason is that it can reach the realm of the fairy king. These two qualities are too few.

But unlike the lower realm martial souls, the physique of the fairy realm can be upgraded. For example, some ancient cave houses retain the physique essence of the former master of the cave.

For example, the master of the cave was once an earth immortal, so the essence of their bones will be condensed into so-called spiritual bones in thousands of years.

Later warriors incorporated spiritual bones into their bodies to improve their physique and become spiritual bodies. The higher the level of spiritual bones, the stronger the physique after the upgrade.

Of course, for those fairy princes or emperors, there is no need to worry, when they are born, they may be pregnant with supreme physique.

However, the existence of the physique essence undoubtedly gives all the bottom martial artists infinite possibilities to achieve legends. This is also the charm of martial arts and the source of the temptation of the ancient cave.

The woman surrounded in front of her body was rippling with pale white fluorescence, which was the manifestation color of the low-grade spirit body.

Not surprisingly, this woman is bound to become an immortal in the future.

Then it is not surprising that the cultivation base of such a peak of Sanxian peak.

Second Miss! ?

Seeing this, Ling Tian guessed that this woman was the second lady, Zhang Rong, who made the people of Zhang's mansion disgusted.

In terms of physique and cultivation, she is worse than Lu Zhiyao. No wonder that Lu Zhiyao's position in Zhang's mansion is far inferior to this Rong.

However, the two young ladies didn't look at Ling Tian at all. They just stood far away with everyone. It seemed that when they glanced at these people, they felt like they had violated themselves.

"You kid, I'm talking to you, don't you hear it!?"

But at this moment, the previous yelling man had already flashed under the square. He first glanced at the injuries of the guards, even if he was furious.

"Zhang Kun, Chief Executive of the East Pavilion!"

There was a lot of noise from the crowd. In Zhang Mansion, no one did not know Zhang Kun, the chief director of the East Pavilion.

As a subordinate of the second young lady of the East Pavilion, Zhang Kun possesses the strength of your peak in the late Sanxian period. The combat strength is not bad, and it is recognized that under the two young ladies of the Zhang Mansion, the strongest guards in charge.

Normally, no one dared to mess with him except Miss San.

His appearance made the onlookers of the martial arts in production, the eyes flashed with jealousy, this person is a ruthless character.

Zhang Xiaosi'er trembled with fright. In his eyes, Zhang Kun was a demon who could eat people without spitting out bones.

"Why, a bunch of small ones don't work well, has the big ones come out?"

However, even if this Kun was powerful, Ling Tian wouldn't take it seriously.

Now, that is the land immortal, who is worthy to let Ling Tian look at it squarely.


With a blast of wind, Zhang Kun's spear tore through the void, like a dragon breaking into the dawn, and the electric shot was directed at Ling Tian.

The sudden storm shook the West Pavilion of Zhang Mansion, making all Zhang Mansion subordinates shocked.

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