Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1771: Going deep into the wilderness

"Hehe, Gu Chen is here. It's really fortunate for me to wait. Otherwise, it will take at least three months to get from Shuofang City to Xiaofeng City."

Zhang Rong looked at the handsome and handsome Gu Chen with a pair of eyes, looked at Lu Zhiyao and Zhao Min, and said impatiently: "So, go to the ancient times this time. In Dongfu, we must rely on Brother Gu Chen. You should assign rights to the treasures in it and hand it over to Brother Gu Chen!"

"Who divides the baby, what does it matter to you?"

"We had an agreement long ago. Anyway, we can't make it. It's a big deal after three months of flying."

Lu Zhiyao sneered at each other and was not used to Zhang Rong at all.

"You woman, so unreasonable, in front of Gu Chen's brother, you are so sassy?" Zhang Rong immediately pretended to be pitiful, but Yu Guang always stalked Gu Chen.

"How about in front of him? I won't be arrogant about whom!"

Lu Zhiyao said with a spear in his hand.

"Don’t quarrel, the treasures in the ancient cave mansion, I didn’t mean to, this time I came here, just don’t worry about your safety... and your safety, this formation is used in wartime, let’s not delay time. There will be several transfers in the middle, let's go!"

Gu Chen looked at Zhao Min who was explaining the map to Ling Tian in a low voice, clenched the big hand in his sleeve, stepped forward, urged the formation, and entered directly.

Ling Tian touched the cold sweat on his forehead, and secretly said that this feeling of being poured by Fei Vinegar was really sour and refreshing!

But he didn't dare to whisper to Zhao Min anymore, and went straight into the formation.

"Cut, man..."

Zhao Min curled his lips and looked at Lu Zhiyao, who was also looking at her behind him, and said: "Not bad, your man is firm in mind. It is worthy of my sister's life!"

"I don't understand what you are talking about!" Lu Zhiyao had a black line on his forehead.


The important town of the people of Xijiang, Xiaofeng City.

As the closest city to the territory of the Qingman Snake Clan, this Xiaofeng City was built by splitting a mountain and is located in the middle of the Xiaofeng Mountain Range in front of it for millions of miles.

This city has a radius of five thousand miles, and it is located there, like a huge mountain, which is extremely majestic and majestic.

When Ling Tian approached the city, he was also stunned by the dense guarding atmosphere and formation restrictions above the city.

It is a hundred times more powerful than his imperial Tianzong defensive ability!

Moreover, inside and outside the city wall, the patrol team composed of strong human races is constantly patrolling, which also shows the importance of this Howling Wind City.

Not only that, south of Xiaofeng City, under the mountains, is a vast plain and dense forest, which is the only place to go to Qingman Mountain. As a buffer area, there are often humans and foreigners fighting here, and as long as they are not Neither tribe will control a large-scale invasion.

And within this vast area of ​​millions of miles, there are a lot of treasures, and the dense forests are filled with minerals and elixir that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years. It is the favorite place for human explorers.

Among them, from time to time, some warriors found the treasures of heaven and earth and took them back to Xiaofeng City to sell them, which was extremely popular.

The six Ling Tian walked out of the formation to the north of Xiaofeng City and directly entered the city. Only after passing through Xiaofeng City can they head south to Qingman Mountain.

At this time, all six people have changed into black robes. Although there are regulations in Xiaofeng City that no warrior can hide the breath of cultivation base, it is still necessary to hide the appearance of clothing.

The six people simply supplied some pills in the city, and went straight out of the south gate.

At this time, outside the South Gate, there were many human warriors waiting in groups.

Most of these warriors were cultivated in the late stage of Sanxian stage, and some were even experts in Sanxian Consummation like Lu Zhiyao. They all wanted to form a team to explore the plains under Xiaofeng Mountain.

Individuals are limited in their power, and in groups, there is also a caregiving.

At this time, seeing Ling Tian and a group of six people walking out of the city, each of them had such a powerful aura. There were as many as four auras above Sanxian Dzogchen, and there was also a super-powerful thug at Sanxian peak. There was a commotion in the crowd.

Sanxian peak, this is second only to Earthxian's combat power.

"Six friends are going down the mountain? In our team, there are already five celestial perfection powerhouses. If you join us, in the plains, I will look forward to wherever you are!"

"If your friends agree to join the next team, we are willing to pay a lot of money."

"Masters, the little girl is weak. Please let me join you. Whatever I do...I can do it."

Faced with the invitation of many Terran warriors, the headed Gu Chen ignored it for the first time, and walked directly outside the city.

"Quickly leave the city, this place is still not a short distance away from Qingman Mountain. If you encounter a foreigner, kill it immediately. Don't be entangled, and be clean."

A group of six people hurried forward in silence, dispersing all the breath, and the majestic coercion spread, making all the warriors blocking the gate of the city retreat.

But under the contempt of many warriors, Ling Tian and others turned into streamers, rushing directly into the vast plains and wilderness, disappearing.

Within the wasteland, this place should have been the place where the Human Race and the Qing Mang Snake Race have fought for thousands of years, so there are countless masters who have fallen here, plus the chaotic battlefield is inherently weird, so let this huge wasteland. , The more and more cold, the wind howled, like a ghost crying.

A day later, the six people headed by Gu Chen have penetrated into the wasteland. Wherever they went, there were occasional beasts in the wasteland, and they were all directly killed by everyone. Among them, Gu Chen never took action. Of course, Ling Tian did the same. .

It's just that the former is because of the strong combat power and disdain to shoot, while Ling Tian has no chance to shoot at all.

It seemed that Zhao Min, who was in front of Ling Tian, ​​was protecting Ling Tian intentionally or unconsciously. When a monster rushed over, Zhao Min's hand was directly shot and killed.

However, in a gorge in this wasteland, there were more than a dozen large blue snakes entrenched in the cracks of the stone.

Each of these big snakes is as big as a thousand feet, and the cultivation base is above the perfection of Sanxian, but now they are all shrouded in blue mist, covering their breath.

"Boss, six human warriors are flying in our direction. It looks like a big piece of fat, do you want to shoot!?"

At this moment, a big snake came in from outside the canyon, the smoke was filled, and it directly turned into a slender face.

"After waiting for half a month, the human race finally came to die, no matter what, today we must eat the fresh flesh and blood of the strong human race!"

"Brothers and sisters, ready to shoot!"

Suddenly, among the stone cracks, the largest snake clan transformed into a burly human form with a sneer, holding a supreme quasi-immortal silver fork in his hand, apparently the boss of these snake clan.

"Hey, I can't wait!!"

At this time, the dozen or so large snakes hidden in the canyon all turned into human shapes in an instant, holding knives, guns and swords, turning into cyan streamers, and rushing out of the valley.

The two major ethnic groups have been fighting for many years, and when they met each other on the battlefield, they didn't need to say much, they shot fiercely, and wanted to put their opponents to death.

These warriors of the Qingman Snake Clan are all veterans in this wasteland who are licking blood with the tip of a knife. Naturally, they all know the importance of a quick fight, otherwise once they are dragged, they will inevitably attract the strong around. When the time comes, Even self-protection is a problem.

So at this moment, more than a dozen masters of the Qingman Snake Clan have exploded with all their strength.

At the front of the six Terran members, Gu Chen suddenly raised his head and waved his robe sleeves in a sneer. Suddenly, the fierce golden sword light shot out instantly, whizzing straight to the rushing Qingman Snake Clan warrior!

These sword lights are extremely sharp, and even the surrounding space is torn apart wherever they go. The sound of the sword screams, the sound shocks dozens of miles, and the mere aftermath of the blade tears the mountains, rocks, and trees within a radius of a thousand feet. crack. .



Gu Chen personally shot, the power of Sanxian Pinnacle is naturally not to be underestimated. The magical powers of the Qingmeng Snake Clan were directly smashed, and the golden light sword glow remained undiminished, and easily entered among the serpent warriors, wherever they went. Can be spared, all the flesh and blood primordial spirits were strangled and turned into a mist of blood scattered in the sky.

With this sword, only three breaths were fired, and more than a dozen powerful snake clan masters who had perfected the dispersal of immortals died instantly.

Seeing this, Ling Tian took a deep breath in his heart.

This Gu Chen really has aloof capital, very strong!

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