Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1775: Fighting power breaks out and saves the beauties

Obviously, Gu Chen just wanted to see Ling Tian in an extremely embarrassed appearance in front of Zhao Min.

If Ling Tian died at the hands of the Qingman Snake Clan, he would not care at all.

"Ling Tian!"

Zhao Min's face changed drastically the moment Gu Chen took the shot, but after Ling Tian fell down, Gu Chen had already activated the Profound Sky Treasure and took them away.

It's too late to make a move.

"Gu Chen, you are crazy!"

Lu Zhiyao also raised his eyebrows and yelled: "Gu Chen, you can't be mad, without Ling Tian, ​​how do we get in to the ancient cave mansion?"

"Hehe, he is not the only one who possesses the fire attribute fire seed. When I return to Xiaofeng City, I am looking for one for you!"

"Don't worry, he has a blood curse on him, even if he is immortal, he will never reveal the secret!"

Gu Chen sneered.

"Gu Chen, your blemish must be reported, and your indifferent appearance is extremely ugly!"

"With you, it makes me sick!"

Zhao Min gave Gu Chen a fierce look, and immediately stuffed Lu Zhiyao with a talisman. Then, in the latter's astonished gaze, he put the Xuantuo away, directly tore the Xuantian Supreme Light, and galloped towards the rear. go with!

She actually wanted to save Ling Tian!

"Minmin, aren't you afraid of death!"

Gu Chen screamed, unable to believe Zhao Min's decisiveness.

For the sake of a Ling Tian, ​​could Zhao Min ignore his life and death?

Even Lu Zhiyao was shocked.

She could see that from the day Zhao Min met Ling Tian, ​​her sister was a little different.

But I didn't expect to make such an amazing move this time.

After biting his mouth and blowing, Lu Zhiyao's heart was sour, and immediately, with a cold snort, he flew down from Gu Chen's mysterious sky.

She even wanted to save Ling Tian.

In her eyes, Ling Tian had the secret of the jade pendant left by her mother, and she must not just die in the hands of the Qingman Snake Clan.

Even he was more important than the ancient cave mansion.

"why why!"

"You guys, are you all crazy?"

Among the Profound Sky Supreme Treasure, Gu Chen Junxiu's face was already distorted, and he couldn't help screaming toward the rear.


Ling Tian was shaken by Gu Chen with a punch, and under the tremendous power, he plunged into the dense forest like a cannonball.


Blood was flowing at the corner of his mouth, Xiao Bai was in Ling Tian's arms, not hurt by Gu Chen's punch, and he kept meowing at this time, licking the blood at the corner of Ling Tian's mouth.

If he were replaced by an ordinary martial artist, he would definitely be disabled even if he was immortal under Gu Chen's punch.

Facing the Qingman Snake Clan, I can only wait to die

However, fortunately, Ling Tian's physical body was extraordinary. Apart from receiving Gu Chen's punch, Ling Tian's physical body was not a major problem.

But after being shaken down in the mountains and forests, Ling Tian raised Xiao Bai violently and flew out of the huge pit, only to see hundreds of Qing Mang snake tribe swept down from the sky and surrounded him in groups.

"Haha, stupid human beings, life and death are at stake, as expected, they must be calculated together with the clan!"

"Hiss, but you still can't escape death"


The strong snake clan did not hesitate at all, roaring again and again, there were more than a dozen figures directly strangling them.

In their eyes, Ling Tian was the weakest among this group of human warriors, and a dozen of them shot at the same time, which was already guaranteed to kill.

"It's ridiculous, is it so easy to bully when grandpa?"

The corners of Ling Tian's mouth raised, and Gu Chen's sneak attack was enough. These Snake Clan of the Dzogchen realm also wanted to bully him?


The iron fan is in hand, and on the handle of the fan, there are two ancient seal characters blooming in blue brilliance.

This is the Fengyou fan that Ling Tian had previously refined for A Bao!

The fan is not open, but it is enough to be a sword.

The fan was like a sword ruler, pulling up a sword flower in Ling Tian's hand, and then suddenly swept out.

"Crack the sky!"

The fourth ultimate move of Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship, although not as terrifying as Kaitiandi, but with the blessing of Lingtian's one hundred thousand sword shadows, it is enough to meet the enemy!

Bang bang bang!

The sword aura swept out like a storm wrapped in a weapon, and instantly swallowed the dozens of strong Qingmeng snake clan who flew in it.

These days, Ling Tian's combat power has been constantly recovering.

Not only the pill that Lu Zhiyao gave him, but also the top-grade restoration pill that he got from Zhao Min on the way.

Although it was still unable to erupt to rival Gu Chen's super-powerful Sanxian peak, it was enough to reach the realm of Sanxian Great Perfection!

With a sword swept out, how could the sharp aura carried by the cracked sky could be resisted by those vulgar Snake Clan?

Immediately, under the storm, those Qingmang snake clan screamed again and again, and none of them could kill them.

Waiting for the transfer of Sword Storm, only the green and black flesh and blood all over the ground were left, and the snake clan crystal nuclei!

With a single sword, more than a dozen snake tribes in the realm of Sanxian Great Perfection were all annihilated by Ling Tian!

Zhao Min, who flew towards Ling Tian from a distance in the sky, saw this scene, and his pupils shrank, shocked in his heart.

"This guy, he is still a sword repairer, and he is so tyrannical!"

This kind of combat power, I am afraid that it is already on par with her own.

"Damn it, this human race has hidden its combat power, let's go together!"

Ling Tian was fierce, and it made the remaining dozens of snake clan powerhouses angered. At this time, he raised his sword and attacked Ling Tian.

"Hehe, it's a good time. After so many days, I can finally kill myself!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Ling Tian's mouth as he danced with a sword in his hand.

The sky was dim and dark.

Within a radius of several thousand feet, everything was shrouded by Ling Tian's supernatural powers, and his prestige shook hundreds of miles.

Although the number of strong snake clan is large, they did not get close to the sky within a short period of time.

No way, Ling Tian's physical body and supernatural powers are still quite a bit of advantage below the earth immortal.

At this time, Zhao Min also swept down from the sky, the fairy longbow in his hand exploded repeatedly, and the arrows shot thousands of feet, nailing the strong snake clan to death on the spot.

There was Ling Tianzhu resisting in the front and Zhao Min remotely torturing and killing him at the rear. For a while, Ling Tian and the two of them killed the strong snake clan back and forth again and again!

In the distance, Chao Yunxiu and Gu Chen, who had already fled far away, looked at this scene with shocked expressions.

No one thought that they actually underestimated Ling Tian!

"Damn it, little human race, unscrupulous before my army, it's really a manipulative arm to block a car, I don't know whether to live or die!"

But at this moment, the Snake Clan Sanxian peak powerhouse that disappeared before suddenly drilled out of the ground, holding a bronze sledgehammer in his hand, wrapped in an endless tyrannical aura, like a mountain, smashing towards the sky. Come!

The strong snake clan at Sanxian Peak unexpectedly wanted to attack Ling Tian!

"Ling Tian, ​​be careful!"

From the rear, Zhao Min exclaimed immediately when he saw the powerhouse of Sanxian peak coming with a sledgehammer.

She knew that with Ling Tian's current combat power, it was impossible to withstand the full blow of this strong man.

Immediately, Zhao Min's figure flashed and teleported directly behind Ling Tian.

At this critical moment, she actually wanted to block this blow for Ling Tian?

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