Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1789: Cyan gem control puppet

"I didn't expect that Gu Chen could be so insidious. At this time, I still want to harm you!"

Zhao Min snorted coldly.

"Haha, it's okay, I have never put him in my eyes before, when he swallowed the blood oath curse before, he put a blood poison into my body, but I have already returned it to him."

Ling Tian sneered, turned around and returned to the warrior warrior who had broken all over the ground, leaned over and picked up the warrior's parts.

The method of refining these warriors is very peculiar.

Ling Tian took a look and found that this warrior figure actually seemed to be refined with a refining technique, and even contained meridians, so that it could display different magical powers, and the body was even more powerful. Tyrannical.

"That, Ling Tian, ​​thank you just now."

"If it weren't, I might have died at the hands of this warrior."

At this time, Lu Zhiyao stepped forward and whispered.

Until now, she finally accepted Ling Tian's strength.

"It's okay, you saved my life, and I promised you that in this ancient tomb, I will help you get your spiritual bones."

Ling Tian waved his hand, not caring at all.

"Uh... Um, what was your sister Min just now? Is it... Min Min?"

However, Lu Zhiyao asked suddenly.

Moreover, she looked a little nervous.

Behind him, Zhao Min's face changed, and he smiled and said, "Sister, what are you talking about?"

"You got it wrong..."

Ling Tian shook his head and denied directly, without intending to explain too much.

Before, he was indeed in a hurry and called Minmin.

"It's a shame that the warrior general was ruined."

Ling Tian held a piece of the back part of the warrior in his hands, which resembled a small formation plate, in which a blue spar was inlaid, and a flame was burning in the spar, which seemed to be full of energy.

"Cyan Hyun gem, it turns out that this warrior's energy is provided by it. Such a large piece is really generous."

Zhao Min stepped forward and looked at the spar in the disc.

"Cyan dazzling gems?"

Lu Zhiyao suppressed the suspicion in his heart, and his eyes turned: "Ling Tian, ​​do you still want this warrior general to be used by us!?"

"I have thought about it. The combat power of this warrior warrior general is half-step immortal. If we can really control a part of this warrior warrior, then we can use it to deal with a foreign army..."

Ling Tian shrugged, what he meant was already ready to come out.

Half a step Dixian is already strong enough. You must know that there are only five Dixian generals in the eighteenth human town, Shuofang City.

"If you can get a complete warrior, it's possible... I'll take a look at the formation."

Zhao Min took the formation plate from Ling Tian's hand, but after looking at it for a moment, he shook his head, "No, this formation has some ways, it should be inherited from ancient times, and there is also this kind of control method like a puppet, I If you don't understand the way of puppets, you can't solve them."

"Furthermore, looking at this, let alone me, even if you are a master of formations or puppets, you can't do it. There are very few who can master formations and puppets, let alone that these warriors are ancient tombs. It’s impossible for the owner to guard the tomb so easily."

"Hehe, isn't it, then it may not be."

Ling Tian smiled, did not speak, but walked directly to the golden gate.

"We should speed up. If I didn't feel wrong just now, many people have already entered this ancient tomb."

"And the gate we passed through before should be the south gate of the ancient tomb. In addition to the trail around the city wall, there should be a north gate that leads directly to the core of the ancient tomb."

"How do you know, don't you know that you can't get through this place!?"

Lu Zhiyao frowned.

"Have you been here, but there are paintings on this door..."

Ling Tian pointed to the mural on the golden gate.

Lu Zhiyao: "..."

"Really, on this gate, there is the general structure of this ancient tomb. It's really something."

"Hey, look, this fresco is drawn along our direction. It is a front hall. After the front hall is the inner city. In the inner city, there is a magnificent hall, which seems to be at the time. In the scene when the owner of the tomb was buried, there were nine dragons locking a coffin! On top, there was a large cauldron!"

"Nine-Dragon locks the golden coffin, the shady coffin in Dading Town!"

"Hey, the background of the master of the tomb, it seems that it really has some background!"

"However, I have read so many ancient books, and I have never heard of a great man who appeared on the Qingman Mountain Steps, who could build such a grand scene, and was buried in such a scale and method."

Zhao Min paced in front of the gate, surprised.

Faintly, she has raised the specifications of this tomb to another level, "I'm afraid it's a golden immortal, doesn't it have such qualifications, right?"

"It's not Jinxian, isn't it the immortal king's failure!?"

Lu Zhiyao raised his eyebrows, "The fairy king, that's the only existence in the seven immortal states, and the entire fairy world seems to be no more than tens of thousands."

"At least in our chaotic battlefield, there has never been a fairy king."

"Perhaps, the scale of this tomb is extremely large, judging from this mural, it is a thousand miles in radius, thousands of palaces, and countless courtyards."

Ling Tian looked at the eight darkened doors behind the door, holding his shoulders and said, "But on the mural, there is only one door leading to the back. Which one should we choose?"

"Let me take a look!"

Lu Zhiyao's eyes were cold, and he immediately took out the jade pendant and stepped forward, scanning through the eight holes behind the golden gate one by one, and then standing in front of the second hole on the left, saying: "The pendant is bright in front of this passage. The highest, if there is no better choice, how about we go this one!?'

"It seems that there is no better direction."

Ling Tian didn't have a better way, shrugging his shoulders, and leading the two women into it directly.

With his current combat power, he is really fearless.

Gu Chen is no longer there, and he will no longer deliberately hide his combat power.

The length of this dark corridor was a little beyond Ling Tian's imagination.

Moreover, there are countless agencies along the way, even if Zhao Min is there, it is impossible to pass quickly.

But Ling Tian didn't hide his clumsiness anymore. Wherever he went, he used his sword to destroy those organs, and this made Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao shocked, and they kept cursing Ling Tian as a pervert in their hearts.

If the cultivation base can reach the earth immortal, it is enough to refine alchemy and refining tools, and now even the formation method has such a deep knowledge! ?

Moreover, the speed of breaking the formation is too fast!

At the very least, with Zhao Min's understanding, I am afraid that it is the famous Dao Master of Formation in Xijiang, but that's all! ?

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