Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1792: Yujiang and Windward Battle[four more]

It was easy to get out of the medicinal garden, but when Ling Tian and the three walked out of the medicinal garden, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and the instant change made them understand that they were still in the gloomy ancient cemetery palace.

"Is this the inner city? It looks really scary!"

Lu Zhiyao looked up, staring at the black city wall looming in the darkness in front of him, and swallowed uncontrollably.

Ling Tian and Zhao Min also nodded, and everything in this ancient tomb shocked them every moment.

In the inner city in front of them, they could only see a very high wall. The scene inside was hidden by this wall. Although the wall was not long, it seemed to be extraordinarily heavy and stretched for dozens of times. Inside, there is a dark mist, like a giant city in a ghost domain, which makes people shudder.

At the foot, there is a long official road leading directly to the dark gate in the middle of the city wall.

But this door always makes people feel like a ghost door.

Zhao Min's hands were sealed, and the dots fell on the immediate fixed Qi plate, but the black mist on it rolled endlessly.

"No way, Xuantian Zhibao is not an immortal treasure after all, and it is no longer possible to predict good or bad in this underground palace."

Ling Tianqing picked up the Sky Rod in his hand and took a deep breath: "It's normal. From here, it's the outer core of the entire ancient tomb. There are murderous intent everywhere. You two should be careful and follow behind me."

Immediately, Ling Tian carried the fairy stick and directly stepped forward. The two women followed closely, and the twenty-eight warriors were also scattered, slowly advancing.

However, although this official way was not long, what surprised Ling Tian was that the quietness here was a little weird, and there were no warriors appearing, which made him a little puzzled.

"It seems that we are a little bit of ourselves. Perhaps we can enter the inner city through this gate to truly face the horror of the ancient tomb."

Seeing that the inner city gate was in front of him, Zhao Min breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, not necessarily!"

However, just as Zhao Min's voice fell, Ling Tian, ​​who gave up the super stick in his hand, had a cold face and sneered. After forcibly infusing the body's breath into the stick, he swept across, facing the darkness behind the side. Is offering a killer move.

There is a defensive gap between the two warriors generals.


However, at the moment when the Lingtian Sky Stick fell, there was a sudden sound of surprise in the darkness, and then from the darkness, a light sword aura suddenly exploded, and the sound of mingling resounded through the entire outer city!



A deafening explosion made Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao shocked!

Such a fierce killer move is stunned, it must be an immortal!

Finally, after entering this ancient tomb for such a long time, they still couldn't avoid encountering the existence of Earth Immortal's combat power!

In response to the sonic wave and the air wave, the weapon blade pushed all the warriors and generals around it out.

It was tyrannical, and it was the younger generations under the immortals such as Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao, and couldn't resist it at all. If it weren't for Ling Tian's protection, just the aftermath could kill the two girls on the spot.

"Retreat and hide among the warriors generals!"

Ling Tian gave a low shout, controlling the two half-step immortal warriors to surround the two women, and the opposing force was even beyond his expectation.

Moreover, what appeared this time was not a so-called monster or warrior, but a living human race!

"Hehehe, I really didn't expect that in this ancient tomb of Qingman Mountain, there are young masters like you, who can stop my sword, but why haven't I seen you? !?"

In the darkness, a figure slowly walked out with a gloomy long sword in his hand.

This person was dressed in a pitch-black battle armor. Although there were mottled marks on it, he still could see that this armor was extraordinary.

Not only that, but Ling Tian was slightly surprised that this person seemed to be about the same age as him, and even younger than him!

Not only that, what made Ling Tian's pupils shrank was that there was a fairy light on the top of this guy's head, condensed into a ring, blooming with the coercion of the immortals!

It's really an immortal, and it's still very young!

"You, you are the son of the lord of the Howling Wind City, Jiang Yingfeng!?"

However, when Ling Tian frowned, Zhao Min behind him had already recognized the person.

"Son of City Lord Howlwind!?"

Ling Tian was taken aback, and then coldly said: "It's interesting, your Howling Wind City was broken, and you didn't lead the human race against the Qingmang army, why did you come to this ancient tomb!?"

"Could it be that you are a deserter!?"

This had to make Ling Tian angry. He fought countless battles in his life, and the one he hated most was the deserter!

"Oh? It really surprised me, isn't this girl Zhao Min, the master of the Quanju Pavilion in Shuofang City?"

"Unexpectedly, don't expect a year, you and I will meet in this ancient tomb under Qingman Mountain."

"I think that a year ago, you rejected my marriage proposal, the original contempt, I still remember Jiang Yingfeng, and now I have become an immortal!"

"Do you regret your stupid decision back then?"

Jiang Yingfeng questioned countless Ling Tian, ​​but he looked at Zhao Min behind him with a sneer.

"Bah! Just you? I despised you at the beginning, and now I am too! What about the land immortal? You haven't been a deserter. Are you right the human warrior who died in Qi Howling Wind City!?"

Zhao Min disdainfully said.

"Damn it, now, do you dare to laugh at me!?"

Jiang Yingfeng was furious when he heard the words, and his fair and handsome face was as gloomy as water, as if against the darkness, like a ghost.

"Since I ran into you today, I will take your Yuan Yin and kill you again!"

However, Jiang Yingfeng also completely angered Ling Tian.

"You are looking for death!"

Ling Tian moved forward with a club, speeding faster and faster, directly on the face of his figure, and then killed him.

"Hehe, you dare to stop me with you, an unknown person!?"

But Jiang Yingfeng sneered again and again, he believed that within the boundary of this Xiaofeng City, no one could surpass him.

"However, the stick in your hand is not bad, these fairy soldiers, let you use them, are simply a violent thing, let's offer them with both hands!"

Seeing the radiant brilliance of the Sky Rod in Ling Tian's hand, Jiang Yingfeng's eyes were fiery.

"You deserve it too!?"

However, Ling Tian, ​​who was moving horizontally, was overwhelming and rising steadily.

Not only that, in the eyes of Na Jiang Yingfeng's widening, Ling Tian burst into flames of red vitality, and slowly condensed on the top of his head!

The fiery red of brilliance, like a rising sun, broke through the darkness in the ancient tomb.

Although there is only one weight, it is extremely dazzling, showing the strength of its martial arts!

"The fairy light gathers on top, you are also an earth fairy!"

"Why have I never seen you!"

Na Jiang Yingfeng was already shocked when he saw this. He never expected that Ling Tian was also an earth immortal, and now that aura looks even more powerful than him!

"If you want to know, just eat my stick first!"

However, Ling Tian had suddenly risen from the ground, leaping to the sky, clenching the sky stick in both hands, and crashing down!

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