Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1795: Ten Thousands of War Warriors

The main hall is extremely magnificent. Although the gate in the middle is closed, there are eight huge green-gold pillars standing on the left and right. There seems to be a holy fire on it. There is no plaque in the middle, but it can still be seen. This huge hall is the entire ancient building. The core of the tomb!

"Uh, there is only one hall!?"

"Others, no more!?"

Zhao Min stretched his head from behind Ling Tian and looked at the hall in front of him, looking a little surprised.

"I didn't expect it, but we can't take it lightly. This is the core of the ancient tomb, and it will definitely not let us set foot on it easily."

Ling Tian stepped forward slowly, but his feet had just landed on the stone bricks in the open ground in front of the hall. In the hall in front of him, he remembered the tremors of dense organs.

"No, prepare to meet the enemy!"

Ling Tian whispered, feeling bad in his heart.

Immediately commanding the twenty-eight warriors general and him side by side, with a pair of eyes, staring at the hall in front of him.

"Boom boom!"

However, even though the organ sound started in the main hall, it spread to the ground within a hundred miles in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, in the shocking gaze of the three Ling Tian, ​​the stone bricks in front of the hall were all reversed, and a warrior general holding a crossbow and a spear and a giant sword slowly rose from the ground.

The number is so dense, there are tens of thousands!


Even Ling Tian couldn't help but burst into foul language at this time.

Thousands of warriors generals with half-step combat power, this is playing the tactics of the sea of ​​people! ?

"Ready to shock!"

Ling Tian held the Sky Cudgel tightly in his hands. Although there were many warriors, Ling Tian was still not afraid. On the contrary, he was a little excited.

If you can conquer all these warriors, it will definitely be a big army!

On both sides of Ling Tian, ​​the aura in the body of the twenty-eight warriors burst forth unreservedly, and they were finally able to use their abilities.

"Those who trespass in the underground palace, die!"

"Crack to death!"

At the same time, countless bitter roars came in an instant. In the eyes of the generals of tens of thousands of warriors, a blue flame suddenly burned, and fierce coercion condensed on the head of the army, roaring, it was straight to the enemy. Heaven is waiting for people to kill.


The twenty-eight warriors generals of Ling Tian's side also shouted sternly. The magical powers poured out without hesitation, bursting out with incomparable attack power, and strode forward.

Ling Tian naturally blocked his side, his face was gloomy and murderous intent surged in his eyes. At this moment, he waved his robe sleeve and his big hand directly.

"Flick the cloud palm!"

"Prison Dragon Hand!"

Ling Tian Xianyuan's big palm fell, ignoring the warrior attacks of the warriors generals, and instantly pressed a dozen warriors into the ground.

With this kind of magical power, Ling Tian's strength is extremely well controlled.

It can guarantee that it will not damage the warriors at all, and make the formation in its body invalid.

However, apart from Ling Tian, ​​the other results were somewhat powerless.

Twenty-eight warriors against more than 10,000 warriors were indeed a drop in the bucket, but they were strangled to pieces in an instant of the confrontation. With the combat power of Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao, they were even more stretched.

Everything can only rely on Ling Tian himself.

Ling Tian was incomparably brave, and took the two women to suppress the surrounding puppets again and again, while walking towards the green golden hall.

But Ling Tian's face became more and more gloomy. Even if he could suppress these warrior generals, if there were too many, the loss of vitality would still be too great.

Not only that, Ling Tian always felt strange energy surging underground.

This green-gold hall is the core of the ancient tomb, and it should have a more terrifying existence than this warrior general.

Sure enough, when the three of Ling Tian were halfway through, his pupils suddenly shrank violently, and a feeling of extreme danger lingered in his heart, causing him to turn around and blast forward without hesitation.

Ling Tian locked onto this breath in an instant and walked out with a stick without any reservation. If he didn't stop him, Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao behind him would be in danger!

Sure enough, in the space behind the two women, a blue-black warrior suddenly appeared. These warriors were different from the surrounding generals. He appeared very thin, even similar to the human woman.

He was dressed in soft armor, with two sharp blades in his hands, crossed in front of him, and strangled directly.


The sharp blade and the club shook hard, and the sky-shaking noise suddenly erupted. Ling Tian snorted, and there was a crackling noise in his body. The figure retreated two steps, and then the force was resolved, and his face instantly became a little ugly.

This was the first time he was shaken back after he sacrificed his cultivation base.

"Earth Immortal Warriors!?"

Ling Tian gave a startled suspicion and looked up.

It was discovered that the thing that suddenly appeared was burning and cyan flames in his eyes, without any induction.

Although its size was not as burly as a warrior general, its armor was very exquisitely carved, and its face was even illuminated with a blue-purple visor, only a pair of eyes were exposed.

Tomb Guardian!

Zhao Min whispered, "It's amazing enough. In this ancient cemetery palace, there are even the dark guards of the earth immortals, and they are really set up under the rules of the imperial palace!"

"Hehe, it's just an underground guard, it's a cottage imperial palace at best!"

Ling Tian sneered, and he was about to go forward and directly solve the dark guard.

However, without waiting for Ling Tian's actions, three terrifying earth fairy auras suddenly erupted from the warrior generals, killing them from the other three directions.

The dark guard stared at Ling Tian with a pair of **** eyes, and continued to growl in his mouth.

"Ling Tian, ​​it's no good, these warriors seem to be condensed into a battle formation. The combined attack technique is definitely something you can't bear. We have to quickly find a way!"

At this time, Zhao Min was suddenly surprised when he watched the surrounding warriors move.

After she was the immortal king, she also had a lot of research on the battlefield. At this time, she could see that the dense warrior warriors were abnormal. It was the law.

The owner of this ancient tomb was definitely a warrior on the battlefield.

"Battle formation!?"

Upon hearing this, Ling Tian's face also turned gloomy in an instant.

He was also the leader of the soldiers, and he saw the anomaly in an instant, but at this time the three of them had reached halfway and were surrounded by warriors. If there were only half-step warriors, it would have happened. Four dark guards from the earth fairy.

Coupled with the combined attack technique, it really made Ling Tian somewhat difficult to parry.

"What are we going to do!? Sorry, sister Min, Ling Tian, ​​if I hadn't had to come to this ancient tomb to find some spiritual bones, I wouldn't be in this situation!"

"I killed you!"

At this time, Lu Zhiyao was also frightened.

She had never experienced such a terrible battle.

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