Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1799: Eighty-one floor fire

"Ling Tian, ​​this Murong Ziyan is quite strong, and there is no one who refuses to accept it in Xijiang, because he not only has a spiritual body that exceeds the top-level top level, but also the legendary quasi-dao body! His martial arts talent is no one in Xijiang. On the right, even his father, Tianxian Murongzhi, is inferior!"

"Since the day he was born, he has collected thousands of pets. His mother is the first family of Zhongyu Tiansheng City, the daughter of the Guo family, and his status is extremely respected."

"Not only that, he is also carrying the best fire...Dry Silver Immortal Flame! It is a top-level immortal fire with ninety-nine and eighty-one layers, even in the middle domain, it is one of the few existences!"

"Back then, when Murong Ziyan was detected to be carrying such a fire, he directly alarmed the presidents of the two major associations of refining alchemy and alchemy in the middle domain, and even the two gods also visited Haoran City to teach Murong Ziyan the two alchemy pills. Dao..."

"Oh!" It seemed that he was too speechless for such Tianjiao people. Zhao Min couldn't help sighing. "In short, Murong Ziyan has been full of legends since the day he was born. He came to Xijiang with a halo. Since childhood, he has never seen the Tianjiao in Xijiang in his eyes. A character like him is destined to compete with the geniuses in the holy city."

"Quasi Dao body, eighty-one immortal fire, double pill repair."

Ling Tian listened very seriously, but now he has to admit that this guy is really abnormal.

At the very least, apart from the two pill pill, Ling Tian couldn't find that he could beat him.

The quasi-dao body, he didn't.

He didn't even have a fairy fire on the eighty-first floor.

Now the thirty-sixth layer of Candle Dragon True Flame was already the top immortal fire he could evolve.

But compared with those on the eighty-one floor, it was simply a difference.

I'm afraid that I want to get this kind of fire, so I can only find a way to find a natural fire and refine it into the body.

But to say a thousand words and ten thousand, this is Murong Ziyan, his incomparable existence in Ling Tian now.

In the eyes of the three people in amazement, jealousy and unbelief, that Murong Ziyan was already flying in front of the halberd of sin that day.

"Hahahahaha! Heaven's Sin Halberd, it really is Heaven's Sin Halberd!"

"Today, I, Murong Ziyan, have this Celestial Immortal Soldier. In the chaotic battlefield, who can stop me!?"

Before the halberd, Murong Ziyan looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

It seems that in his eyes, this halberd is already in his bag!

Outside the hall, Ling Tian looked at all this in front of him, feeling very uncomfortable. In the past, he was playing the role of Murong Ziyan. Who ever thought that he would also be a spectator?

"Huh, the descendants of the human race, trespassing into the underground palace, coveting the lord's sword, die!"

However, Murong Ziyan's sudden appearance also naturally attracted the attention of the giant warrior.

He suddenly turned around, and the battle axe in his hand slashed down towards Murong Ziyan without hesitation.

The four warriors of the Earth Immortal made a full blow, and the force was heavy, extremely shocking.

"Hmph, a puppet, dare to disturb me Murong Ziyan!?"’

However, Na Murong Ziyan was not afraid of the warriors at all. He raised his hand and punched, seeming to make a random shot, but Xianyuan condensed like flames, forming a silver-fire fist, and rushed directly.


The fist and the axe shook, but what made Ling Tian's pupils shrink was that the war axe of the warrior warrior immediately collapsed and flew out as soon as the silver fire fist was released.

The giant warrior could not help but step back three steps and almost fell down!

One punch, one punch!

And it seemed to be such a random punch that even Murong Ziyan had never looked at the warrior. The latter was regretted.

Murong Ziyan's tyrannical shock shocked everyone.


"Damn it!"

"No one can use the weapon of the Lord to kill!"

However, the giant warrior who had been retired was shocked. He picked up the huge battle axe on the ground, and behind the densely packed blue gems suddenly burst out a horrible energy vortex. The whole body seemed to be enveloped by green fire, and then the energy was poured into it. Among the tomahawks.

This giant warrior can actually increase combat power!

Moreover, this axe also contains amazing magical powers, which is not trivial!

Obviously, this big guy has also sensed Murong Ziyan's tyranny and is ready to strike with all his strength.

The mighty cyan flame gradually turned red, making this big guy look like a **** of fire from a distance, and it was terrifying.

It is conceivable that if this axe continues, it will definitely skyrocket!

I am afraid that even if it is Murong Ziyan, the fifth layer of the Earth Immortal, it is not that easy to take over.

"My son Yan, the messenger of the holy city is about to come, and the breath of the halberd of Heaven's sins must not be detected by him. You immediately collect the halberd and return to Haoran City. I will close the teleportation formation after ten breaths!"

But at this moment, from the top of the green gold hall, a black lacquered formation gate, tearing through the space, appeared abruptly on top of Murong Ziyan's head.

A mighty voice vibrated from it. Although it was just a voice, the terrifying coercion that was as powerful as the sound of the sky and sea shocked Ling Tian and the others again.

This must be the legendary first city lord of Western Xinjiang, Tianxian Murongzhi!

However, it seems that Murong Zhi's words are very anxious.

Under the portal, Murong Ziyan was also stunned, and immediately understood that the situation was urgent, and immediately he no longer had any reservations, and the five-fold aura of the earth immortal burst out. Not only that, he took it out from behind. A silver halberd.

In an instant, under the five-fold celestial light, a pair of bright wings burst into bloom!

At the moment that wings bloomed, Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

When even whispering.


Ling Tian is naturally familiar with the dazzling huge wings of light behind Murong Ziyan.

This is not a real wing, nor a weapon, but a light wing evolved because of the inscription of the armor and the weapon, the life and inscription energy penetrated and merged!

Ling Tian hadn't seen such a light wing for a long time.

In the Lower Realm, Ling Tian had never seen a more advanced diamond drill ever since Lei Yinming drilled.

This also caused Ling Tian to never engrave all the equipment afterwards, knowing that the day he soared, it seemed that Lei Yinming drill had reached the top in the lower realm.

Unexpectedly, now in the fairy world, you can still see this similar thing.

But the light wings that Murong Ziyan had in front of him were different from those that Ling Tian had seen.

I thought that above this light wing, there was actually a little bit of bright starlight. From a distance, it looked like thousands of dazzling silver stars were condensed. It was so gorgeous!

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