Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1805: Ancestral general of the Lu family

The middle-grade spirit bones can already win the city of Shuo. If you get such a high-grade spirit bone, then even the three major sects of Haoran City will be enough to be praised as core disciples.

Isn't this Lu Zhiyao's dream for many years?

However, when this superb spirit bone appeared in front of Lu Zhiyao, the latter felt an incredible trance.

If it weren't for Zhao Min to shake her a few times, Lu Zhiyao wouldn't know how long it would have been for the soul to travel too vacant.

"Sister, wake up, such a spiritual bone, finally found, you quickly put it away, find a time, and refine it!"

Zhao Min stuffed the lavender spiritual bone into Lu Zhiyao's hands.

"Sister, this, this spiritual bone is too precious, I was satisfied just to find a middle-grade spiritual bone, this...this top-grade spiritual bone, how can I ask for it?"

Lu Zhiyao pursed his lips, but shook his head.

She couldn't get such a superb spiritual bone.

"Sister, your martial arts aptitude is better than mine. This top-grade spirit bone is the most suitable for you. Accept it, and I will look for another spirit bone."

"Stupid sister!" Zhao Min rubbed Lu Zhiyao's head and smiled; "We're not talking about it. This time, I'm mainly here for you to find spiritual bones. When did I say I need spiritual bones? "

"But, along the way, I can't help with anything. I'm just a burden. How can I get such a superb spirit bone?" Lu Zhiyao curled his lips, still feeling overwhelmed in his heart.

"No, without your jade pendant, we would never find the location of this ancient tomb, let alone find the spiritual bone. Therefore, you are the most important link. This spiritual bone should be you. Yes!" Zhao Min yelled.

"OK then."

Lu Zhiyao opened his mouth, but finally sighed and took it away.

No way, the spirit bones are too important to her.

If you say that you don't have a heartbeat, it's false.

"Let me take a look, what other treasures are there in this coffin!"

Ling Tian was already lying on the coffin at this time, and when he looked inside, he found no bones, only a pair of armor.

Perhaps the bones have already been reduced to ashes in these tens of thousands of years.

But the armor is still there.

Ling Tian picked up the armor, but frowned again.

Because although this armor looks good, it looks more like a female armor, which is too tight.

The whole body of the battle armor was clear water, slightly purple, not to mention, it looked like it really matched Lu Zhiyao's long purple hair.

"This tomb owner, turned out to be a woman!?"

At this point, Ling Tian suddenly realized that the ghost-like warrior portrayed on the previous mural turned out to be wearing a hideous mask. Who would have thought that he would actually be a woman.

In addition to the battle armor, there are also some brilliant gems and the fairy treasures and weapons used by the tomb owner before his life.

Of course, in addition to gems, many treasures have long lost their original spirituality and become a pile of useless scrap copper and rotten iron.

Ling Tian searched inside for a long time, and then took out a long spear that was still shining with faint fluorescence and a large purple-gold seal.

"Fortunately, there are two left."

Ling Tian crawled out of the coffin and smiled with a lot of treasures in his arms: "Two, the owner of the tomb inside is a female general, Miss Lu, your spiritual bone is not wrong."

"No, the rest are these darlings."

Ling Tian placed the battle armor, weapon blade and fairy treasure one by one in front of the two women.

"Although the battle armor has lost a lot of spirituality, it should still be a second-grade immortal weapon. It is enough to use, and the weapon is a little worse. I can see that the body of this spear is no longer usable, but the inside is asleep. The soul of the weapon should have the cultivation base of the earth immortal, if it is recast, it can still become a good second-grade earth immortal artifact!

"As for this immortal treasure, there is an inscription on it, called the Zibao Golden Seal, which counts as a second-grade immortal treasure."

"Oh, by the way, this golden seal looks like something is missing. The fairy within the fairy treasure is also sleeping. I think there should be a pendant on it!"

Ling Tian held the Zijin Great Seal and looked at it for a while, always feeling that something was wrong.

However, at this time, Lu Zhiyao, who had put away the spirit bones, stared at the Zijin Great Seal in Ling Tian's hands, and suddenly rushed forward and tied the pendant around his waist to the Great Seal.


In an instant, the Zijin Great Seal buzzed, and in an instant purple light bloomed, floating from Ling Tian's hands.

After a while, the dazzling purple light condensed into a graceful figure. Although the face cannot be seen clearly, it is enough to be able to see that this must be the spirit of the Zijin Great Seal!

This scene also surprised Ling Tian. Who would have thought that the pendant on Lu Zhiyao's body was actually a part of the Zijin Great Seal?

Does that mean that the owner of the tomb has a connection with Lu Zhiyao?


Sure enough, Lu Zhiyao held the golden seal with both hands, and he knelt in front of the coffin with a thump, crying silently.

"The ancestors forgive the sins, but the younger generation Lu Zhiyao is incompetent and failed to protect the peace of your tomb!"

The spirit on the golden seal also stood up at this time, looked at Lu Zhiyao below, and asked loudly, "The person in front of the coffin, are you a descendant of the Lu family?"

"The younger generation is a descendant of the Lu family, named Lu Zhiyao!" Lu Zhiyao nodded.

"Well, yes, I think that the master was just an ordinary general in the Great Emperor's army. After a hundred thousand years, he can complete such a plan for the Great Emperor. It is also considered a fulfillment of merit!"

"Get up quickly, although I have lost almost all of my memories, as the master Xianbao, I will do my best in the future to help the descendants of the Lu family rise in this life!"

After all, the spirit of the Zijin Great Seal returned to the gold seal. It should be that the spirit body was worn too much, and the energy hidden in the jade pendant needs to be used to repair the spirit body. .

Obviously, the rank of the Zibao Golden Seal in the future will definitely not be limited to the Second-Rank Immortal Treasure.

After all, what the Second-Rank Xianbao said was just the third-Rank. It would be too loud to protect the descendants of the Lu family.

"Congratulations to my sister. I didn't expect this ancient tomb to be the ancestor of the Lu family. In this way, it is really free to arrange in fate!"

"These inheritances belong to my sister."

Zhao Min's face was full of joy. Perhaps it was because he had seen Lu Zhiyao forbearing for so many years, and now he is finally going to stand out. In my heart, he is really happy for him.

Because whether it is the spirit bone, the battle armor, the weapon or the golden seal immortal treasure, Lu Zhiyao can be reborn from then on. At the very least, the small Shuofang City is absolutely unacceptable.

"Well, but I still have to thank my sister, and... Ling Tian, ​​thank you. I didn't expect that in the end, it was me who was the most useless and got the most."

Lu Zhiyao, who was kneeling on the ground, stood up and looked at Ling Tian apologetically.

"Hehe, it's not that we didn't get anything."

Ling Tian opened his palm and said with a smile, "Look, there are still many gems here. If I am not mistaken, they should be used for inscriptions. Just now, the wind wings behind Lin Yusheng should be because of this gem. ."

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