Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1812: Wannian cold marrow heavenly product fairy material

However, Ling Tian collected the forty-eight layers of Qing Xunyang Yan inside his body in the time of a cup of tea.

It still takes a lot of time to fully refine it.

But now that the Eternal Burning Heaven Decision has been deeply imprinted in his mind, Ling Tian is not so anxious.

"Yes, now your physical body is already tough enough according to their plan. If you don't, I'm afraid that you won't be able to cultivate this eternal burning heaven."

"However, this physical body will not be enough in the future, so a more terrifying physical body technique is still needed."

Liu Yao looked at the scene in front of him with satisfaction, and couldn't help but nod.

It's like an old gentleman watching his disciple grow step by step.

"Physical body practice!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, he knew his body.

Although in the eyes of those ordinary earth immortals, it is still acceptable, but it will definitely not be enough in the future.

But the Dragon Blood Overlord Body Jue had been refined to the extreme by him, and the Candle Dragon Overlord Body had also reached the top.

I don't know how to advance next.

"Senior, please give me some advice!"

Ling Tian arched his hands towards the six lines.

"Haha, don't find me for this. I can give you enough."

"Everything left is a chance. Although it is destined to be yours, you still need to find and fight for it yourself."

"Okay, I'm tired too, and need some rest."

Liu Yao smiled, and he returned to the Liu Yao Ding.

However, just as Qing Xu breathed a sigh of relief, the Liuyao appeared another head from the cauldron, "But the old lady tells you, don't let that wretched guy approach me!"

"Otherwise, I'll squeeze his head!"

After speaking, Liu Yao no longer had a voice.


Qing Xu looked at Ling Tian with an extremely embarrassed look.

He only relied on Liuyao Ding to recover to his current state.

If there is no Ding Qi of Liu Yao Ding, his grade can stop here.

"This, Qing Xu, I have no way of doing it. Whether it can be done or not, it is up to you to solve it."

Ling Tian collected Liu Yaoding into Taoyuan.

The storage ring can't afford this great god, and only Taoyuan can satisfy Liu Yaoding.

"Haha, Qing Xu, don't you always brag to me that when you were in the imperial palace of the fairy world, you were fascinated by countless artifacts? Now, it's time to test your charm."

Lao Hou laughed.

"Cut, I'm bragging, you also believe it? Besides, these six lines... are not ordinary tools, how can I have the guts!"

Qing Xu looked confused.

"It's okay, let's go, go back to Taoyuan first, it's really not good, teach her to play mahjong, you deliberately give her a few cannons, wouldn't it be easy!"

"Hey, that's a good idea, let's go!"

Qing Xu and Lao Hou put their shoulders on their backs, with a wretched look, hidden in Taoyuan in front of Ling Tian's chest, and began to discuss countermeasures.

At this time, in the huge cave, only Ling Tian and the empty Nine Dragon Golden Coffin were left.

The terrifying heat wave in the cave disappeared completely after Ling Tian absorbed the Qing Xunyang flame.

The pool water below the entrance of the cave also gradually faded from boiling, becoming just warm.

"Ling Tian! What happened below!?"

"Talk! Let's go down without talking!"

At this time, Zhao Min's voice came from the hole above.

They have been waiting for Ling Tian for more than an hour.

My heart is naturally extremely anxious.

However, the terrifying heat wave gushing from the cave made them stay away.

Now that the heat wave subsided, Ling Tian was still nowhere to be seen, and she was already ready to come down.

"Hehe, it's safe below, come down, I will follow you!"

Ling Tian was in a good mood at this time and said with a smile.


As Zhao Min's voice fell, after half a cup of tea, two figures slowly floated down from the entrance of the cave.

Ling Tian took the two women with one hand.

"Wow, there is really a golden coffin!?"

At a glance, Lu Zhiyao saw the golden coffin that had been opened on the ground, but when she stepped forward, he didn't see anything inside.

In fact, there is really nothing in it except for the spirit.

Zhao Min was attracted by the pool of water under her feet.

"Hey, is this Wannian Chilled Marrow Floral Dew!?"

Zhao Min squatted there, put a hand under his nose, and smelled it. Even if the smile bloomed, it was like a fairy flower in full bloom.

"Ling Tian, ​​sister, this is really cold water floral dew!"

Zhao Min almost jumped up, enough to see, who is afraid this pool is really precious.

"The scent of chilly flowers!?"

When Lu Zhi heard the rumor, he also walked through, watching the colorful fairy light gradually engulfing in the pool of water, and suddenly his eyes began to sparkle.

At this time, Ling Tian also discovered that without the suppression of the heat wave of the fire, the pool water is no longer hot and the temperature is extremely suitable, and the celestial spirit evaporating from it is extremely pure and incomparable. , It must be able to make its cultivation soaring.

However, the attributes of this chilly flower fragrance are extremely overcast. Although it looks attractive, it cannot be refined by a male warrior. This is a bit too sexist.

But fortunately, there is still unrefined Qing Sundan Yang Yan in Ling Tian's body, so there is no sourness in his heart about this.

Perhaps this is the last chance for the two women.

Especially Zhao Min, except for some immortal elixir and a few blue breeze dazzling gems, Zhao Min had the least harvest, and Ling Tian had been uneasy.

After all, Zhao Min is also his woman now, so it's just that he can't be intimate in front of Lu Zhiyao.

If he still couldn't get some good resources, Ling Tian would really not be happy.

"It's really amazing. If we absorb all of it in such a large pool of chilly flower fragrance dew, I am afraid we can directly break through to the realm of earth fairy!"

Lu Zhiyao exclaimed.

"That's a conservative estimate. I don't dare to think about so many chilly flower fragrance dew! If it is put up for auction, it will definitely be a sky-high price. I'm afraid I can't afford it even with my wealth."

Zhao Min nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for!? Let's absorb it now, and we will leave Qingman Mountain after you cross the Tribulation and become the Earth Immortal. This is also safer."

Ling Tian took a deep look at Zhao Min, Xuan even put away the Nine Dragon Golden Coffin and flew along the entrance of the cave to the upper level.

Flew back to the upper-level coffin room, Ling Tian took out Lin Yusheng's ring.

This guy went all the way to the coffin room, and was still hidden in the coffin. He thought he had taken a lot of things.

Sure enough, Ling Tian's spirit infiltrated it, and he discovered densely packed ore gems!

That's right, it is just some of the best refining materials!

In that case, Lin Yusheng's luck was really good, he actually found the refining hall in this palace.

Except for those weapons that have become scrap iron, these ores are still intact. Although most of them are small top-grade ores that can only be used to make earth celestial artifacts, there is still a piece of celestial-grade fairy ore. .

This fairy material is called Dongxuan Tianshi, with wood properties. The weapon used to refine wind thunder or wood properties is excellent. It is also full of fists and laughs. It is no better for A Bao.

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