Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1814: Fuyun Jianzong will not retreat from a deadly battle!

"Hmph, I didn't expect that there is a human teleportation formation here. It must come from all over to help Shuofang City!"

"Brothers, there is an order from Shangfeng. Now it is an important opportunity to attack the city. It is absolutely forbidden to let people rush to help Shuofang City. For a while, whoever comes out of it will be killed on the spot!"

"Haha, it's necessary. For this class of military exploits, brothers should start faster, if you can't get it, don't blame me for waiting soon!"

Hundreds of Sanxian Pinnacle Snake Races are holding swords in their hands, and they are already in full momentum.

With such a strong combination of combat power, even the human warriors of the first immortal heavy can not resist.


Soon, the ray of light surged to the extreme, and a figure suddenly appeared from it.

The figure became clearer, the strong men of the Qingman Snake Clan, all holding their breath to prepare for a thunderous blow.

And the figure gradually became clear, and the amethyst-colored battle armor outlined a graceful figure.

This was transmitted from the formation, turned out to be a human woman.

"Human warriors are undoubtedly, kill!"

The Sanxian powerhouse headed by the Qingman Snake Clan exclaimed. Even with a loud roar, the other Snake Clan slashed their swords and tried to kill it with one blow.

"Dirty snakes do not do their best."


However, the figure manifesting in that formation suddenly opened his eyes, and the tyrannical aura of Dixian Yizhong suddenly broke out, and a silver spear in his hand manifested and swept out!

This person is Lu Zhiyao.

The second-grade immortal weapon spear was recast by Ling Tian for him. With the addition of the current cultivation base, the degree of tyranny is naturally not comparable to that of the immortal.

Immediately the spear light rolled away like a stormy sea.

"No, it's an immortal, retreat!"

Those Sanxian warriors of the Qingman Snake Clan were shocked and fleeing around frantically.

But now Lu Zhiyao's spear light is so fierce, and at that moment, it swept the surrounding area by thousands of feet, and the mountains, rocks, and ancient trees were all turned into powder.

The hundreds of Qingmang snake tribes all died instantly.

The power of the immortal is terrifying.

Sanxian and his ilk, but ants.


At this time, above the formation, two figures emerged.

One man with white hair in Tsing Yi, and one woman disguised as a man, is like a son of a turbulent world.

It was Ling Tian and Zhao Min.

The three of them glanced at each other, then rose up into the sky again, and went straight to Shuofang City to kill.

At this time, looking from a distance, Shuofang City was already shrouded in a layer of blood, and the Qi of the blood that rushed into the sky had already dyed hundreds of thousands of miles in red!

The Qingman Snake Clan has launched its final general attack!

Shuofang City.

At this time, the walls of Shuofang City were all devastated, and the city was in chaos.

Above the city wall, there are hundreds of thousands of human warriors densely packed.

Although the great defense formation of Shuofang City was still unbroken at this time, it looked like thin paper, and the dense attacks continued to fall on the formation.

And what made the warriors of the tribe tremble was the army of the Qingman Snake tribe that blocked the waters surrounding the city of Shuofang.

The number is seven or eight hundred thousand!

The army is nearly twice as large as the human race, and in terms of combat power, it is one level far above the human race in Shuofang City.

The defenders of Shuofang City only resisted it for only an hour, and they were already in a state of defeat.

But under the city, there are tens of thousands of warriors fighting with the Qing Mang Snake Clan at this time.

Of course, those who dared to fight out of the city were all tyrannical existences among the human races, and the most eye-catching among them were the three descendants of Tianjiao.

These three people, two men and one woman, one of them is holding a sword, the sword light surging all over his body, the sword field is enveloped, and the sword energy is flying. Although it is only the cultivation base of the first layer of the earth, it is the land of the Qingmang snake clan. Immortal strong are hard to resist.

This person is the core disciple of the inner door from Haoran City Fuyun Sword Sect, Liu Jingfeng!

The second person, lightly holding a large sword in his hand, was dancing, and the sky was full of sword lights, and it was impressive and not bad. This person was the core disciple of the Thunder Valley of Haoran City, thunderous.

The last woman, who looked only in her twenties, was dressed in a bright red battle armor with a large halberd in her hand like a whirlwind, rushing to and fro in the battle group of the Qingmeng snake tribe. Although she was a woman, she was a heroine. Don't let the eyebrows be shaved, this girl is from Aoxue Pavilion of Haoran City.

The three of them were all ground immortals, and they followed the elder Chen Yiran of the Fuyun Sword Sect to help Shuofang City.

However, as soon as the assisting army arrived at Shuofang City, the Qingmang Snake Clan launched a general offensive.

The other party even had the Demon Commander Qing Mang, who was the same as Chen Yiran's sixth-tier Earth Immortal, took the former directly, and was now fighting in the high sky above Shuofang City. For a time, it was difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat.

Not only that, in the Qingman Snake Clan army, there are as many as fifteen earth immortals, among which there are as many as two that rival the city lord of Shuofang, and the earth immortal triple Gu Jun!

On the human side, the Tianjiao from the three immortal sects, plus the city lord of Shuofang and the four generals, the battle strength of the earth immortal, there are only eight people.

It can be half of the Qingman Snake Clan.

Under such circumstances, the battle of Shuofang City is already in jeopardy.

Even though, Terran Tianjiao is brave.

"No, the city lord, we still can't keep it, these green man snake clan beasts are determined today and want to level our Shuofang city, city lord, let's withdraw!"

Under Shuofang City, the Dixian General moved up high, and shouted at Shuofang City Lord Gu Jun.

The two Dixian generals followed Gu Jun, and their eyes were full of cowardice.

Although they are the guards of Shuofang City, it is not easy to cultivate to the immortal realm like this at an age, they are more afraid of death than anyone else!

Lu Zhiyao's father Zhang said, he didn't say a word, his temples and hair were white, he was covered in blood, brandishing a spear and still rushing to the forefront.

"So, if we withdraw, what should the hundreds of thousands of martial artists in Shuofang City do!? They can't escape the pursuit of the Qingman Snake Race..."

"What's more, the elder Fuyun Sword Sect has not yet returned..."

Gu Jun's face was awkward.

In fact, before the Qingman Snake Clan army arrived, he was already preparing to retreat. After all, the guards who were as strong as Xiaofeng City had abandoned the city and fled.

He had never thought of living and dying with Shuofang City, and his beloved son Gu Chen had already left before, so he had no estimate in his heart.

But then Chen Yiran, the elder of Fuyun Jianzong, led a large army to help, but it made him unable to escape.

"City Lord, at this time, what do you care about those things!?"

"Even if it is the elder of the Fuyun Sword Sect, you see that she has been defeated by the demon commander of the Qingman Snake Clan. Sooner or later, she will be beheaded!"

"Now retreat, we can save our combat power and break out of the siege!"

"At the very least, it can keep the human elites in Shuofang City!"

"As for other human wastes, die if they die, this chaotic battlefield, someday will not die!?"

Chao Yunxiu's father moved forward and sternly, his face was black and red and fat, and he looked extremely sick.


Gu Jun still hesitated.

"City Lord Gu, what the general said is correct. The so-called green hills are left. I am not afraid that there is no firewood. We are retreating now. It is still too late. I don't want our disciples in Thunder Valley to die in vain in this Shuofang City. They are my immortals. The elite of Zong!"

At this moment, the disciple Lei Dong of Thunder Valley shouted in the distance.

"No! We are here by order to defend Shuofang City, how can we escape!?"

However, the thunderous voice fell, and the Aoxue Pavilion disciple Zhou Ningshuang in the other side of the battle group raised her eyebrows, and said tenderly.

"Fuyun Sword Sect disciple, never retreat!"

And at the forefront of the battle, the **** Fuyun Sword Sect disciple Liu Jingfeng, who had already torn the battle armor, roared up to the sky, and took the Fowling Sword Sect disciple, who had less than a thousand people behind him, half a step without retreating, as if in the torrent. A **** about to collapse.

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