Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1816: Rampant Wuji

"Who is this guy, is it crazy!?"

"Such a terrifying power of the sword domain, but which arrogant talent of Fuyun Sword Sect!?"

"This kind of kendo attainments and aura, it seems, only the appearance of the second layer of the earth immortal, who is this!?"

"Rushing into the Qingman Army alone, this is looking for death!"

Inside and outside the city wall, all the human warriors who saw this scene were shocked.

Even many people looked at Liu Jingfeng and felt that such a swordsman Tianjiao must be a disciple of the Fuyun Sword Sect, although they did not know him.

"This...I don't know this person either, he is not my Sword Sect disciple at all!"

However, not only the other human races were shocked, but Liu Jingfeng himself, looking at the figure flying above the Qingman tribe's army, as if entering an uninhabited state, with a look of doubt.

This person's sword domain knowledge is indeed terrifying, but he really can't think of this person as a disciple of the Fuyun Sword Sect.

"What! Not a disciple of Jianzong!?"

Hearing Liu Jingfeng's denial, everyone was even more puzzled.

"No, you look at the army, the aura is the same, it is not a living human warrior at all, it looks more like a puppet!?"

"What!? Puppets? Human Swordsman with an army of puppets!?"

At this time, everyone is messed up.

However, no matter how surprised the rear human race was, Ling Tian had already killed all the way to Qingmang Zhongjun.

Along the way, even though there were warriors from the Qingman Snake Clan rushing in madly, under Ling Tian's Longyuan sword, they all fell like chickens and dogs.

The current Ling Tian, ​​the Qing Xun Yang Yan that was already in the refining body, even though it hadn't finished refining, still used the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue to enter the second layer of the Earth Immortal, and its combat power was even greater.

"Huh, the younger generations of the human race, dare to offend my Qingman army too!? You can't find death!?"’

Seeing that Ling Tian was about to rush into the army's big tent, he suddenly resounded from it with a harsh shout.

In the next moment, a huge, cyan snake shadow as large as a thousand feet rises from the army, and immediately, the imaginary shadow transforms into a one-foot tall, extremely hideous blue snake clan warrior, exploding from below. Shot from here.

This warrior is covered in azure and gold armor, with a pair of huge fleshy wings behind him. The aura is majestic and enveloping a thousand feet of green black demon energy, like a stormy sea!

The coercion of its aura has reached the point of the three immortals of the earth!

This guy is the third-ranked general among the army that came to besiege Shuofang City.

Just now, he and Shuofang City Lord Gu Jun fought regardless of the outcome. Now, under Ling Tian's provocation, he finally couldn't bear it. Holding the snake spear, he rushed forward.

Earth Immortal Triple, in the boundary of Shuofang City, was already considered the top combat power.

Moreover, Ling Tian is still in the Ten Thousand Armies now, and in the eyes of others, this is the only Ling Tian who is the only one of the two immortals, so he must die.

"Earth Immortal's three-tier Qingman wicked animal, acceptable!"

Ling Tian lifted the sword and sneered violently.

Seeing the edge of a snake spear pressed down by a storm, he immediately raised his hand and raised his sword.

The spirit-level sword domain is directly poured into the five-star Dragon Abyss sword, and the five-color brilliance of thunder bursts out, just like tearing the sky and the earth!

At the beginning, Xiaolei was stimulated by the heavenly fairy soldiers and the extremely hard Nine Dragon Golden Coffin in the Qingxiao Mound. He was holding a sigh of breath in his heart. Vent the anger in my heart.

Now that I saw the snake spear of good quality, he immediately appeared with a sword, and his momentum was even more indomitable!


Sure enough, Ling Tian's sword edge and the light of the Qingmandi Immortal's snake spear shook in the sky above the army, and under an explosion, the wind and thunder raged and swept out.

Along the way, the only remaining power is to kill countless Qingmeng Snake Warriors into a **** mist.

Not only that, but the warriors of both races were extremely surprised.

After the swords shook, both figures retreated from the storm at the same time.

Tsing Yi has white hair and a five-color fairy sword, still smiling proudly.

But the three-fold earth immortal powerhouse of the Qingman Snake Clan was frightened.

His one-strike killer was actually stopped by Ling Tian!

"What!? Fighting against Earth Immortal Triple Undefeated!"

"Since this guy is not a disciple of the Fuyun Sword Sect, who is it!?"

"Knowing rumors..."

There was a burst of horror in the human army. Even the general Zhang said, he was a little surprised. He flew in front of his daughter to see that Lu knew that the rumor was indeed the pinnacle of the first layer of the earth.

However, this sudden appearance of Jian Xiu came with his daughter, so he should know the details.

"Father, his name is Ling Tian, ​​I rescued it from Demon Dragon Valley a few months ago, and he came from the lower realm soaring!"

Lu Zhiyao couldn't help but feel proud as he looked at the human race warriors around him stunned by Ling Tian's tyranny.

"What, the warrior who soared up from the lower realm!? You saved it!?"

Those who heard about this, together with Zhang said, all took a breath.

Many people are nodding, no wonder the secret way is so tyrannical, it turns out that it is a soaring warrior, which makes sense.

Because the warriors who ascended from the lower realm have always been very tyrannical, now in the middle domain, there is an alliance composed of many ascending warriors, its power is huge, and there are a lot of heavenly immortal powerhouses.

At this time, the warriors in the human army were in awe of Ling Tian.

There is no way to be disrespectful. The undefeated human warrior who is capable of resisting the Earth Immortal Triple Demon Race is still a junior, and his potential in the future is endless.


Lu Zhiyao nodded.

"good very good!"

Zhang Shuo took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and immediately looked at the two figures facing each other in the army, muttering to himself: "Such a young man, don't lose your life!"

"The general of Qingmannihu, is this the only thing he can do!?"

"You still let me, really disappointed!"

"Just because of you, dare to invade my human city!?"

"If I were you, I would have been ashamed and wanted to commit suicide"

Ling Tianjian pointed to the Qingman Clan immortal, and the power of his mouth and guns reached the extreme.

"Shut up!"

The Qingman clan immortal was furious, "I, Qingyan, has never been insulted by you. Today, if I don't break your body into pieces, I will not be a snake!"

Immediately, he raised the snake spear in his hand and killed it again.

This time, the immortal didn't have any reservations, his aura exploded, and the world was overwhelming.

In the army, the two powerhouses were also given up in an open space, such a terrifying fight, the aftermath is not a joke.

Clang clang clang!

The terrifying shock resounded one after another above the army, like a roar of thunder.

On the inside and outside, the human warriors also began to fight again.

Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao are extremely brave, and they have gradually moved back the disadvantages above the line of defense.

But above the army of the Qingman Snake Clan, Qingyan, the three-tier strongman of the Qingman Dixian, became more and more frightened.

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