Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1824: Xijiang Hao

Quanjuge’s promotion took ten days.

In ten days, the warriors who came to buy the weapon blade and the pill, almost didn't demolish the Quanju Pavilion.

Fortunately, Ling Tian and more than ten thousand warriors are sitting in town to maintain order, otherwise, turmoil must occur.

And because after the First World War in Shuofang City, many warriors chose to cultivate in Shuofang City, so there is no need to worry about sellers of the best weapons and elixir.

The quality of the weapons and pills produced by Ling Tian was several levels higher than that on the market, but the price was only doubled, so the supply was in short supply.

Even many warriors rushed over from other cities to snap up purchases.

Finally, when Ling Tian learned from Zhao Min about the fairy stone from this promotion, he couldn't help but be speechless.

For Ling Tian, ​​it was definitely an astronomical figure.

Low-grade immortal stone, nearly 30 million!

These immortal stones are enough to buy three Quanju Pavilions.

In addition to the Quanju Pavilion sold by Zhao Min and the immortal stone in the Qing Aotian ring, Zhao Min now holds a huge sum of 50 million lower-grade immortal stones in his hand.

Even Gu's family in the city lord's mansion would not be able to get so many immortal stones.

According to Zhao Min, these immortal stones are placed in Haoran City. Although they are far less than the three great immortal sects, they are much stronger than ordinary families and sects.

At this point, Ling Tian finally had a lot of confidence in his heart.

After being in the fairy world for so long, he finally became a local tyrant, and he can take care of the little rich woman.

Quanju Pavilion was dismissed by Zhao Min after the tenth day.

In the attic, Ling Tian put down the last jade slip on the table and shook his head.

"Why, there is no one you can catch your eyes on yet?"

Next to him, Zhao Min curled his lips, "These are the collections in my pavilion, and these days, I have collected them from outside. The swordsmanship in them has the second rank of the earth and immortals. As for the physical secrets, I can't get them. When it’s good, that one is too scarce."

"It's okay. Originally, I didn't have much hope for this. Some of the swordsmanships are really good, but...the food is tasteless, it is a pity to abandon it, and I don't waste time to practice."

Ling Tian smiled faintly.

These days, Zhao Min has collected no less than 30 swordsmanship for him, but some of them are of good rank, but the attribute is Mizuki, which is incompatible with Ling Tian.

Moreover, even if these swords are of good rank, their power is so much stronger than Ling Tian's Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship, and they are still so much stronger when they have cultivated to the last level, so there is really no need for them. .

Compared to the overlord swordsmanship that Chen Yiran gave herself, it was far worse.

Now, Ling Tian has almost comprehended the first level of Overlord Swordsmanship, blessing it on the Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship, it can add a lot of power, it can be used alive, and it can last for a while.

Either he will not practice the new sword technique, or he must practice the strongest.

At the very least, it is the strongest in this western Xinjiang!

"Okay, there is no way."

Zhao Min shrugged, "However, when it comes to Haoran City, the swordsmanship will be easier to handle. It is more prosperous than Shuofang City, and there are many top-quality techniques, as long as the money is enough!"

With that, she patted her purse on her waist.

"We have money now!"

Ling Tian hung up on Zhao Min's Xiaoqiong nose, "If you have money, you can't spend it randomly. If you can buy it without money, you don't need it."


Zhao Min pouted, "Actually, it's easy to handle. Don't you have a lot of military exploits? When you go to Haoran City, you should be able to exchange for good things. Maybe there is the swordsmanship rewarded by the above!"

"Really? Can you change your sword skills?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

In the past three months, he almost forgot about his military exploits.

"Of course, but it also depends on luck. Anyway, there are weapon armors or magical immortal treasures, and they are all rewarded by the Central City Holy City. Only the battle function can be exchanged. This is why the three major immortal sects The disciples, the reason why they are willing to come to fight on the battlefield, as long as they have enough combat exploits, they may not get the things in exchange for them in Xianzong!" Zhao Min nodded.

"Well, in that case, let's set off now!"

When Ling Tian heard the words, his heart was itchy, and he was already a little impatient.

"Leave now?"

Zhao Min raised his eyebrows.

"of course!"

"Let's take a trip that just walks away!"

Ling Tian held Zhao Min up and flew down Quanju Pavilion and went straight to the outside of the city gate.

Outside Shuofang City, Ling Tian summoned Xiaoqing.

Today's Xiaoqing swallowed Qing Aotian's Sixth Layer Demon Pill, and his cultivation increased greatly.

Although three months was far from enough for him to completely digest the terrifying demon pill, it still allowed Xiaoqing to become an earthly immortal, and his stature soared to a giant of eight hundred zhang, suspended outside Shuofang City, immediately attracted. Countless to look at.

Zhao Min's Little Black Tortoise was much worse than Xiao Qing, but Zhao Min still summoned the Black Tortoise and placed it on Xiao Qing's back.

"Let's go, let's go to Haoran, when it's my Lingtian Sword Immortal, when the sky is shaking!"

Ling Tian's feet shook, and Xiao Qing rose up into the sky.

Zhao Min held the sleeping Xiao Bai in his arms, leaning on Ling Tian, ​​two figures, both in Tsing Yi, like a couple of gods, envy others...


Chaos battlefield, the first main city of Western Xinjiang, Haoran.

This city is not the largest of the human race in the chaotic battlefield, but it still has an ancient history and magnificent atmosphere.

At this time, in the high altitude a hundred miles away from Haoran City, there was a ferocious behemoth flying. This behemoth was like a dragon or a unicorn, it was black and blue, and it was extremely fast.

Even in the Haoran City boundary, along the way, it still attracted many warriors to raise their heads.

Above it, there are two figures standing in the dust.

One of them was carrying a five-color fairy sword behind his back, his white hair was dancing, his face was handsome, on his forehead, there was a mark of heaven and earth, and above his head, there was a dazzling triple celestial light.

Next to him, there is this woman with long, jet-black hair, and her face is naturally like a fairy, especially her eyebrows and red lips, which always smells like a smile, which is quite charming.

This is Ling Tian and Zhao Min, who came from afar from Shuofang City, both of whom are dressed in blue shirts, although they are full of dust and dust, they are unrestrained.

Along the way, they went through the chaotic battlefield of Xijiang, and it took three months to finally reach the legendary first city of the human race in Xijiang, Haoran!

At this moment, Ling Tian was standing on Xiaoqing's back, looking at the huge city in front of him thousands of miles below, and the beauty of the surrounding mountains and rivers, he couldn't help feeling shocked.

If Shuofang City had already shocked Ling Tian, ​​then this Haoran City simply made Ling Tian unable to describe it in words.

It is too vast.

If Mingyuebao and the others could come together, they would be surprised.

But such a beautiful scenery, they still can't see it.

"Why, I want to have some sisters in the lower realm again!?"

Zhao Min thought clearly and suddenly asked.

"Well, but I don't know when they can fly up, maybe it will be a long time." Ling Tian sighed.

"Not necessarily."

Zhao Min shook his head. There is a huge difference in the time flow between the fairy realm and the lower realm. It is very likely that many years have passed since the lower realm is on your ascending passage.

"Perhaps, now several older sisters have already ascended to the fairy world, but they don't have your backs, but ascended to the Seven Great Immortals."

"But don't worry, before meeting them again, I will take care of you for my sisters, and I will take you seriously!"

Zhao Min smiled.

Ling Tian pursed his lips, "Okay, you are great."

Ling Tian shook his head, pressed Xiaoqing, and shot towards the gate of Haoran City.

Xijiang Haoran, I Ling Tian, ​​here is...

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