Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1833: Deceive people too hard to bear, do it! 【Fives】

After coming out of the military exploits yamen, everyone returned to Yunlu Xianju.

Of course, it was still awkward along the way.

Especially Ling Tian.

He pursed his mouth tightly, his face turned black into charcoal.

"Oh, well, let's not get angry anymore, okay?"

"Didn't I say that one day, we will kill that Zhao Tai and vent your anger!"

Zhao Min held Ling Tian's shoulder and said.

"I'm not angry, I'm fine."

Ling Tian was expressionless.

"Look at me as a little man..."

Zhao Min sighed, knowing how to coax it now is useless.

"Sister Min, did you hear it? There seems to be a particularly nice piano sound!"

At this moment, Yoona suddenly looked at the distant road in the street.

"Oh, isn't it? Why didn't I hear it?"

However, Zhao Min frowned.

Yoona's hearing, especially her sensitivity to rhythm, is far superior to others, even Zhao Min is not as good as her.

However, just after everyone flew over the square ring, they all heard a melody with the sound of the piano and the sound of Xiao.

But as Yoona said, it sounds very nice.

And from a distance, you can see the fairy light vision rising from the rhythm, like red and white clouds, gradually coming from the distance of the street.

Not only that, after hearing the sound of the piano, many warriors rushed in the direction that the rhythm came, with an expression of excitement on their faces.

"Walk around, I heard that the two rookies of the human race from this year's Haoran Seventh Show have come to Haoran City!"

"Haoran Qixiu? Which two?"

"By listening to the sound of the piano and the flute, it must be Gu Bai, one of Gu Shuangjiao who is the first in the seven shows, and Luo Ranmei, who is the third in the seven shows!"

"Oh, that's really the children of the top family. It is rumored that the two golden boys and girls have to go to see and see today."

More and more people flocked to the other side of the street.

There are fewer people around the square ring.


And Chi Sanqi on the remote ring finally sighed, his sword-like body softened, jumped off the ring, and the sign on his back walked slowly towards Rushanzhai.

"Father, you have been away for so many years."

"Ru Shan Zhai, still failed to let me run."

"They all said that I was unlucky, but Sanqi didn't want to harm people."

"When will I be able to pay back like Shanzhai, I will pay you back!"

The sunset gradually sinks to the west, and on the empty ring square, the sunset glow pulls Chi Sanqi's figure very long...

"Gu Bai? Haoran is the first in Qixiu. I heard that it is Gu Wushuang's younger brother. This time he is going to worship Fuyun Sword Sect."

"Actually, even without this battle of Xijiang, he wants to enter the Fuyun Sword Sect, it is very easy."

On the street, Ling Tian and the four were still flying by, but they were getting closer and closer to the oncoming crowd.

Even Ling Tian could already see the two figures sitting on top of the two flying scorpions.

That is the so-called Gu Bai and Luo Ranmei.

Among them, Gu Bai and Gu Wushuang, who had just met in the military yamen, were somewhat similar, but looked younger.

One is wearing a plain white gown, sitting on a gorgeous flying wing, with black hair scattered, and a triple fairy light floating above his head. The cultivation base is very good and the temperament is excellent.

There is a fairy piano on his knees, and that chic sound is played by him.

On top of the other flying flies next to him, there was a woman sitting and thinking that she was extremely pretty, about the same age as Gu Bai.

The cultivation base and talent, it seems, is not bad for Gu Bai.

At this moment, he was holding an ancient Xiao in his hand, and he played together with Gu Bai. The two cooperated very tacitly. It seemed that they were really a pair of Erbi people, a match made in heaven.

You can also see from the crowds behind that, this pair of men and women are among the seven shows, their reputation is extremely high, and there are a lot of "fans".

"It's really good!"

Yoona loves rhythm the most, and the ensemble between Gu Bai and Luo Ranmei is the most beautiful she has heard since she arrived in Haoran City.

"It's okay, a bit closer than me."

Zhao Min shrugged.


Ling Tian even let out a cold snort, saying nothing.

This Gu Bai is Gu Wushuang's younger brother, so he doesn't have any good feelings.

Even a plan of revenge has already been condensed in his mind.

"Hey, depending on their direction, they should go to Yunlu Xianju!"

"That's right, as Haoran Qixiu, other inns, they disdain to go."

Ouyang Xun gave a light suspicion.

"Ah, can you become neighbors with us?" Yoona suddenly clapped her hands.

"Uh, that's not a good thing." Ouyang Xun's face sank.

At this time, the four had returned to the downstairs of Yunlu Xianju.

Ling Tian didn't mean to want to watch, so the three of them followed him.

However, the four of them have not yet entered the lobby.

It was two warriors who looked like Xianju guards who came to stop everyone.

"You guys are Young Master Ling Tian and his party?"

Ling Tian frowned, "That's right."

"Oh, that's it. I have something to let you know. The two Tianzi-sized rooms that you have set before need to be changed."

That martial artist said.

"What do you mean? We paid the money!"

Zhao Min frowned.

Under what circumstances, why are you messing up one by one?

"Hehe, of course we know that you paid the money, so we came down to give a special notice. As for why..."

The warrior pointed to the crowd who was about to reach the downstairs of Yunlu Xianju, and said, "It's the two of them who want to stay in the Tianzi room."

"As for the money you paid, we refunded it."

With that, the warrior threw the Zhao Min's ring over.

"By the way, you don't need to go up, luggage, I have taken it down for you."

Another warrior shook his sleeves, and a bunch of dolls fell down.

It fell to the ground and shattered.

"This...this is my puppet, you guys, you broke them!"

"I hate you!"

However, when Yoona saw the broken puppet parts, she burst into tears.

She squatted on the ground and picked up the puppet piece by piece, tears constantly falling, "You, you are all bad guys!"

"These puppets were made for me by my father and my mother. They followed me since childhood, and you broke him!"

"You are too bullying!" Ouyang Xun, who had always been honest, also burst into anger, raising his hand and killing him directly.

Her sister is his Ni Lin.


However, in the next moment, Ouyang Xun flew out directly.

Both of these warriors are the second layer of the Earth Immortal, and Ouyang Xun, the first layer of the Earth Immortal, is weak and pitiful in their eyes.

"what happened?"

At this time, Gu Bai and Luo Ranmei's flying flies came closer.

"Oh, Gu Gongzi, Miss Luo, they are the original owners of the two rooms. We are dealing with them. The two are going upstairs now."

That martial artist said.

"Oh, it's just touching the porcelain, reward them with some immortal stone compensation, it is deducted from my gold card, you are too, the two rooms we have already fixed!

Luo Ranmei waved her hand very impatiently. When she waved her hand, she flew down with Gu Bai and walked towards the lobby.

The warrior turned around and said in disgust: "Hehe, these immortal stones are compensated for you, let's go, otherwise, I will beat you out!"

Immediately, the two threw the immortal stone on the ground and turned around.

And the crowd surrounded Xianju before, Ling Tian and the four once again became the laughing stock of the onlookers.

Ling Tian never said a word. He tensed his face and looked at Yuner, who was holding the puppet and kneeling beside the seriously injured Ouyang Xun, crying.

The big hand in the sleeve suddenly clenched tightly.

Go to the special look forward and backward!

Go to the great city law!

"Stay there for me!"

Ling Tian suddenly raised his eyes and screamed.

When the two warriors heard this, they frowned and turned back.

The line of sight hasn't been condensed yet, when I saw a powerful boxing front, it came!


In an instant, Ling Tian, ​​who had no reservations, swallowed the two warriors with a blow of the Candle Dragon Tyrant Body Iron Fist.

With a muffled sound, the two martial artists of the Second Earth Immortal Layer flew out, and they stopped until the lobby!

Like a dead dog, dying.

Gu Bai and Luo Ranmei, who had just walked into Datang, also turned around in surprise.

Is this man crazy?

Do it in front of Yunlu Xianju?

"You guys are all kind of dogs!"

Ling Tian closed his fists, his eyes were filled with anger that had nowhere to vent.

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