Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1836: Go back to the yamen of military exploits

"Late Sanqi!?"

"How unlucky is this guy coming out!"

However, when everyone saw the figure clearly, they all looked away.

"Um, several people, my name is Chi Sanqi, this is Rushanzhai's shopkeeper!"

Chi Sanqi pointed to the inn road opposite Yunlu Xianju.

"Since someone said that no one in this Haoran city would dare to receive you, but I won't believe it after Sanqi."

"If you don't dislike it, how about staying at our Rushan Zhai? It's free!"

Chi Sanqi said, carrying the board.

"Hehe, since the girl is so kind, then we are disrespectful!"

When Ling Tian looked at the contempt of Chi Sanqi from the people around him, he suddenly felt that they were so similar to Chi Sanqi now.

Moreover, he doesn't believe in bad luck.

He didn't believe that, his hard life could really die suddenly for no reason?

"Haha, happy!"

Chi Sanqi laughed, turned around and entered Rushanzhai.

Ling Tian and the others also followed suit.

"Huh, really a bunch of idiots, looking for a dead end!"

Gu Bai sneered.

Even Wang Yangming shook his head and sneered, and led the generals behind him directly into the lobby of Yunlu Xianju.

He was still thinking about how to get rid of this guy secretly.

But now, I'm afraid it won't be so troublesome.

If you enter Rushanzhai, you will definitely die.

Chen Yiran hesitated and stopped several times, sighed helplessly, and went back.

"Everyone, it's very bad today. In a moment, I will be under this Yunlu Immortal Residence with Young Master Gu, and dedicated our newly created tracks to you, so as to clear up today's unhappiness!"

"I hope everyone, don't leave, and show your face!"

Luo Ranmei Jiao said.

She is a woman who always pursues perfection.

This time, she wanted to worship Aoxue Pavilion in the envy of the entire Haoran City juniors.

She didn't allow any stains in between.

Even if it appeared, she had to wash it off thoroughly.

"Haha, it's so good, Gu Gongzi and Miss Luo's new work, we are bound to join in!"

"It is not easy to hear the ensemble of the two, we will naturally support it!"

"Gu Bai, Luo Ranmei, really is the first of the seven awe-inspiring shows!"

The crowd is surging.

The two fans of fresh meat are still hot.

On the top floor of Yunlu Xianju.

Murong Zining stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the corridor, looking at everything below, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Really a troublesome guy!"

"Miss, the lord is letting you pass, you have been away for too long." At this time, the female soldier holding the city lord's order appeared behind Murong Zining.

"Hmph, it's just the quasi-sage son from the holy city, and my father is so flattering!? Who would I be Murongzi?"

"Don't worry about them!"

A deep look of disgust flashed across Murong Zining's face.

"Miss, this person is really strange, it seems that he really didn't give up."

Behind him, the female soldier looked downstairs.

"Of course, if he is willing to let it go, it will be meaningless."

"However, I am curious, what exactly does he want to do!"

"This is much more fun than drinking with those pretentious guys."

"Little Taohong, let's go, go down and take a look."

Murong Zining smiled suddenly, his figure moved, turned into a red wind, and disappeared in front of the window.

"Minmin, take Ouyang brothers and sisters to Rushanzhai, and settle down first!"

Before Rushanzhai, Ling Tian said suddenly.

"Then where are you going?"

Zhao Min frowned.

"Military exploits."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Ling Tian patted Zhao Min's hand, then turned around and flew away.

Zhao Min didn't stop Ling Tian again this time.

She knew that just after Ling Tian blasted that punch.

In this Haoran City, they don't want to forbear.

Soldiers will come to stop everything, let the water come and cover it!

Hall of Battle Merit.

Zhao Tai took a group of soldiers and garrisoned outside the military exploits office.

Looking at the slim and slender woman who came and went, she teased her from time to time.

But suddenly a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.


"Ling Tian? Do you dare to come back!?"

Zhao Tai raised his eyes, but as soon as he saw the appearance of the incoming person, he was blasted out by Ling Tian with a punch.

Although he was tyrannical in Earth Immortal Third Layer, he was not yet Ling Tian's opponent at all.

The nostril that was smashed with a punch ran into blood, and Zhao Tai was directly beaten up.

The soldiers of the Zhao family around were also dumbfounded.

Ling Tian directly entered the military exploits sect.

Gu Wushuang was not there at this time, perhaps he had already left.

Under the astonishment of all the warriors in the military service yamen, Ling Tian took out the military power token and directly replaced the Xuancao, Xinghai Huanghua Fairy Wood, and Longjinsi.

Immediately, they walked away.

It was not until a long while later that everyone in the Yamen was awakened by an exclamation.

"Look, the new rookie list has changed!"

"Top of the rookie list, Shuo Fangcheng, Ling Tian!?"

"It's the guy just now!"

"What's the situation, Gu Bai, the head of the awe-inspiring seven shows, has been suppressed!"

"Oh my God, look at that battle, 11 million!"

"Eleven million combat exploits are enough to rank in the top ten of the Tianjiao list, one million more than the Gu Wushuang who is the double arrogant of the Gu family!"

"This guy named Ling Tian is like a person, so he stepped on the Gu family double pride!"

Everyone in the yamen of military exploits was amazed.

Haoran's seven show, looking for Haoran city, has been famous for several years.

Just waiting for this battle to join the three great immortals, or worship the general mansion.

They have enviable martial arts physique and strong family background.

But I didn't expect that it was all stepped on by Ling Tian from Xiaoxiaoshuo Fangcheng who appeared suddenly.

It's like a peaceful lake, broken by a small stone.

Perhaps, all of this will change!

Ling Tian, ​​who got the things, walked away directly.

Damn Zhao Tai.

But, not now.

That punch just now counts as interest.

"Ma De! I don't kill you today, I promise not to be a man!"

After Zhao Tai eased from the trance, he was furious.

When he got up, he would take someone to chase and kill Ling Tian.

However, as soon as he turned around, he discovered that Murong Zining didn't know when he appeared in front of the military exploits yamen.

And the warriors in the yamen have already knelt down.

"Miss, why are you here!?"

Zhao Tai walked up with a red nose.

Xiao Taohong couldn't help laughing as she watched that Zhao Tai's face was swollen into a pig's head.

Murong Zining took his gaze back from the rookie list.

"Zhao Tai, who are you looking for with such an angry look!?"

Being watched by Murong Zining's indifferent gaze, Zhao Tai trembled all over, and shook his head again and again, saying: "I'm not looking for anyone. If the lady is here, I will wait for the lady."

"Ha ha……"

Murong Zining sneered and stepped into the Yamen.

It happened to coincide with that Lan Yunche and the others, holding a brocade box, and walking out of the inner hall.

However, everyone looked at such a scene in the hall, and they were a little surprised.

Gu Wushuang saw the drastically changed rookie list at a glance.

And, Ling Tian's 11 million combat exploits.

This is simply humiliation.

He had just mocked Ling Tian.

"Hehe, it turns out that Miss Murong is here."

Lan Yunche saw Murong Zining.

Immediately sneered.

"Miss Murong is the Haoran city that just returned! Haha, Miss Murong is really amazing, she is the first in battle, and I, Yun Yunche, is really incomparable alone."

Lan Yunche sneered.

"Hehe, Lord Lan, don't have to be humble, my brother is not here, you are now the first arrogant of the Xijiang tribe."

"This is the Yunlan Immortal Sword, yes, it's not bad. I want to come to Master Lan to hold the Yunlan Immortal Sword in the future, no one in our generation can match it."

"Murong, just waiting to see that Brother Lan, in front of the holy city fairy envoy, was the first to step into the fifth floor of the earth immortal, showing his heroism!"

Murong Zining said with a smile.

"Murong Zining, what's the matter with you today? This is not like your style. Is it possible that you have an idea for Brother Lan!? Brother Lan is about to break through to the fifth level of Dixian, but you are the best, don't think too much."

Beside Lan Yunche, the chief of Aoxue Pavilion, Zhou Ningshuang, looked at Murong Zining defensively.

"Hehe, don't worry, I am not interested in him at all, so keep your guard!"

"Watch you guys!"

Murong Zining smiled mysteriously before beckoning to call Zhao Tai over.

"Get me a book of thunder-attribute swordsmanship secrets."

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