Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1859: Finally prepare to engrave the formation

There are still two months to go before the feast of Tianjiao.

But these two months have kept Ling Tian busy.

Let's not talk about devouring fire seeds, improving physique and cultivation.

Also temper sword and palm skills.

The most important thing is to refine pills and weapons.

The 20 million immortal stones Lin Tianxiao gave to Ling Tian were also consumed by Ling Tian.

They all bought all kinds of monsters and spirits from the four immortals.

Today's Four Elephant Pagoda can only control the time flow rate to three times, which makes Ling Tian more and more unacceptable.

If he can control his time fifty times as before, he can do more things in two months.

But now, he finally knows how embarrassing it is to lack time.

After refining the Jin Gang Xianyan with the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue, Ling Tian refined all the Chinese herbal medicines in the storage ring into the best pill.

Alchemy attainments are already strong enough.

However, without touching the Xia Yun Rong Ling Pill, Ling Tian was still not sure about this kind of Heavenly Pill.

But, like him, there is no time.

Putting away the pill of Rong Ling Pill, Ling Tian stood in front of Liu Yao Ding and took a deep breath.

"Hehe, what are you afraid of, I am here and there is no pill that can't be made!"

Inside the cauldron, Liu Yao sat on the edge, with Erlang's legs tilted.

"Yes, Liu Yao was once in the hands of the emperor, and it was used to refine alchemy. Even if it is a **** pill, I don't know how much it has been refined. It's not a matter of mere heaven-grade immortal pill."

Qing Xu smiled on the side.

"Six Yaos, you can also call them? Call me Senior Six Yaos!"

"Yes, yes, senior Liu Yao!"

Ling Tian shook his head slightly.

Liuyao did experience the birth of many **** soldiers and **** pills in the hands of Emperor Zhen Mi, but he did not remember the method of refining the heavenly elixir.

Therefore, the places that can be helped are still limited.

"Ling Tian, ​​we don't need to be so anxious to refine Rongling Pills. No matter what, Rongling Pills are considered to be a heavenly grade. Even if it is the lowest level among the heavenly pill, it is still very difficult."

"Furthermore, the requirements for the kind of fire it needs are also very high. Even the 67th floor of the Jin Gang Immortal Flame, I am afraid it is a little worse."

Zhao Min frowned, "I know you are for my good, but I really don't feel that anxious myself."

"No, I'm afraid there will be many dreams in the night."

"This time, no matter what, you must improve your martial arts physique. In this way, for the remaining month or so, you still have time to improve your cultivation to the fourth level of the earth immortal.

Ling Tian shook his head and lips, still decided to give it a try.

"As for the fire, there is not much problem."

Ling Tian took a deep breath, raised his hands, and made two bangs.

The forty-eighth floor of the Qing Sun Yangyan and the 67th floor of the Jin Gang fairy flame appeared at the same time.

"what are you going to do!?"

In Zhao Min's startled gaze, Ling Tian did not hesitate, put his hands together, and directly rubbed the two fires together.


Tinder fusion, you can get a stronger horizontal fire in a short time.

This is not the first time Ling Tian has played.

But this time, both Qing Xun Yang Yan and King Kong Immortal Flame were genuine immortal fires.

The scorching temperature that had just touched together made Ling Tian's physical body somewhat unbearable.

However, Ling Tian gritted his teeth.

Even if it is burning and painful, it is like a ten thousand steel needle entering the body, but I still insist on it.


Finally, after ten breaths, the two fires gradually gathered together.

The cyan fire and the Vajra flames merged into a new lavender fire.

Although this flame does not exist in the Ten Thousand Flames.

But the number of floors has reached the seventy-third floor!

Although there are only six more layers than the sixty-seventh layer of Jin Gang Immortal Flame.

But it can be considered to have touched the border of the top earth fairy fire!

In this Haoran city, it is absolutely rare, and it can be compared with it, and it will never exceed the number of five fingers!


Ling Tian shouted angrily and threw this new fire directly at Liu Yaoding.

The green water cloud marrow ginseng, the young shoots of Tianhen grass that had been cultivated by Tao Yaoyao, and the Xuancao that day were thrown into it.

The process of refining the pill is quite painful.

It was Ling Tian's most unforgettable alchemy after he got involved in the alchemy.

But three hours later, when Ling Tian, ​​whose face was pale and about to be soaked in sweat, handed the hot Xiayun Rongling Pill to Zhao Min.

Zhao Min was about to cry.

"Hehe, why are you crying, I Ling Tian, ​​you should be happy for me to be able to refine the heavenly elixir with such a level of immortal cultivation."

Ling Tian grinned miserably.

"Humph, but I don't want you to work so hard!"

"It's okay, if you don't have a father to fight, you can only work hard. Fortunately, my life is hard and I am not afraid!"

"Go, swallow this Xia Yun Rong Ling Pill, and become the body of Yun Xia, you should also retreat and attack the Fourth Layer of the Earth Immortal. If you are lucky, you can reach the peak of the Fourth Layer of the Earth Immortal, maybe."

"Well, don't worry, Zhao Min, I will definitely not pull your hind legs."

Zhao Min took the Rong Ling Pill, turned around and went upstairs.

Ling Tian hurriedly sat cross-legged, swallowed a bottle of earth elixir that restored his spiritual mind, and began to retreat.

Time flies, over a month's time, for the earth immortal, it is almost like a flick of a finger.

In the Four Elephant Pagoda, Ling Tian only spent four months.

During these hours, Ling Tian kept refining fire, tempering martial arts, and refining weapons day and night.

Jin Gang Xianyan is just a seed. Although Ling Tian's Eternal Burning Heaven Jue's first stage has successfully reached the second stage, the immortal essence in the Qi Sea still only made Ling Tian soar again.

Compared with the improvement that Qing Xunyang Yan brought to Ling Tian's massive immortal Yuan cultivation base, there was still no way to compare.

Before, after Ling Tian completely refined the Qing Xun Yang Yan, Ling Tian's Qi Hai Neiyuan could break through to the Earth Immortal Fourth Layer in one fell swoop.

But Ling Tian suppressed the cultivation base and stored the cents, without breaking through.

Now that after refining the Jin Gang Immortal Flame, Ling Tian's immortal origin has skyrocketed again, and now he can even break through to the fifth level of Earth Immortal, or even a higher level.

But Ling Tian planned to save the time of breakthrough until the day of Tianjiao's grand feast.

Looking at the Hexu Zhenjin Battle Armor on the table, Ling Tian couldn't help but secretly praise the Four Elephant Pagoda.

This battle armor was sent by Murong Zining to Chi Sanqi half a month ago.

The former, after finishing refining the battle armor for Ling Tian, ​​left Rushanzhai.

According to Chi Sanqi, people from the City Lord's Mansion came to look for it.

Ling Tian didn't know the specific reason.

However, I have to say that the virtual vibrating golden battle armor in front of me is indeed so sophisticated that it is hard to believe that it is from the hand of an earth fairy.

Hexu Zhenjin is enough to rank among the top-quality existences in the middle-level fairy materials of the earth grade. Now it has been refined by Murong Zining, the grade of the battle armor, and even the top level of the fifth-grade earth fairy.

If inscription is added, the quality can be improved again!

At that time, needless to say Ling Tian's Candle Dragon Overlord Body, even if they are in the Void Armor, it will definitely be even harder for others to break open!

Ling Tian knew that Lan Yunche had the Yunlan Immortal Sword in his hand, and that the sword was of extremely high rank. If there was no tyrannical armor protection, it would be really difficult to resist.

When the fire seed came out, Ling Tian directly melted the scarlet fire thorn gem.

The way of inscriptions in the fairy world today is completely different from that in the lower world.

The most important thing is on this immortal inscription.

The inscriptions engraved on the immortal artifacts are actually various formations.

The inscription pattern that is different from the lower realm can only increase the increase in combat power.

Today's immortal inscription pattern has many more characteristics.

For example, the most popular low-rank fairy-level wind chasing inscription in Wings of Wind, when engraved on the battle armor, it can greatly increase its speed and become more agile.

This is very useful for combat.

However, this kind of inscription is relatively low-grade.

Ling Tian now has the Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem in his hands, so naturally he doesn't have such a low-level inscription.

Fortunately, after Tao Yaoyao's ascending to the fairy world, his memory has recovered a bit, especially in the formation, remembering a lot of fairy-level formations, including these inscriptions.

Ling Tian chose a middle-grade immortal inscription pattern called Zhudian from among them, and branded it on the Hexu Zhenjin Battle Armor.

This inscription pattern also increases the movement speed of the warrior, but the bonus is much stronger than the chasing wind.

Before Ling Tian had obtained the best Shenfa exercises, it was still quite useful.

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