Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1861: Challenge the two immortals


Lin Tianxiao frowned, "Is he really going to set up a stall? This guy, so, isn't it embarrassing for us ascending alliance? I'll call him over!"

"No, he is already working for us, wait and see!"

However, Shen Chenyu stopped Lin Tianxiao.


"You Xijiang people, Tianjiao! At Xia Lingtian, today, taking advantage of this Tianjiao's grand feast, we are selling war blades and pill, both of which are top-quality products. I bought my warblade pill to guarantee that you will be here at Tianjiao's grand feast. Above, shine!"

Ling Tian opened all the wooden boxes one by one, and what they contained were all the four-rank Weapon Blades and pills of the Earth Immortal he had refined these days.

And each one can be called the best quality of the same grade.

The rays of light bloomed, and instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding warriors.

"Four long swords of the best earth immortal?"

"The long sword also has special attributes for the soul of the weapon!?"

"Damn, there is also the rising flame pill of the Fourth Stage of the Earth Immortal?! This is the urgently needed pill for my generation of fire attribute martial arts martial arts!"

"The quality of the pill is all high-quality, even higher than the mid-level quality refined by the chief Aoxue Pavilion Zhou Ningshuang!"

"Where did these elixirs come from!?’

The warriors who were standing in front of the Aoxue Pavilion and Thunder Valley disciples were all attracted by Ling Tian, ​​and when they saw the various top-grade weapons and elixirs on Ling Tian's booth, they exclaimed again and again.

"Haha, you all have good eyesight. These are the best medicines and weapons refined underneath, and they are all the little best of the Four Immortals!"

"Not only that, there are also two town shops in the next place. No, the treasure of town stalls, please give me your hands!"

Ling Tian laughed, and then wiped out a slender sword from his sleeve.

This knife was extremely exquisite, and the whole body was azure blue, and on it, there were flashes of frost that had been condensed by the thunder light. As soon as Ling Tian took it out, everyone was exclaimed again and again.

"Haha, this sword was made by myself, named Shuang Lei! It is a weapon of the sword family Tianjiao's celestial weapon. It ranks among the fifth rank of the earth celestial celestial being!"

Ling Tian sent the long knife to the hands of everyone in front of him to play with, without worrying that someone would take it away.

"What? This sword is the fifth grade of the Earth Immortal!?"

"Hey, don't say it, it's really a fifth-grade fairy sword!"

"Compared to the immortal soldiers of the fourth rank of the immortal, much more tyrannical!"

"You refined this? How could it be possible? Even if the descendant Tianjiao Lei Wanqing, who is the number one refiner in Thunder Valley, is just a weapon capable of refining the fourth rank of Earth Immortal!"

"Yes, it is already extremely difficult for a refiner to refine a weapon that is equal to his own cultivation base, not to mention so many earth immortal four best grades, and this earth immortal grade 5 thunder sword! "

"This knife is definitely the weapon that the younger generations of the Blade Dao Thunder System dream of!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again.

And that Frost Thunder also fell into the hands of that gloomy Lei Song at this time.

He is now the cultivation base of the Triple Peak of the Earth Immortal, and three months ago, he was squeezed out of the ranks of the awe-inspiring seven.

This time, he went out of retreat through painstaking cultivation, and his cultivation had reached the top level of the Earth Immortal's Triple Level, and even a high-end he bought a Dixian's 4th Grade War Sword.

Thinking that at the banquet of Tianjiao, he could beat Ling Tian with a blockbuster and regain his glory.

Unexpectedly, this Ling Tian set up a stall at the Tianjiao Grand Banquet, and he actually wanted to shoot a Dixian Five-Rank War Sword?

He naturally knew the extreme quality of this knife.

At the very least, it was much more tyrannical than the high-priced Dixian Four Little Best in his hand.

It was even enough to make the four descendants of the Earth Immortals on the Tianjiao list flock to them.

"Haha, don't worry, everyone, in addition to this Frost Thunder, there is also an Earth Immortal Five-Rank Pill!"

Ling Tian took out another green pill that was rippling with watery fluorescence, which was crystal clear.

As soon as it was taken out, a swell of vigorous vegetation began to spread, making everyone's eyes round.

"Hehe, Earth Immortal Fifth-Rank Prajna Pill, I want to come to understand everyone, this pill, but a rare pill in Earth Xian's Fifth Stage, can make warriors below the fourth level of Earth Immortal instantly restore the body's breath of 30% immortality, and I This one is also of high quality, and one pill is enough to restore half of the vitality of the immortal!"

Ling Tian also handed out this pill for everyone to check.

Among the crowd, the warriors also have many knowledgeable goods. After seeing the medicine, they are full of praise.

This Praruodan has always been unique to Aoxue Pavilion. Others want to ask for it. The price is not small, but even the Praruodan produced by Aoxue Pavilion, there is no such thing as Lingtian.

"Ling Tian, ​​you said these things, including this Frost Thunder and Prajna Pill, were refined by you alone?"

In the crowd, a warrior frowned.

This is unbelievable.

"Huh, that's ridiculous!"

"How could he refine and point out these pill?"

However, before Ling Tian could speak, there was laughter on both sides of the crowd, and it sounded at the same time.

The crowd dispersed, and the disciples of Thunder Valley and Aoxue Pavilion walked in.

These people are just the disciples who have just performed the instrument alchemy in front of the temple.

Lei Wanchen and Zhou Yunqi, who had previously intersected with Ling Tian at the auction house, were among them.

Among the two people in the sect, their refining attainments are second only to the chief disciple.

Now, Ling Tian openly set up a stall in front of them to sell the best pill and weapon, wasn't he hitting them in the face?

This is no different than trampling our homes!

"How could these things be refined by Ling Tian?

Not to mention the Frost Thunder Blade, Prajnadan that even the chief Lei Wanqing and Zhou Ningshuang of our sect could not refine. Even those dazzling arrays of the four small masterpieces of the earth immortals on the ground are definitely not something like you who have no background, and only the three-layer earth immortals can refine them! "

"If you can refine it, then I will wait for two sect penance pills, what is the picture!?"

Lei Wanchen narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"That's right! Ling Tian, ​​as disciples of Aoxue Pavilion, we will never allow you to slander and deceive here and degrade our sect's reputation!"

Zhou Yunqi also had a bad face.

"Haha, what, two of you are dissatisfied?"

Ling Tian stood up.

"Yes, unless you have evidence to prove that these things were refined by you! Or, in front of everyone, you refined them on the spot, how about?"

Zhou Yunqi raised his chin and said.

"Yes, this is really suspicious, Ling Tian, ​​you should refine it on the spot!"

"Yes, today is Tianjiao's feast, so I can't let you be fooled like this!"

There were more and more warriors around, and they suddenly clamored.

The Tianjiao Grand Banquet was originally not tested by Dan Dan, but now, there is a lively watch.

Inside the hall.

The powerhouses and top arrogances of the major forces were all attracted by the noise outside at this time, and they all saw the general idea when they leaned over and looked at it.

However, with the exception of Shen Chenyu and others, the powerhouses and tianjiao of the other major forces had bad expressions on their faces.

Ling Tian, ​​but a public enemy!

Lei Wanqing, the chief of Thunder Valley, originally stood behind the valley master Lei Qiansong, closing his eyes and rested, but now suddenly opened a pair of round and huge eyes, which flashed sharp thunder.

Outside the hall, Ling Tian, ​​who was almost under siege, stood with his hands holding his hands, his face unchanged.

"Hehe, you have to prove yourself, yes!"

"But I refine the alchemy by myself, it's meaningless, should I give it a try?"

"No one can do anything better than hearing the thundering valley refining tools and Aoxue Pavilion refining alchemy. Today, I Ling Tian, ​​I really don't accept it!"

Ling Tian hugged his hands behind his chest and held his shoulders.

"Hahahaha, it's really interesting! Look down on our Leiming Valley's refining art? Okay, if you want to compete, I'll be accompanied by Lei Wanchen!"

"I, Zhou Yunqi, can also play on behalf of Aoxue Pavilion disciples, and compete with you to refine the pill!"

Lei Wanchen and Zhou Yunqi stood up together.

"Hahaha, no, no, you two, you can't even refine the little best of Dixian Si, but you are not qualified to compete with me."

Ling Tian suddenly turned around and looked at the arrogant figures lingering in the fairy light.

Raising his hand, he swept across the powerhouses in Thunder Valley and Aoxue Pavilion.

"Lei Wanqing, Zhou Ningshuang, come out!"

Tianjiao feasted, making enemies on all sides.

There are too many opponents to beat.

Before the feast has begun, let's solve all that can be solved first!

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