Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1864: Suppress the two immortal sects on the high platform

Zhou Ningshuang also stopped talking, concentrating on tempering the impurities in that pill.

Naturally, Ling Tian didn't talk nonsense. He took out the six-line cauldron, holding the pill in one hand, and injecting the golden flames into the cauldron with the other hand.

Immediately began to repair the broken sword.

Ling Tian didn't sell it this time, so he repaired it as quickly as possible.

That broken sword, almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, began to recast the broken sword!

It took less than half an hour before Ling Tian finished his forging. Even though he was spinning as if he closed his eyes, he continued to heat the broken sword with fire in the cauldron.

After another time of incense sticks, Lei Wanqing took the lead in making it.

Recasting the shattered weapon will take much shorter time.

He looked at Ling Tian and sneered immediately when he saw that it was not finished yet.

"Ling Tian, ​​if today's arrogance feast begins immediately, I have finished the recast!"

With that, he took out the long knife.

On top of it, there is still heat.

The long knives were spread by the public, and they were all nodding their heads.

"Yes, it is indeed as good as before. Young Master Lei can repair the top grade Earth Immortal Four Weapon Blades, so the refining attainments are enough to refine the Di Xian Si minor top grade!"

"Yes, it seems that the refining inheritance of Thunder Valley is still powerful!"

"That Ling Tian hasn't completed the repair yet, it seems that it's not working!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Ling Tian.

But Zhao Minchi and others were not in a hurry.

They had all seen Ling Tian's horror.

Not to mention this refining tool, it was the more difficult inscription, Ling Tian was not a problem.

Sure enough, just after that Lei Wanqing finished, Ling Tian's closed eyes suddenly opened.

A palm slapped the cauldron open, and a dazzling black light suddenly shot out from it.

Ling Tian stretched out a big hand that was suddenly lingering, and directly held it in his hand.

"Haha, not bad!"

Suddenly dissipated, the dark iron epee gleaming with gloom, once again appeared in front of everyone.

"Hiss, Ling Tian has also finished recasting?"

"How can we compare wins and losses? Both of them have done it."

"No, that's not right, how do I feel that the profound iron heavy sword in Ling Tian's hand is different from before?"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

At this time, they also discovered that the aura of the heavy sword in Ling Tian's hands was much stronger than before.

"I'll check it out!"

At this moment, Yuan Meng slid out of the main hall, took the heavy sword in Ling Tian's hand, and after seeing it once, his pupils also shrank suddenly.

"Hey, this sword turned out to be Di Xian Si's little best? Not only did you repair him, but also upgrade it?"

Yuan Meng exclaimed, and the others were in a big shock.

At this time, the epee was going to be inspected one after another, and at first glance, they were surprised again and again.

Finally, the heavy sword fell into Lei Wanqing's hands.

The latter looked for a long while, and his face flushed immediately, "Okay, Ling Tian, ​​this time I admit it, but don't let our disciples of Thunder Valley see you on the ring of Tianjiao's grand feast."

"Hehe, I will also send you people from Thunder Valley, including you!"

Ling Tian looked back at the past without any fear.

"Hehe, then you wait!"

Having said that, Lei Wanqing went straight back to the hall with his sleeves, but in the face of everyone's gaze, he gritted his teeth angrily.

The disciples of Thunder Valley were even more embarrassed and angry.

This arrogant feast has not yet begun, and their faces have been lost!

Moreover, he was defeated by a junior who had no background, only the Earth Immortal Third Layer!

The valley lord Lei Qiansong of Thunder Valley's face turned dark with anger.

"Damn, this son is really damn, you will remember it for me, if he dares to enter the ring, find someone to kill him for me!"


Behind him, the thundering valley disciples nodded and looked at Ling Tian, ​​with killing intent in their eyes.

"Hehe Lingtian, although you won Lei Wanqing, but you lost to me?"

Outside the hall, Zhou Ningshuang opened the cauldron and said with a smile.

"Oh? How to say?"

Ling Tian turned around to look.

"You don't have time to refine the pill."

Zhou Ningshuang took out the elixir from the cauldron, "And I, I have finished the tempering, the ordinary four immortal medicinal pills are now of the best quality!"

"What? Little Need? Then Ling Tian couldn't be better this time!"

"Yes, Ling Tian didn't refine pills at all, and the pills he sold were all of the best quality!"

"Well, unless Ling Tian can turn a fourth-rank pill into a fifth-rank."

"That's impossible."

There is no way for the pill of the Fourth Stage of Earth Immortal to become the fifth stage.

However, everyone did not laugh at Ling Tian.

Now, he has been promoted to Lei Wanqing, strong enough.

It was nothing to lose to Zhou Ningshuang.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it will disappoint Miss Zhou."

But Ling Tian returned the heavy sword to Yuan Meng, but shook his head.

"What do you mean? Are you still not convinced?"

Zhou Ningshuang raised her eyebrows, "Your golden gang fairy flames are too violent to be used to improve the quality of the fourth grade pill."

"Who said the Jin Gang fairy flame I used?"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, and suddenly raised his hand that had never been raised.

As his palms opened, everyone suddenly discovered that flames were still rising in it, and in the flames, there was a pill, slowly spinning!

It is just the four-tier pill just now.

"Hey, can it be that Ling Tian has been tempering the pill with bare hands just now!?’

"This medicinal pill looks like it's a little superb quality, and it's on par with Zhou Ningshuang!"

"But Ling Tian is tempering with his bare hands, and he is repairing the sword at the same time, who wins and who loses?"

Everyone exclaimed again and again.

The judgement has already been settled.

Ling Tian didn't concentrate on comparing with Zhou Ningshuang at all, and was more like doing it casually, but the pill that was tempered was the same as Zhou Ningshuang.

Aoxue Pavilion also lost.

At this moment, all the powerful forces in the hall all got up one after another.

Ling Tian used the technique of Pill Pill, and successively defeated the chief of the two immortal sects of Thunder Valley Aoxue Pavilion! ?

This is really unbelievable.

A few months ago, Ling Tian, ​​who had risen to fame in Haoran City, was so powerful!

If his cultivation base is higher, then who is the arrogant of Haoran City can compare to him?

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad!"

Shen Chenyu smiled with his palm, overjoyed.

"Hehe, everyone has seen it too, I Ling Tian didn't lie to anyone, so, these weapons and pills are sold now, the higher the price is!"

Ling Tian quickly shouted before Tianjiao's feast began.

"Yes, the opportunity is not to be missed. You have taken these weapons and pills to ensure that you will shine and beat the enemy in the feast of Tianjiao for a while!"

"Come on, all sold!"

Zhao Min followed suit.

Shen Chenyu: "???"

In the blink of an eye, Ling Tian's appearance made a group of powerful people speechless.

However, this time the harvest is still extremely rich.

Ling Tian here has become a small auction. Weapons and pills are of the best quality, and the selling price is several times higher than that on the market.

The Frost Thunder Blade was even taken by Lei Song at a price of 8 million, which was three times higher than that on the market.

However, within half a cup of tea, Ling Tian's goods were sold out.

Zhao Min, who was in charge of collecting the money, made a gesture of "eight" to Ling Tian.

The goods from this stall sold 80 million immortal stones!

Zhao Min felt a lot of comfort.

Only if you have money can you be relieved!

"Ahem, Tianjiao's grand feast, officially begins! You Tianjiao, let's enter!"

At this moment, Murong stopped in the hall and coughed slightly.

Tianjiao's feast officially begins!

Ling Tian also followed the crowd and entered the hall.

At this moment, he saw Lin Tianxiao on the high platform.

Ling Tian waved his hand to indicate that he was about to take Zhao Min and Chi Sanqi and others onto the high platform.

There is the place where the great power of Haoran, Tianjiao, can sit down.

However, everyone in Ling Tian was stopped by soldiers from the City Lord's Mansion.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​you have no background, you can only stay here!"

"On top of this, it is the four major forces disciples who can come up. What are you? The three immortals of the earth? There is no place for you to go wild!"

That Wang Yangming sneered.

Only then Ling Tian had the limelight, and Murong Zining looked at Ling Tian with a smile all the time.

He is almost sour to death,

Now, this Ling Tian still wants to go to the high platform? !

No doors!

"Ahem, younger Ling Tian, ​​you are a scattered person, and you go to sit down below. After the competition is over, you can choose to join in on the rookie list. At that time, you will come back on stage."

Murong stopped.

"Hehe, then I want to go to this high platform?"

However, Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and didn't mean to back down.

"Ling Tian, ​​you must not be presumptuous!"

Murong snorted coldly.

"Come on, blow him down!"

Behind Murong stopped, Na Xue Yong suddenly opened his eyes and ordered the guard to do something.

"Senior, if you don't speak again, it's shameful, it's not me Ling Tian!"

Ling Tian held his hand and didn't know who he was talking to.

"Wait! Stop it!"

Sure enough, at this moment, a scolding scolding suddenly sounded.

That voice, with the tyrannical coercion of the heavenly immortal triple, swept away, causing the guards to directly kneel to the ground.

It was Murong Zhi, who was also sweating coldly, and asked from a distance, "What's the command of Elder Shen?"

"That Lingtian is ours!"

At this time, Lin Tian laughed, and said lightly, everyone present was shocked.

What do you mean?

This Tianyi Auction House suddenly spoke up?

Moreover, the Shen Chenyu just now moved.

Could it be that Ling Tian is a member of the Ascension Alliance?

"Hehe, City Lord Murong, Ling Tian has now agreed to fight for my Tianyi Auction House, so they can come up on this high platform, right?"

"What do you say!?"

Shen Chenyu in the fairy light didn't say much at all, Lin Tianxiao was enough.

"This, is it possible that Ling Tian has already entered the Ascension Alliance?"

Murong Zhi's face changed.

The strength of the Ascension Alliance in the Central Region is not weaker than that of any holy city. If Ling Tian joins the Ascension Alliance now, no one can match this background in today's Haoran City!

With the Ascension Alliance supporting him, who would dare to move him?

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