Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1873: Let's go together

"Three Seven, admit defeat!"

In the distance, Ling Tian looked cold.

Even though he has all kinds of tactics, but he only has three people, besides him, Zhao Min and Chi Sanqi have limited abilities and are not invincible.

"Sanqi, dissatisfied!"

However, Chi Sanqi still stood up from the ground holding the Guying Sword.

The thin body shivered before the thunderstorm.

As if to be torn apart at any time.

"Stupid woman, get out of here!"

Lei Wanchen sneered, Chi Sanqi did not admit defeat, just right!

Flashing forward, like thunder.

Amidst the roar, the light of the sword was like a blast of thunder.

"Father, Sanqi doesn't shame you, I have a line of hidden swords, and never admit defeat!"

Chi Sanqi forced down the blood flowing in his chest, lifted the last strength, raised the Guying Sword in both hands, and swept down directly towards the knife light.



However, there is no miracle in the end.

Chi Sanqi vomited blood out in a crowd of exclamations.

The thin figure seemed to drift away.

Ling Tianshan stepped forward and took it down.

But Chi Sanqi's arms were **** and bloody, and his breath was wilted.

If it wasn't for the soft armor in the body, there was Ling Tian's inscription pattern, which blocked most of the energy, I was afraid that this knife would almost kill her.

"Heal Sanqi!"

Passing Chi Sanqi to Zhao Min, Ling Tian turned his back to everyone, with a handsome face, already gloomy as water.

"court death…"

The corners of his mouth twitched, Ling Tian shook his neck, then turned and walked towards Lei Wanchen on the battle platform.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​why, there is no woman to protect you, do you finally want to go on your own?"

"Come, come, have any hole cards, show them now!"

"I'm not that trash Gu Wushuang!"

"I once told you in Tianyi, you will regret offending me Lei Wanchen!"

"Today's late thirty-seven, it is the 35 million immortal stones you played with me that day!"

Lei Wanchen was seriously injured in the first battle, Sanqi, and his heart was extremely cheerful.

Ling Tian was the only one left now.

In any case, he will let Ling Tian expose more of his hole cards and get more information for his brother Lei Wanchen.

"Are you finished!?"

However, Ling Tian's figure was getting closer.

"What?" Lei Wanchen frowned and suddenly felt that Ling Tian's eyes were a bit scary.

Like a tiger.

No, it's a cannibal raptor!

"When you're done, then get out!"

Ling Tian was sneaking faster and faster, and gradually he could only see an afterimage passing by.

Not only that, but his momentum skyrocketed again.

A big hand of thunder intertwined, instantly condensed on top of Lei Wanchen's head, and snapped it.

"Playing with thunder, you are not worthy!"

The big palm is like a thunder mountain, appearing on the battle platform in the dark night.

Bright and dazzling.

Tyrannical terror.

Ling Tian was still exactly the same as when he was playing against Gu Wushuang, he had never used any hole cards.

However, this palm is even more terrifying than the first palm!

"Hey, what kind of hand is this, so tyrannical?"

Even Shen Chenyu in the hall's expression changed slightly.

She could see that Ling Tian's palm technique was only the first realm, but its rank was absolutely extremely high.

It completely exceeds the level of the earthly immortal level.

Facing the thunder palm that is overwhelming the top of Mount Tai.

Lei Wanchen on the ring was also dumbfounded.

There is no shortage of thunder in his thunderous valley.

Among the exercises he practiced, there are also thunder elements.

There is also a palm technique.

But now facing Ling Tian's palm, he was actually scared!

Even, the whole body seemed to be imprisoned by the thunderous pressure, unable to move!

"No, it's impossible!"

"This must be a blindfold!"

"Ling Tian, ​​don't want to deceive me, I don't believe it, this palm can be used as a thundering sword!"

Lei Wanchen was furious, and gathered the energy of his whole body on the long sword of the Sixth Grade of Earth Immortal in his hand, slashing the sky down.

The bright thunder light blade, tore the void, slashed on the thunder palm.

However, everyone took a breath.

This is enough to slay the four heavenly arrogance of the earth immortal and fell on the thunder palm, and there was not even the slightest turmoil!

Even the thunder above the blade light was absorbed by the thunder palm and annihilated in an instant.

Under the giant palm, Dao Mang only insisted on a breath, even if the Xuan collapsed.

The giant palm pressed down and swallowed that Lei Wanchen directly.

so horrible.

As the giant palm fell on the battle platform, Jiugong Mountain trembled.

Wind up the storm sweeping in all directions.

Mesmerized everyone's eyes.

"younger brother!"

However, Lei Wanqing's eyes widened in anger, his big hand pressed down the smoke and dust in front of him, but he found that Lei Wanchen was already lying on the battle platform, his chest collapsed, and blood was constantly spitting out.

The whole body was scorched and blackened by the thunder light, and he was dying.

"Ling Tian!"

Lei Wanqing reported his brother down, only to find that Lei Wanchen had been abolished, the spiritual bones in his body had been shattered, and Xiantu was cut off!

"What do you call it crazy?"

"No, you come!"

Ling Tian brushed the dust off his body.

Said coldly.


Lei Wanqing was furious.

At this time he has lost his mind.

Draw out a slender sword, the five-fold aura of the earth immortal burst out instantly!

This guy has already achieved the fifth level of the Earth Immortal!

Less than that, the immortal soldier in his hand has already reached the existence of the seventh grade of the earth immortal.

In the anger, like a thunder light, the electric shot was directed at Ling Tian.

The figure never stopped, his hand fell, and the light flew out.

The sword was awful and terrifying.

There was a blue thunder in the blade light, which was very solid, flashing on the ring, illuminating half of the sky.

Compared with Lei Wanchen, Lei Wanqing's Thunder Blade is more refined, and the power of the domain Thunder that it carries has reached the extreme of the mid-level!

"too weak!"

Seeing that the incomparable blade light was about to fall on Ling Tian's head.

But Ling Tian suddenly raised his eyes, and the Dragon Yuan sword in his hand suddenly appeared.

In the stunned everyone, they just saw the sword light that Lei Wanqing was sure to get, suddenly shattered by a sword light in mid-air.

An aura that was not weaker than Lei Wanqing suddenly appeared on the ground, and the sword light kept on, and that Lei Wanqing was directly blasted out.

Lei Wanqing, also lost?

After a while, everyone's eyes condensed, but they suddenly discovered that Ling Tian was agitated all over his Tsing Yi, and his white hair was flying.

He held a five-color fairy sword in his hand, on which was covered with a fiery red light of thunder.

His cultivation has also reached the fifth level of the Earth Immortal!

"Too slow, so boring."

"Xianzong chief, but so!"

Ling Tian lifted the Long Yuan sword and swept it from the direction of Fuyun Sword Sect, Aoxue Pavilion and City Lord's Mansion one by one.

"You guys, go together!"

Now, Ling Tian has played enough.

This day of arrogant feast, it's time to end.

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