Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1876: Hidden Yuan Meng [Three Thousand Da

With such top-level equipment blessing, Xue Yong will burst out even more terrifying combat power.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​although the upper-level Spirit Sword Realm has also surprised me a lot, but I am Xue Yong, I am not afraid of you!"

Behind Xue Yong, the fairy light above his head was shaking suddenly.

The five-fold fairy light is getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, although there is still a normal distance from the Sixth Layer of the Earth Immortal, it is enough to prove that Xue Yong's real cultivation base has reached the middle stage of the fifth layer of the Earth Immortal.

Tianjiao far surpassing this generation.

"Ling Tian, ​​you may not know that a year ago, I broke through the fifth level of the Earth Immortal, and then I have been in retreat until now!"

"I, Xue Yong, is the second Tianjiao who has stepped into the fifth level of Dixian after Murong Ziyan!"

"Although this spear is also the eighth rank of the Earth Immortal, it is not comparable to that of the Yunlan Immortal Sword. Now, I have two red fires..."

"Are you finished?" However, before Xue Yong finished showing off, Ling Tian interrupted him directly.

"Huh?" Xue Yong frowned.

"After talking, you can roll off."

"These things you are proud of are not worth mentioning in my eyes."

Ling Tian waved his hand and pointed his long sword straight.

"Don't waste my time."

"Ling Tian, ​​are you looking down on me? Just a few people, dare me Xue Yong to speak like this?" Xue Yong was furious.

He is the son of the first general under the city lord's mansion, and his father is a god.

In this Xijiang, except for Murong's sister and brother, he has never regarded any arrogance in his eyes!

Now, the contemptuous color in Ling Tian's eyes was something he had never felt before.

Xue Yong stretched out his hand, his palms glowed with a terrible golden red color, like a flame and a big sun.

With both palms on the long sword, the corners of Xue Yong's mouth were twitching.

"Your heavenly arrogant feast, stop here!"

"Let me and you fight for three hundred rounds!"

Ji Xue Yong spoke coldly. Around his body, the golden fairy light spread and enveloped the area around his body, giving people an extremely terrifying feeling.

Even people in the distance felt a terrible breath.

Immediately, everyone saw Xue Yong roar, like a fairy blue tiger, rushing towards Ling Tian.

He is very fast, very fast.

The arm was slightly backward, the crimson golden light on his arms burst, the immortal inscription pattern surging around his body, a battle armor on his body, making him like an invincible warrior on the battlefield, and then he lifted his hands and shot out , On the ring, the spear light condenses into the form of a fierce tiger, tearing apart its fangs and sharp teeth, swallowing it towards Ling Tian, ​​the horror is extreme.

Although Xue Yong's spear domain did not reach the upper level like Ling Tian did, it still rivals Lan Yunche.

Adding to the blessings he has now on his cultivation base, weapons and inscriptions, Xue Yong's combat power is stronger than that of Lan Yunche.

In the eyes of everyone, this Xue Yong could definitely fight Ling Tian.

Although it seems, there is still some irony.

On the battle platform, Ling Tian stood there like a sharp sword, watching the rushing Xue Yong, still standing still.

After that, Ling Tian raised the sword in his hand, above the arm and the blade, the crimson light rioted faintly.

After a while, Ling Tian let out a cold snort, and then stepped out, heading towards Xue Yong and winning.



Suddenly, on the battle platform, the two figures are intertwined like streams of light. From time to time, there will be terrifying explosions, accompanied by a series of terrifying flashes and storms, sweeping out and shaking on the battle platform. Above the formation barrier!


However, the two held a brief confrontation and only persisted for three breaths.

In a muffled sound, Xue Yong was retreated by a sword.

Leaving the battle group.


Feeling the power and energy of the terrifying sword domain of the fairy sword in Ling Tian's hand, Xue Yong couldn't believe it.

The immortal sword is blessed with immortal inscriptions, so that his eighth rank immortal spear can't take any advantage.

The tyrannical Qi of the Immortal Qi in Ling Tian's body far exceeded Xue Yong's imagination.

This suffices to explain that the cultivation techniques and inscription patterns used by Ling Tian are far superior to him.

"This is what you forced me!"

Xue Yong gritted his teeth, but still swallowed a pill.

In the next moment, his whole body was burnt with golden light and roared, as if there was a roar of tigers and dragons.

The coercion skyrocketed again in an instant, and the power of the surrounding domain surged, making the hands holding the spear tremble.

"Tianpin pill, Longyin and Tiger Howling Pill?"

Lin Tian laughed, and immediately looked at the city lord Murong Zhi, "City lord, what does this mean? Tianjiao feasts, it is forbidden to use foreign objects to bless combat power!"

"Hehe, Brother Lin is afraid that he has misunderstood it? Tianjiao Shengyan prohibits such things as Fu Zhuan Xianbao, but he has never said that the use of elixirs is prohibited!"

Behind Murong stopped, General Xue Li smiled.

"You, you are cheating!"

Lin Tianxiao's face flushed.

Although Ling Tian is now good enough, but now he is fighting against Tianyi, he has to speak up.

"Forget it, just take drugs if you take drugs. If you lose all the drugs in this general's place, they will be convinced."

However, Shen Chenyu waved his hand, but it stopped Lin Tianxiao's argument with him.

It seems that for Ling Tian, ​​Shen Chenyu is very confident now.


Lin Tianxiao was not convinced, but on the battle platform, Xue Yong, who was blooming with golden light, had already raised his spear, tried his best, and stabled towards Ling Tian.

But Ling Tian sneered, with a long sword dancing in his hand, and another majestic inscription on the unicorn's arm, bursting with crimson light.

Immediately, a great wind rose, wrapped in an endless edge, and greeted him.

"court death."

Xue Yong said coldly, shaking with him now?

This is not what it means to die.

When other people saw this scene, they also felt that Ling Tian was really overwhelmed.

That Dragon Yinhuxiao Pill was a heavenly pill. Although the one Xue Yong swallowed was probably just a fake, it still gave him almost a 50% increase in combat power.

With such blessings, Xue Yong's shot was enough to match the late Sixth Stage of Dixian!

The two's ultimate moves collided, and the energy of the spear light followed the sword light and oscillated on Ling Tian's long sword.

However, Ling Tian snorted coldly, and Shuangweiyang blessed, and a burst of energy raged again, crushing his spear light.

But Xue Yong only felt an extremely domineering force penetrated his palm at the moment when your energy was used, causing his arm to tremble as if it were about to split.

The spear light also shattered.

"Block it?"

Many people looked at Ling Tian, ​​who was suspended on the battle platform like an undefeated God of War. This...

Xue Yong, who took the drug, tried his best to defeat Ling Tian with a single shot, and he didn't seem to shake Ling Tian at all!

Xue Yong's expression also changed drastically. He watched this scene in shock, and the sword energy that collapsed in the sky swept across, making him unsteady at all.

Not only that, Ling Tian moved again.

Suddenly he flew forward, stretched out the unicorn arm, with red fire tumbling on it, grabbed Xue Yong who was stunned, rose into the sky, and took him high into the sky.

At this time, Xue Yong was dumbfounded.

The power from Ling Tian's arm made him unable to break free at all, and he could only be at the mercy of Ling Tian.

"Om." Xue Yong's body was shaken by the volley, while Ling Tian stepped in the air to Murong Zining, who was half-round on the battle platform, and then suddenly fell. under.


The battle platform trembled violently, and Xue Yong's body was smashed in front of Murong Zining.

At this moment, Murong Zining's heart was shocked, not only her, but everyone couldn't help but tremble violently.

Ling Tian standing on the battle platform at this moment, he was like a **** of war, invincible.

The armor on Xue Yong's body was almost cracked.

Only the crimson inscriptions are left with broken lotus roots.

Xue Yong was dying, his whole person, like a blood gourd.

And what Ling Tian smashed together was the Xue family's self-esteem.

Xue Yongqing did everything he could, but he was still defeated.

At this time, the strong people in the City Lord's Mansion were in a bad mood, very bad, Xue Yong was defeated, and then only Murong Zining was left in the City Lord's Mansion, which was the same as the Fuyun Sword Sect.

Originally, the City Lord's Mansion was bound to win this Tianjiao feast.

He even intercepted the fairy soldiers from the middle domain.

But now, in front of Ling Tian, ​​it seemed vulnerable.

On the battle stage, only the last three people remained.

Is this Ling Tian really going to fight to the end by himself, stomping all the geniuses of Xijiang under his feet?

"Miss Murong, it looks like you are the only one left!"

Ling Tian kicked that Xue Yong off the ring, shook the blood on his hand, said.

"Hehe, what? Is this no longer a demonstration like me?"

Murong Zining still stood there from beginning to end, with his arms on his chest, looking at Ling Tian, ​​without seeing any fear.

"No, no, just to let you know that I am Ling Tian, ​​but I am really not weak!"

"Hahahaha, isn't it? But it seems that there is one person besides you and me!" Murong Zining looked to the other side.

At this moment, Yuan Meng of the Fuyun Sword Sect suddenly turned around and looked over.

The iron tower-like body is extremely strong, with a huge sword box on its back.

At this time, he was also not caught by the terrifying aura on Ling Tian's body either.

Nowadays, no ordinary people can stand on the ring.

Ling Tian turned around to look, and frowned slightly.

The sword intent on Yuan Meng's body is extraordinary.

The back weight was as heavy as a mountain, Ling Tian was extremely sensitive to sword intent, and he could already see the shadow of the mountain that the sword intent had turned into behind him.

"Brother Yuan, do you want a battle?"

Ling Tian smiled.

No indifference before.

This Yuan Meng had helped him in the refining test just now.

For this guy, Ling Tian had a good impression.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to beat you, but, above Kendo, I still want to try!"

Yuan Meng pursed his lips, without the intention to back off.

"Haha, all right, since Brother Yuan speaks, please!"

As the voice fell, Ling Tian concealed the breath of his body, and the inscription on the sword's blade and armbands also faded.

Obviously, Ling Tian wanted to fight Yuan Meng in a fair fight.


Yuan Meng squinted his eyes slightly, his shoulders shook violently, and the five celestial light behind him suddenly bloomed.

This Yuan Meng also broke through to the fifth level of the Earth Immortal!

Moreover, it seems that he is even stronger than Lan Yunche in terms of cultivation base!

The second disciple of Fuyun Sword Sect was actually the one with the strongest cultivation base.

At this time, everyone was shocked.

There are really a lot of changes in the secret path above the arrogant feast.

This Yuan Meng is obsessed with kendo, and can't get out of seclusion at ordinary times.

It turned out that he had already been promoted to the fifth level of the Earth Immortal.

Immediately, the sword case on its back was opened, and Yuan Meng drew a dark epee from it.

The body of that epee was more than a foot long, and its length was close to half a foot. It was also at the eighth rank of the Dixian.

Being held by Yuan Meng, under the Intermediate Top Spirit Sword Domain, it seemed to be a mountain with fangs.

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