Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1883: Stardial changes and the moon soars?

By resisting the sword of the sword mausoleum, Ling Tian also understood that his candle dragon overlord body, coupled with the power of the battle armor, is now not the eighth heaven arrogance of the earth immortal, or the opponent of the top earth immortal combat power.

He is considered invincible in all the areas of the fifth layer of the Earth Immortal, but compared to the true Tianjiao from the Central Region, there is still a big gap.

In Qi Hai, most of the depleted celestial aura has been restored.

Moreover, the cultivation base was completely and firmly in the Sixth Layer of the Earth Immortal, and it seemed that he had not taken a panacea.

"Little Lei Laohou!?"

At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly remembered something.

Suddenly sat up from the bed.

It was discovered that the broken Dragon Abyss sword and the cracked Sky Rod were placed next to him.

Picking up the sword stick, Ling Tianxin was dripping blood looking at the mottled scars on it.

If it weren't for the lack of strength, it wouldn't make the Two Sword Weapon become such a miserable appearance.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​what is your expression? Our father and I are not dead yet!"

However, Lao Hou's voice sounded in the Sky Rod.

"I'm not convinced, the soul in Zhang Jianling's sword is not as good as mine!"

Xiao Lei also muttered in the hilt.

"Hehe, you two are fine, better than anything else."

Ling Tian swept over the sword stick and checked the weapon's blade injury.

It was found that Long Yuan's sword wound was the heaviest, the sword body had been broken into three pieces, and it was completely unusable.

Can only be recast.

The same is true for the Sky Rod, cracks all over the body, although it is not broken, it is also useless.

"Don't worry, you two, I will recast you, and it must be stronger than before!"

Ling Tian clenched his fists.

As a refiner, he suffered such a big loss in the weapon.

It's ironic!

"Hehe, then I don't worry, I can fix Xiao Lei. Anyway, I can't help much now."

Lao Hou suddenly smiled.

However, Ling Tian felt that there was something in Lao Hou's words.

"I will find a stick martial arts as soon as possible, and I won't let you be a supporting role every time."

Lao Hou said it didn't hurt, and he was not talking.


At this time, the bedroom door opened, and Zhao Min, dressed in goose and yellow brocade, leaned forward and walked in.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you awake?"

Zhao Min looked happy when he saw Ling Tian sitting on the bed.

"Well, how long have I been in a coma?"

Ling Tian changed into a Tsing Yi and got up from the bed.

"Soon, a whole month."

"What, one month?"

Don't scare Ling Tian this way.

Being in a coma for a month is really long enough.

"Why, do you still think that the time is long? Don't you know how much you hurt before? Senior Shen said, there is no good piece of your body."

"The bones and muscles are all broken, but fortunately, your physique is special and you recover very quickly. With the addition of Senior Shen's elixir, you can only be in a coma for a month. If you are someone else, you can be well in the first half of the year. That is a great good fortune. !"

Zhao Min cast a glance at Ling Tian.

Pass the stardial and walnut to Ling Tian.

I think Zhao Min was afraid that Shen Chenyu would find these things abnormal, so he put them away in advance.

"Haha, okay, but I was in a coma for a month, but for me, it was long enough, my cultivation was stagnant, and it was such a waste of time, I was panicked."

After a battle with Zhang Jianling, Ling Tian understood the gap between himself and the true descendant Tianjiao in the fairy world.

Moreover, that Zhang Jianling is in the middle domain, and it does not seem to be a top genius.

What's more, among the hundreds of races in this chaotic battlefield, the human race is still the weakest.

If you look at the seven immortal states outside the chaotic battlefield...

Thinking of this, Ling Tian still shook his head.

Time does not wait for me, I am really too weak.

It's hard to protect yourself, so how about protecting her?

If Qin Mingyue or Ling Nian and the others in the lower realm soared up at this time, wouldn't they be disappointed?

Ling Tian hung the walnut and stardial around his neck.

But there was a feeling in my heart, and my whole body shook, and immediately picked up the star dial and opened it.

It was discovered that on the dark blue mirror surface of the stardial, there was a faint red light flashing slowly at this time.

This has never happened before.

"what's happenin?"

Zhao Min looked at Ling Tian's face greatly changed, and he was also curious.

She had never seen this expression on Ling Tian's face.

"She soared."

Ling Tian pursed his lips.

I don't know whether it should be excited or happy, sad, or unwilling and upset.

Excited and joyful, because Qin Mingyue is very likely to have soared.

There is no need to be separated from Qin Mingyue in two worlds.

Sad and sad, but now I am too weak.

Qin Mingyue could not be protected at all.

The annoyance is because he is now in the chaotic battlefield, and Qin Mingyue is very likely to fly to the seven immortal states.

Although the two are in the same realm, it is difficult to meet each other.

This is the most helpless.

"Who? Mingyue?"

Seeing Ling Tian slowly nodding his head, Zhao Min smiled and said: "Then shouldn't this be a great happy event? You should be happy, why is this expression?"

"It should have been soaring, but I don't know where she is or when I can see her again."

Ling Tian sighed and put away the star dial,

This time, although the stellar dial had a reaction, there was no red dot display, or in this fairy world, this stellar dial had lost its positioning function.

"Ninety percent of them are in the Seven Great Immortals, but you don't need to worry. You are now a quasi-dao body. It is not difficult to go to the Seven Great Immortals."

Zhao Min comforted.


Ling Tian was noncommittal.

He knew that today, the most important path to the Seven Great Immortals was to go to Zhongyu and join the so-called Shengxian Road.

But just relying on the quasi-dao body is far from enough.

"By the way, Senior Shen is downstairs. She said that after you wake up, go see her."

Zhao Min **** Ling Tian's long silver hair.

"Well, I should thank Senior Shen personally, I will go down now."

Ling Tian nodded.

He and Shen Chenyu, although they have not been in formal contact.

But after all, he was a strong heavenly immortal of the Ascension Alliance, and at the banquet of Tianjiao, without her support, Ling Tian would have probably died in the hands of that sword mausoleum.

Now, after using so many pills, it took him a month to recover from his injury.

Ling Tian still has to accept this kind of kindness.

Walked downstairs with Zhao Min.

Ling Tian discovered that his healing place was in the mountains behind Tianyi Auction House. The scenery was nice and quiet.

In addition, Zhao Min said that Shen Chenyu had never left in this month.

This also made Ling Tian extremely safe.

After all, the Heavenly Immortal Triple, in this Xijiang, is already the top cultivation base.

Coming down from the upper floor, Ling Tian saw Shen Chenyu leaning on the railing and looking out the window at a glance.

Although Shen Chenyu at this time didn't sacrifice the celestial celestial light, but standing there quietly, the distinctive temperament of dusting still made people feel shocked.

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