Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1887: Let Ling Tian join her?

"No, all rough stones sent from outside need to have a record of where the ore is produced."

When Ling Tian heard this, he was overjoyed, and took the jade slip to take a look, only to discover that it turned out to be a brief map of Zhongyu.

There is a red dot on it, which should be the origin of those waste rocks.

"Juxu Mountain?"

"What is this place?"

However, after reading it, Ling Tian was even more ignorant.

The red dot is located on the edge of the middle area, and within a million miles around, there are no cities of major ethnic groups.

"Oh, Juxu Mountain is said to have been an ancient battlefield. I have never heard of any mineral veins there. If you want to talk about random graves, there may be, haha!"

"However, you don't need to care about these. It's probably the old guy's scribbling."

Lin Tian smiled and said.

"Fine, I will accept those jade slips."

Ling Tian didn't think so.

Since there is an ancient battlefield, it is very likely that the guy did not lie.

"Okay, don't talk about it, brother, hurry up and show me these blood ore!"

The most important thing in Lin Tianxiao's heart is that blood ore, not a pile of waste rocks.


Ling Tian agreed, and Xuan even identified it for Lin Tianxiao.

Although these blood minerals are abundant, the blood evil spirit in them is far less intense than the ones encountered before.

Obviously some rough rocks from the periphery of the veins.

Even if I wanted to, it was impossible for Lin Tianxiao to quietly produce those top-quality blood ore.

Soon, thousands of rough stones were appraised by Ling Tian.

There are precious rough stones inside, and there are still many.

Ling Tian conservatively estimated that after this batch, Lin Tianxiao's income would be at least hundreds of millions of immortal stones.

Although there are only two ore materials of heavenly grade, they are quite good.

Ling Tian picked three yuan. Although it was not the most valuable, it was what Ling Tian needed most now.

Among them, the most delighted Ling Tian was that he released a piece of flame dragon pattern gold, which was ranked among the best quality fairy materials of the earth immortal.

Used to repair and recast the Dragon Abyss sword, it is not suitable.

Although the other two pieces of immortal material are not as good as this piece of dragon-patterned gold, they are enough to recast the Sky Rod and re-forge a superb immortal soldier for Zhao Min.

After the Jianshi, Ling Tian bid farewell to Lin Tianxiao and returned to Rushanzhai with Zhao Min.

However, the two have just arrived at Rushanzhai.

It was Yuan Meng who saw Fuyun Jianzong standing on the square in front of the inn like an iron tower.

"Yuan Meng? What are you doing?"

Ling Tian and Zhao Min stepped forward and frowned.

"Oh, Brother Lingtian, your injury is healed so soon?"

Yuan Meng was shocked when he heard the words and turned around.

Seeing Ling Tian's whole body, there was no trace of injury, and he was surprised.

"That's natural, thank you Brother Yuan Meng for your concern."

Ling Tian nodded.

"Oh, I came here. I wanted to see you. You are the number one genius of swordsmanship in Xijiang, and you cut Zhang Jianling's sword, so I can't forget it now. I don't want you to have an accident."

"But, that day, the Yi auction house didn't let me in, so I came to Rushanzhai to wait."

Yuan Meng scratched his head and smiled.

"Oh? How long have you been waiting here."

Zhao Min raised his eyebrows.

"It didn't take long. I just came in the morning. I was going to go back at night.

"Awesome, the charm of Ling Tian in my house is truly unstoppable." Zhao Min pursed his lips, looking at that, Ling Tian was also very embarrassed.

"What nonsense? Brother Yuan Meng is my kendo peer. This is called sympathy! Let's go, Brother Yuan, let's go in and talk."

Ling Tian took Yuan Meng's arm and entered Rushanzhai.

Unexpectedly, in this fairy world, he Ling Tian, ​​there are still male fans.

However, Ling Tian found out after entering Rushanzhai.

Today is lively enough.

Not only Yuan Meng is outside, but in this lobby, Chi Sanqi, Murong Zining, and Murongzhi, the city lord's mansion, are all there!

Moreover, Murong Zhi was holding Chi Sanqi's little hand, with a sad expression on his face, as if he was remembering something.

Chi Sanqi had tears on his face, as if he had cried.

"You guys, you are back..."

"Ling Tian, ​​how are you so fast?"

Seeing Ling Tian and others coming in, Murong Zhi and others were stunned for a moment before standing up.

"Junior Ling Tian, ​​I have seen City Lord Murong."

Ling Tian arched his hand towards Na Murong.

Although Ling Tian didn't catch a cold for this overlord of Western Xinjiang, he still had to do courtesy.

"No need to be polite, haha, I didn't expect that Shen Chenyu would really be willing to take medicine on you. You will recover in one month, it's really amazing."

Murong Zhi stepped forward and patted Ling Tian's shoulder with his big hand.

His hands are full of heavy calluses.

Obviously, even though he was already an immortal, Murong Zhi had experienced countless battles.

That big hand is very powerful, if it weren't for Ling Tian's physical body, he would be shot directly on the ground.

But obviously, this is Murong's temptation.

Seeing that Ling Tian didn't move, even the corners of his mouth were smiling.

Murong Zhi's eyes also showed a satisfied old father-like look.

"Not bad!"

"The flesh is indeed tyrannical, really rare!"

"Ling Tian, ​​I have been here in Rushanzhai. I have been waiting for you for a whole month. I have something and want to talk to you. I don't know. Can you give me some face?"

Murong Zhi looked around, obviously wanting to talk to Ling Tian alone.

"It can be, but you have to bring Minmin with you. There is nothing to hide from her."

Ling Tian pointed behind him.

"Fine, all right, then let's go together!"

Seeing Ling Tian's insistence, Murong Zhi had to agree.

So, in Ling Tian's room, Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min, Murong Zhi and Murong Zining looked at each other.

After a long while, Murong Zhi took out a token and handed it to Ling Tian.

"what is this?"

Ling Tian took it, but found that there was a special totem on this token, like the simple patterns of many monsters, condensed together.

There are a lot of high and deep formations on it, which looks like a switch.

"This is the top secret of my Murong family, the transmission token of Demon Burial Valley!"

Murong Zhi took a deep breath and said, "Before, my Murong family found the Red Eagle Clan in this Demon Burial Valley."

"Demon Burial Valley?"

When Ling Tian heard the words, he also took a breath.

He understands what this token means.

On the day he arrived in Haoran City, he knew that the Murong family had a monopoly on the Red Eagle mount. The Red Eagle family was very powerful, but they were willing to become Murong's mount.

Unexpectedly, today I saw the token of the Demon Burial Valley.

"However, City Lord Murong, what do you mean, why don't I understand?"

Ling Tian played with Ling Tian for a while before smiling.

This really makes him puzzled.

"What I can tell you is that in this Demon Burial Valley, there are not only the red eagle clan, but also many monsters!"

"As long as you enter, the time limit is three months, and the cultivation base can be improved by leaps and bounds!"

"The monster crystal core inside is the most abundant cultivation resource!"

Murongzhi said proudly.

"That's why people from the Murong family can dominate the entire Western Xinjiang in terms of martial arts cultivation. As long as there is this Demon Burial Valley, everyone else will never think of surpassing the children of our Murong family."

"And today, I can let you also enter the Demon Burial Valley!"

"I know, your kid is very ambitious, you will definitely go to the middle domain, and even participate in the competition for the qualifications of the Shengxian Road, but the current cultivation base is really too low."

"The opening time of Shengxian Road is approaching. You don't have much time."

"What about the conditions?" Ling Tian's expression became more and more grim.

Open the door straight to the point.

"Ahem, simple, I'm Murong's family as a parent."

Murong Zhi looked at Murong Zining next to him, "Married to my daughter."

"What? Come again!?"

Ling Tian stood up suddenly.

What's the secret way?

Ever since I ascended to the fairy realm, I encountered Zhang's forced marriage in that Shuofang City.

Now in Haoran City, Murong's family is also coming to this set?

Moreover, it's still a superfluous?

Hiring a son-in-law?

"No, it's impossible."

"Miss Murong and I have no feelings at all. I don't like her, and she doesn't..."

"No, I like you." But if Ling Tian finished speaking, Murong Zining suddenly raised his head and stared at Ling Tian's eyes.

"At the feast that day, I asked you, do you know what it means to win me?"

"I will tell you now, I once made a long-cherished wish, whoever can beat me among my peers must marry me!"

Murong Zining said seriously.

That serious look really doesn't seem to be a joke.

But this is too funny.

Marry me?

Ling Tian shook his head and even laughed.

After living for so many years, he encountered such a situation for the first time.

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