Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1889: Four Graduate Schools [Large

Although there is still a hundred miles away from the legendary South China City, Ling Tian and the others on Xiaoqing's back can already see this extremely magnificent main city from a distance.

In the domain, they finally arrived.

Above the sky, flying celestial treasures of various colors and tyrannical monsters were flying high in the sky. Below were buildings towering into the sky, and there were many dazzling buildings with special styles, majestic and majestic, which Ling Tian had never seen before.

Not only that, Ling Tian also discovered that this South China City is different from the Haoran City in Xijiang.

Except for the land area, which is nearly a hundred times larger than Haoran City, there are no longer any large sects in the surrounding mountains and rivers.

Moreover, the entire city was like a male gate, stuck in the middle of a mountain range that stretched from east to west.

From above, you can see that South China City is divided into five irregular parts.

To the south, there is a dark red building complex, which occupies almost a quarter of the entire South China City.

And the buildings in it are quite rough, even inside and outside the southern city wall, there are large barracks visible to the naked eye everywhere, densely packed with flying monsters, killing and killing, and extremely powerful.

The rest of the city is roughly divided into four areas, each of which has a vast area with beautiful scenery, either Qifeng, Yuhu Lake, Deep Valley, or Yunyin. , And above it, there is also a distinct and distinct aura shrouded in the sky, which is particularly eye-catching.

The rest are densely packed buildings, lined up one after another around these four beautiful places.

"The holy city in the Middle Territory is really extraordinary. Nanhua City is only the weakest among the ten holy cities. It is so prosperous. I don't know what the holy city will look like that day."

Zhao Min sighed.

Only when she arrived in Zhongyu did she truly know how small she was.

Wanting to restore her fairy country, it seems that it is out of reach.

"Yeah, luckily we are here."

"We will let this holy city witness our rise."

Ling Tian nodded.

When he was in Haoran City before, he had already consulted a lot of ancient materials

I also understand the division of power in this South China City.

Of course, it's the same as other human races going out of the city.

The largest power in South China City is the City Lord’s Mansion, Zuo Family.

It is the largest building complex in the south of South China City.

But Zuo’s house and other city lord’s mansions were built in the center of the city.

It fell in the south of the entire South China City.

And there, facing the Nine Thousand Blood Dian Mountain outside Nanhua City.

In the depths of Dian Mountain, there is a place for the activities of the different races, that is to say.

If South China City is invaded, the City Lord’s Mansion will bear the brunt.

Zuo Family dared to build the City Lord's Mansion here. Ling Tian's heart still admired this courage.

In addition to this city lord's mansion, South China City, there are four major forces.

It is the legendary four colleges.

Sitting in the four beautiful places in the city.

The difference is, Jinghong Academy, which is made of kendo, is located under Wenjian Peak in the city.

The Dragon and Tiger Academy, famous for the way of guarding swords and spears, is located in the Chongyuan Valley in the north of the city.

In the west of the city, under the cover of a vast sea of ​​clouds, it is Qitian Academy, where the main body of formation is taught.

That cloud and mist is the signature array of its academy.

The last east of the city is the Egret Academy, which is well-known in Zhongyu.

Located on the bank of Dongting Lake.

The scenery is the most beautiful.

Bailu Academy is well-known for its piano art, melody and faerie skills of various departments. In its academy, there have been many Tianjiao disciples who have risen to fame on the road to Shengxian.

Therefore, it now ranks first among the four colleges.

It is even said that behind its Egret Academy is supported by Yue Shengcheng, one of the four holy cities, so sometimes, the City Lord’s Mansion is not even considered.

Of course, this also has something to do with Zuo's reluctance to take care of the four colleges.

Compared with the disputes between the holy cities, or between the academies, Zuo Family put more thoughts on how to resist the alien race.

Of course, the unpredictable nature of it still has to be experienced before you can know it.

Ling Tian and the others were transported from the north, so you should enter from the North City Gate.

At this time, Murong Zining suddenly said: "Let's take Xiaoqing. This guy didn't eat less in the Demon Burial Valley. It looks like this now, it's too conspicuous."

"South China City is different from Haoran City. There are so many arrogances here, and there are also many domineering generations among the four major colleges."

"Your character with high-profile love and great self-esteem, it is best to restrain yourself, otherwise, it will inevitably be troublesome."

"Here, I can't help you."

"Hehe, thank you Miss Murong for your concern. Lin Tian still said the same thing. I only want to follow my wishes. There is no high-key or low-key statement."

Ling Tian still held his hand and said lightly.

"Hmph, okay, I hope you keep going crazy, it's best not to die before you become a holy son."

"For you, my Murong family paid a lot this time."

Murong Zining said coldly.

After Ling Tian refused to join the family, Murong Zining seemed to be indifferent to Ling Tian.

The friendship that had eased in Ruzanzai before seemed to have never happened before.

However, watching the various flying fairy treasures and tyrannical mounts around him more and more, as well as the astonishing warriors who pointed to Xiaoqing.

Ling Tian also put away Xiaoqing.

Today's Xiaoqing cultivation base has reached the realm of Dixian Jiuzhong.

More tyrannical than Ling Tian.

At this time, it was sunset and the sun was a little dazzling.

The five people put on the sunglasses made by Ling Tian in the Burial Demon Valley and turned them into five streams of light. They shot straight at the north gate of Nanhua City, descended and walked into the city.

Entering the city from the north gate, the procedure is not so cumbersome.

However, the sunglasses on Ling Tian's five faces attracted the attention of many people outside the city gate.

After all, this thing is the only one in the fairy world!

Ling Tian added a lot of formations to the sunglasses this time, and he could even break through the interference of the maze, which was considered a good fairy treasure.

However, he just verified his identity with the gate guard and entered South China City.

It was troublesome, but I came to the door.

In front of the avenue, a dozen sturdy warriors suddenly stood up and stopped the five Ling Tian.

These people are all dark red armor, with dragon and tiger totems on their shoulders.

It is a student of Dragon Tiger Academy.

These people, their cultivation bases are all in the Ninth Layer of the Earth Immortal, they are more powerful than Ling Tian and others.

But why did they come, Ling Tian didn't know.

Until the strong man headed, his fingers touched the sky.

"Hand it over, so you don't have to suffer from skin and flesh!"

The corners of Yuan Meng's mouth twitched, even if he wanted to step forward.

However, it was stopped by Murong Zining, "What?"

"The mount you rode just now! I fell in love with it!"

Ling Tian frowned upon hearing this.

He was hundreds of miles away and put away Xiaoqing. Unexpectedly, he was still being watched?

Moreover, he is still a student of Dragon Tiger Academy.

This is too coincidental.

"court death!"

Yuan Meng shouted and was about to step forward.

When I first arrived in South China City, would I be bullied like this?

"Don't move, judging from their clothes, they are the last students of Dragon Tiger Academy!"

Murong Zining frowned, "Let me take care of it."

Immediately, she stepped forward, "This senior, I am a freshman in the Dragon Tiger Academy, and my friend's mount just now is not a rare monster, so don't embarrass us!"

"Hehe, you want a girl to look good, but our Dragon Tiger Academy has already enrolled students, why haven't I seen you as a freshman?"

"You guys are obviously hillbillies from outside, and you dare to fool me into waiting!?"

The strong man sneered with his arms folded.


Murong Zining's face changed, and she became cold, "My cousin is Li Mu from Dragon Tiger Academy and you, do you know him?"

"Li Mu?"

When the man heard the name, his face changed first.

Then Li Mu is indeed the Dragon Tiger Academy and his one-term academy.

But in Dragon Tiger Academy, there are also many factions.

Although Li Mu is strong, he still can't control them.

Moreover, the monster beast was the Jiuzhong Earth Immortal. They saw it from a distance, and followed it all the time. If it was taken away and dedicated to their boss, it would definitely be a great reward.

These hillbillies from outside can bully, but they still have to bully.

Anyway, in the north of the city, it is the site of their Dragon Tiger Academy.

"I don't know! Don't talk nonsense, if you don't hand it over today, don't think about leaving!"

The man's aura suddenly rose, and the nine layers of fairy light bloomed behind him.

"It seems that you really don't give me face anymore!"

Murong Zining was also angry at this time.

In Haoran City, she has always been rampant, and Na Cheng thought of this and that transformation, she could also encounter this kind of thing.

"What nonsense talk to them, fight if you want!"

Yuan Meng had a violent temper, and he couldn't bear it at this time. He immediately fisted and shot out.

"Haha, black bumps, it's impossible to find death!?"

The guy smiled and didn't have it at all.

His shoulders shook, as if there was a roar of a lion in his body, he immediately greeted him with a punch.


With both fists shaking, Yuan Meng flew upside down.

The air wave rolled, shook Na Murong Zining out.

Yuan Meng rolled and landed at Ling Tian's feet, his sunglasses all flew out, a mouthful of blood pouring from the corner of his mouth.

No way, even though Yuan Meng's Seventh Layer of Earth Immortal's cultivation base is still acceptable among the freshmen this year, compared with this veteran student, there is still a big gap.

"I can't help myself, I don't want to ask, who am I, grandpa!"

The man sneered.

At this time, the storm has caused a lot of martial artists around.

But from those speeches, you can hear that this person seems to be well-known in Longhu Academy.

So even if the strong bullied the weak, no one dared to stop it.

Ling Tian helped Yuan Meng from the ground.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, this injury is nothing. If I have the cultivation base of the Jiuzhong Dixian, it is him who vomits blood!" Yuan Meng stood up.

It's the same as a okay person.

But Ling Tian's eyes already had killing intent.

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